• instead of being knowledge-focused, e-simulators
are built around the skills (Alayyar et al., 2012)
necessary to carry out specified tasks in primary
school; the focus is on what young learners can
do at lessons rather than on what they know;
• young learners are expected to demonstrate
practice-added skills which are assessed by look-
ing at outcomes of e-simulators rather than pro-
cess (www.curriculumonline.ie, 2001);
• young learners’ performance is evaluated dur-
ing the instructional process against com-
mon learning standards (Alayyar et al., 2012;
www.curriculumonline.ie, 2001), and all forms
of assessment are standards-based and criterion-
referenced (Hughes and Daniels, 2013). After all,
teachers-to-be will be able to deliberately choose
the most effective direction in learning young
learners with e-simulators.
Use of e-simulators is an effective way of develop-
ing successful general study skills for young learners.
E-simulators feature the ability to provide real vari-
ability of tasks, uniqueness of exercises, operative as-
sessment of correctness in each task, adjustment of
task difficulty, ability to provide a shade of competi-
tiveness and game to the exercises. E-simulators can
be created by the universal software tools, such pro-
grams that are part of an integrated Microsoft Office
package or special designing environments.
The capabilities of the e-simulators are covered,
which ensure successful acquisition of knowledge, for
developing young schoolchildren’s skills. Considered
tool kits enable a teacher-to-be to design indepen-
dently author’s e-simulators that meet the needs of
a particular lesson, enable to achieve the lesson goal
with the peculiarities of the educational process at pri-
mary school.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology