1. Theoretical principles (concepts and laws of com-
puter science).
2. Methods of solving problems (modeling, system
analysis, system design, methods of transmis-
sion, collection, production, accumulation, stor-
age, processing, transmission and protection of in-
3. Means for achieving tasks:
• hardware (personal computer and its compo-
nents; local and global networks, modern pe-
ripheral equipment);
• software (system, applied, universal, special,
Nowadays ICTs are widely used in the educational
process and in many cases due to the use of ICT it has
become possible to create virtual universities that do
not require students to stay in the classroom, but allow
them to adjust their curriculum, study outside the city
or country. This surely provides more opportunities to
implement a lifelong learning strategy in order to en-
rich people’s knowledge, improve skills and abilities
necessary for effective adaptation to new professional
and living conditions.
The use of ICT also promotes the implementation
of interactive learning within the system “teacher –
computer – student” and helps primarily to develop
communication skills, the ability to establish emo-
tional contact. Interactivity is a key feature of ICT in
the learning process, it contributes greatly to the im-
plementation of other didactic qualities of ICT, such
as communication, adaptability, productivity and cre-
ativity (Gurevich et al., 2012).
Thus, we see that the basic didactic qualities of
ICT coincide with the basic soft skills that a person
must develop to be successful in today’s world.
In the educational process, ICT can act as a sub-
ject of study, as a learning tools, as a means of manag-
ing the educational process, and as a tool for manag-
ing research and scientific and methodological work
(Gurevich et al., 2012). Speaking about the process
of learning foreign languages and preparing for fu-
ture teaching activities in the context of developing
students’ soft skills, ICT would be considered a learn-
ing tool, a means for managing the learning process,
research and methodological work.
The pandemic of 2020 promoted the massive use
of virtual classrooms and video conferencing soft-
ware. They are often used now as a tools for or-
ganization classes while distance learning. Such
programmes and platforms as Zoom, Google Meet,
Panopto, Microsoft Teams are useful helpers for ev-
ery teacher. In the context of soft skills development
it is worth to mention that all of them contribute to
communication skills development as well as to team-
building development. Being at a distance from each
other, students have a possibility to continue commu-
nication and collaboration. Teachers can use these
tools to split students into groups (break-out rooms),
ask them to write messages in the chat (e.g. in pairs),
share a screen, video, audio or files etc. The use of
software for videoconferences facilitates future teach-
ers’ new understanding of classroom management in
terms of making digital classroom as close to a phys-
ical one as it is possible.
The ICT as a learning tool stands for various soft-
ware, platforms, Internet sources used while learning
foreign languages and obtaining competences needed
for future teachers. One of the most useful foreign
languages learning tools are social services in the In-
ternet, for example, social nets, blogs, mind maps,
imitators of 3D space, which are called Web 2.0 tech-
nology (Kazhan et al., 2020). All these tools allow
students to communicate with native speakers of for-
eign languages, representatives of different cultures
and nationalities, that is much more useful for learn-
ing and more effective than the study of this material
with the help of coursebooks. It also promotes the
development of such students’ soft skills as commu-
nication skills, collaborating, negotiations, emotional
intelligence, intercultural awareness and others.
Mind maps or virtual boards are a good tool to de-
velop critical, systemic and creative thinking as well
as communication skills and team-building. The term
‘mind map’ was proposed by Tony Buzan in 1970s
and later in 2007 the first program (MindMeister) for
creating visualized schemes was made (Ivanova et al.,
2020). At modern stage of ICT development there
is a big variety of such programmes. The most pop-
ular ones are MindMeister, Padlet, Jamboard, Miro,
Coogle, Xmind, BubblUs, MindMup, Canva. These
programmes can be used as auxiliary means for brain-
storming to share thoughts and ideas online. Brain-
storming is one of the most effective methods for crit-
ical and creative thinking development. Mind maps
can also be used for creating notes while lectures and
conferences as well as for planning that can greatly
contribute to the development of time management
For the visualization of information, graphic
recording is used. Such new techniques of process-
ing and presentation of information as scribing and
sketch-noting can became a good alternative to usual
notes in paper notebooks or presentation. To make
a video with the help of scribing or to write a lec-
ture with the help of sketch-noting one should analyse
and choose the most important facts among the vari-
ety of information proposed by a lecturer or books
Development of Future Foreign Language Teachers’ Soft Skills by Means of ICT in Ukrainian Universities