publication of methodical materials (selected by 22
respondents, 49%) and self-implementation (selected
by 19 respondents, 42%).
At the same time, self-implementation is not a
very effective way, because one teacher will not be
able to cover a geographically large enough number
of participants. Therefore, this implementation will
be local and available only to a narrow circle of partic-
ipants (especially if the teacher does not sufficiently
publish the results of their work, showing previous
survey results).
4.2 Zhytomyr Polytechnic State
The questionnaire “Skills of working with cloud ser-
vices”, developed for four groups of students of the
distance course of educators on the basis of Zhytomyr
Polytechnic State University, consisted of 13 closed
questions (3 dichotomous and 10 alternative multi-
variate) and one open, short. Some questions of the
questionnaire are duplicated with those that were in
the questionnaire for mathematics teachers of Rivne
Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Edu-
cation. As in the previous survey, the respondent in-
dicates in which city he works (educators from all re-
gions of Ukraine took part in the survey) and his ed-
ucational institution. Mandatory field to fill in – it is
necessary to indicate which subjects the respondent
reads (it was necessary to cover not only mathemat-
ics teachers, as the target group is teachers of natu-
ral sciences and mathematics). Thus, among the 824
respondents surveyed were teachers of computer sci-
ence, mathematics, Ukrainian language and literature,
English, history, biology, physics, foreign literature,
geography, chemistry.
If you analyze the questions that are present in
both questionnaires, you can trace certain patterns.
The majority of respondents (789 people) believe that
a teacher of a scientific lyceum should be engaged
in scientific activity (95.8%). If we evaluate the use
of English-language resources (services) by teachers,
we can say that 66.9% (551 respondents) do not use,
31.8% (262 respondents) use such resources and 1.3%
(11 people) use only printed English resources.
One of the main issues during the ascertaining
stage of the pedagogical experiment is to determine
the most common services among teachers that they
use in preparation for the lesson. This issue is ex-
tremely important, because for the further implemen-
tation of a cloud-based methodological system, you
need to have at least basic knowledge for the use of
cloud services and their principles of operation. As
can be seen from the results of the survey, only 548
respondents use cloud services in preparation for the
lesson (66.5%). 574 (69.7%) – still used a local ICT
tools. That is, teachers can not even assess the bene-
fits of cloud services and their use in organizing group
work of students.
The next stage of research was to assess the skills
and abilities of teachers to use individual resources
and services at different stages of research. After
all, if the teacher has sufficient skills to work with
services, he will later be able to teach this and his
students by offering them as an alternative, such as
spreadsheets. What resources are used by teachers to
search for scientific (educational and methodological)
literature are shown in Fig. 1. Among the answer op-
tions, the most common services were chosen, those
that are available to teachers. Also, the list included
open science services, as they can act as separate com-
ponents of the cloud-oriented methodological system
of training teachers of natural sciences and mathemat-
ics to work in the scientific lyceum.
As can be seen from the chart, 98.9% of respon-
dents (815 respondents) use Google search. Almost
half of the respondents (424 people, which is 51.5%)
use printed materials to find the right material. At
the same time, repositories (16.5%), journal systems
(14%) and Google Scholar (14.9%) remain almost un-
noticed. It is clear that a rather small number of teach-
ers use open science services (4.4%), as a quarter
(only 26.8%) of respondents are familiar with the con-
cept of open science. This is 221 respondents (26.8%)
out of 824.
Even fewer respondents know about the European
Open Science Cloud – 191 (out of 824 respondents),
which is 23.2%. These questions were necessary to
clarify the state of awareness of teachers with the lat-
est scientific trends. After all, the use of individual
components of the European Open Science Cloud can
be quite useful for preparing teachers to work in a
scientific lyceum. In addition, the European Open
Science Cloud contains about 220 cloud services that
teachers can successfully use in the learning process
(the main advantage is free and open access). But this
is possible only with the appropriate techniques.
Teachers of scientific lyceums must not only bring
the scientific component into the educational process,
but also be able to organize each stage of research
work of students using modern ICT tools. Appar-
ently, one of the leading services can be considered
cloud services, because they are focused on the use
of anywhere and anytime (on any device) and do not
restrict students to use only sufficiently powerful de-
vices (do not depend on the technical characteristics
of a device). Therefore, the use of teachers of a ser-
vice to organize the joint work of students was studied
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology