demic disciplines and, in particular, psychology, pro-
vides mastery of personal self-development skills, the
ability to think, develop creatively, and design new
things (Roodt and Ryklief, 2019). The results of
the empiric study proved the expediency of using the
LearningApps service in the process of developing
the motivational component of professional training
of future specialists in the context of adaptive train-
ing. As a result of systematic work on the use of the
LearningApps.org website in the process of assimilat-
ing educational material within the framework of pro-
fessionally oriented courses, students develop their
own style of using them, constructing, which gives the
educational process a creative character, contributes
to the development of the personality of its individ-
uality and uniqueness, interiorization of the theoreti-
cal basis and practical skills, which stimulates inter-
est and internal involvement in the educational pro-
cess. Based on the results of the implementation of
the components of LearningApps in the process of
professional training in the minds of the adaptive de-
velopment, the development of the motivational com-
ponent of the professional development of the poten-
tial faults in the empirical indicators. In the process
of analyzing the middle of the respondents, a posi-
tive directness and involvement in the initial process
was revealed, the readiness and preparation of the pro-
fessional competence to obtain professionally impor-
tant competences and active learning from the virgin
problem-specific and practical training of the employ-
ees. Accordingly, the use of the LearningApps service
in the context of adaptive learning makes it possible to
overcome the intellectual passivity of students, makes
it possible to increase the efficiency of educational ac-
tivities and the positive motivational orientation of fu-
ture specialists.
The interdisciplinary research was conducted as part
of the implementation of research work carried out at
the expense of the general fund of the state budget:
“Adaptive system for individualization and personal-
ization of professional training of future specialists
in a blended learning environment” state registration
No. 0120U101970.
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Peculiarities of using LearningApps Service in the Process of Developing a Motivational Component of Professional Training of Future
Professionals in Terms of Adaptive Learning