Analysis and Prospects of the Future Teachers Training of the Integrated
Course “Natural Sciences”
Nataliia V. Valko
1 a
and Viacheslav V. Osadchyi
2 b
Kherson State University, 27 Universytetska Str., Kherson, 73003, Ukraine
Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, 20 Hetmanska Str., Melitopol, 72300, Ukraine
STEM education, STEM learning, Educational programs, Interdisciplinary, Pre-service teachers
The analysis of four curricula of teachers training of natural sciences in higher education institutions is pre-
sented in the paper. The question of curricula developing for pre-service teachers of natural sciences and intro-
ducing integrated courses in biology, physics and chemistry studying and conducting a new specialization in
the educational branch “Secondary Education” should be studied. We analyzed the characteristics and the cur-
rent state of curricula implementation into the educational process. The analysis of the normative framework
regulated the teacher’s activity is also made. In the framework of the components of teacher’s professional
activity there is considered terms of qualification characteristics. The considered professional standards and
qualification characteristics made it possible to conclude the curricula correspond to the normative documents
and modern requirements for the professional teacher’s activity. The analysis of four curricula by sections is
carried out. It made possible to compare the list of their components and the logical sequence of courses and to
determine their common and distinctive features. The existence of the integrative component of each curricu-
lum and its conformity to the formation of the professional competences of future teachers was established.
The use of problem-oriented learning technology can form the subject competence, formulated in accordance
with the basic subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, natural science. Subject competence in science is an inte-
grative part of the course. They are based on the formation of the integrity of representations of nature, the use
of science and information on the basis of operation of the basic general laws of nature. The classification of
integrated courses is made on the basis of the nature of the relationships between disciplines and the integration
degree. The existence of integrative components in the list of the educational-professional/scientific program
and their conformity with the classification of the integration of courses is established. We also defined the dis-
ciplines of influence on the formation of integrative competences of pre-service teachers of integrated courses
of natural sciences.
Since 2010, specialized training has been introduced
in the senior grades of general educational institu-
tions, according to which students of humanitarian
classes study more than 20 individual subjects, in-
cluding low-hour natural subjects (physics 2 hours
per week, chemistry 1 hour, biology 1.5 hours,
and geography 1.5 hours). It led to the memorization
of a large amount of information that the students did
not need in the future.
In accordance with the order of the Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine, from the
2016/2017 academic year, a new specialty “Sec-
ondary education (natural sciences)” has been added
to the list of specialties “Secondary education”. It
is allowed to train applicants for higher education in
providing for the second specialty (subject specialty)
“... including those that provide the teaching of in-
tegrated courses defined by the institution of higher
education” (MON, 2016a). The educational program
states its peculiarity is “... integrative training for the
performance of functional duties of subject teachers:
biology teacher, chemistry teacher, physics teacher
and teacher of the integrated academic subject “Nat-
ural Sciences”, class teachers in secondary educa-
tional institutions, organizers circles of natural direc-
tion in institutions of additional education; formation
of readiness for self-education and professional self-
improvement throughout life”. Students got a bach-
Valko, N. and Osadchyi, V.
Analysis and Prospects of the Future Teachers Training of the Integrated Course "Natural Sciences".
DOI: 10.5220/0010933000003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 473-479
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
elor’s or master’s degree and they have possibility to
get the professional qualification/subject specialty of
a teacher of natural sciences, physics, chemistry, biol-
Since 2018, an experimental program of teaching
students in 10th – 11th grades in the integrated course
“Natural Sciences” has begun in one hundred educa-
tional institutions of Ukraine (MON, 2019; Nechy-
purenko et al., 2021). The explanatory note of the
course says that “the course is designed only for stu-
dents who do not study in natural and mathematical
profiles, and for whom natural subjects are not deci-
sive for choosing a future profession”. The authors
define the main goal of the integrated course “... the
formation of the natural science worldview of stu-
dents, providing them with general education in the
natural sciences, mastering the methods of scientific
knowledge to explain physical, chemical, geophysi-
cal, biological, ecological and other natural phenom-
ena; solutions to applied problems that are encoun-
tered in the students’ life of and their families, in so-
ciety and in the life of humanity as a whole. These
are mainly situations related to health and disease, the
natural resources use, the state of the environment, the
impact of science and technology”.
At present, the four experimental programs for
studying the course “Natural Sciences” at school have
been developed. These programs integrate topics
from the natural sciences, biology, ecology, astron-
omy, physics, chemistry, and geography into inte-
grated classes and projects. The analysis of the pro-
grams and corresponding textbooks showed that the
authors suggest the scientific worldview formation
in schoolchildren, ideas about the world’s natural-
scientific picture, the development of scientific think-
Such changes in legislation and education require
the training of new qualified personnel who are able
to conduct educational activities in accordance with
the approved study programs of the integrated course
“Natural Sciences” and have a high level of STEM
culture, to ensure the modernization of these pro-
grams throughout the teacher’s professional activity
in the context of constant development technologies
and the impact on society.
One of the sources of integrated learning can be
considered the introduction of interdisciplinary con-
nections, which began to be investigated back in the
1960-1970s as a means of educational knowledge
enhancing, the assimilation of scientific concepts,
patterns by students (Anan’ev, 1966; Esipov, 1964;
Sukhomlinskiy, 1959). Study of the general foun-
dations of didactics in the 1970-1980s, which were
engaged in (Danilov, 1974; Lerner, 1964; Skatkin
and Kraevsky, 1978) intensified the problems of the
school education content improving, the develop-
ment of cognitive activity and the independence of
schoolchildren. The innovation was the concentrism
reduction, the integrated subjects and courses in-
troduction, the allocation of intra-subject and inter-
subject connections. The integration of the main
types of children cognitive activity is widely used in
our time in various options for organizing integrated
classes at different levels of education from preschool
to higher education. The researches (Arnold, 2010;
Bannan-Ritland, 2003; Booth, 2011; Booth et al.,
2009; Bretz Jr. and Thompsett, 1992; Cambridge,
2008; Dean et al., 2020; Durrant and Hartman, 2015;
Eysenck, 1963; Ferrett et al., 2013; Froyd et al.,
2007; Galvin, 2006; Gross and Pinkwart, 2015; Gupta
and Boyd, 2011; Hinchliffe and Wong, 2010; Kutt
et al., 2019; Lowenstein, 2015; Mang et al., 2017;
McLoughlin and Thoms, 2015; Park, 2019; Shetty
et al., 2001; Walshe et al., 2013; Woodside, 2018) are
discussed the issues.
Analyzing scientific and methodological publica-
tions, we can conclude the main research areas are
related to the development of the individual courses
and the integration of the content of various aca-
demic subjects. The following issues are also con-
sidered: compliance with state standards, an activ-
ity approach and project-based training in integrated
courses, course content development, competence-
based approach. However, the question of the edu-
cational programs formation for the future teachers
training, teaching the integrated course “Natural Sci-
ences” is not fully covered.
The aim of the study is to analyze the educational
programs of the specialty “Secondary education (nat-
ural sciences)” for preparing teachers for conducting
integrated courses at universities.
The gradual introduction of STEM education, accord-
ing to (IMZO, 2021), requires the creation of practice-
oriented teaching methods, curricula within the dis-
ciplines of training courses. Such methods and pro-
grams at the bachelor’s and master’s level are al-
ready being introduced in some higher education in-
stitutions (Valko et al., 2020; Morze et al., 2018; Se-
merikov et al., 2021). In 2019, nine higher educa-
tional institutions are training future teachers of inte-
grated disciplines according to curricula “Secondary
education (natural sciences)”. Such curricula are de-
veloped by teams of authors specializing in various
scientific fields. For example, at developing of a
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
specialty program “Secondary education (natural sci-
ences)” at the Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National
Pedagogical University (TNPU), a team from the de-
partments of general biology and methods of teach-
ing natural disciplines, chemistry and teaching meth-
ods, physics and methods of teaching it, geography
and teaching methods worked. At Mukachevo State
University (MSU), representatives of the departments
of mechanical engineering, natural sciences and in-
formation technology, theory and methods of pri-
mary education, tourism and recreation took part in
the creation of the program. A team of special-
ists from the departments of technological and vo-
cational education and general technical disciplines,
social work, social pedagogy and culture, general
pedagogy, preschool, primary and special education
worked on the creation of the program at the Iz-
mail State Humanitarian University (ISHU). At the
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical Uni-
versity (PNPU), the program was created by the de-
partments of botany, ecology and teaching methods
of biology, chemistry and teaching methods of chem-
istry, geography and teaching methods, general physi-
cist and mathematics.
In accordance with the requirements of the
“Guidelines for the description of the educational pro-
gram in the context of new standards of higher edu-
cation” (MON, 2016b), educational programs have a
certain structure. It makes possible to compare them
and identify common and distinctive features.
Each of the programs provides the formation of in-
tegrative competencies, which provide an understand-
ing of the knowledge of the future teacher and his
capabilities after successful completion of training.
Comparison of these competencies with the require-
ments for a teacher, according to the above regulatory
documents, showed that they fully comply with the
established educational standards (Kramarenko and
Nochvinova, 2019). The educational program and
curricula determine the nature of the relationship be-
tween disciplines and the integration degree. There
are the following types of integrative courses (Meeth,
1. Integration based on one discipline focusing
on each discipline provides students with special-
ized skills and concepts in the field. Specialized
training provides teachers and students with an in-
depth knowledge of the field. At the same time,
such a study can lead to information fragmenta-
tion and does not reflect the completeness of sci-
entific research. There is a lack of knowledge
about the relationship between different subjects.
This type is possible for theoretical courses, as a
basis for further study of scientific concepts and
the formation of an understanding of the direc-
tions of scientific research in certain industries.
2. Study of parallel courses / modules in this case,
the content of each subject does not change. Thus,
the effect is achieved when students can indepen-
dently or with the help of a teacher to establish
connections between individual phenomena. The
only drawback is that students do not see the col-
laboration between teachers. In addition, such
work requires sufficient planning time.
3. Additional courses or disciplines the compari-
son of several disciplines focused on one problem,
without a direct attempt at integration.
4. Integrated courses / modules are short-term
project activities. Selected activities built on the
interaction between different subjects. Efforts are
aimed at solving socially important issues.
5. Integrated days long-term projects, primarily on
topics and problems arising from their own expe-
6. Complete program fully integrated programs in
which the daily learning of students is linked to
their lives. An example is the summer science
The curricula provides theoretical and practical
training aimed at mastering the basics of fundamen-
tal knowledge in basic (compulsory) disciplines and
optional disciplines, during which general and pro-
fessional competencies are formed. The analysis of
the curricula made it possible to classify some of the
disciplines as those that provide subject competencies
in the following areas (Valko, 2019):
scientific (S) disciplines form the scientific pic-
ture of the world, provide the ability to identify,
analyze scientific models, apply theories. Basic
disciplines such as chemistry, biology, basic sci-
entific research, and the like were included in this
technological (T) – disciplines form the ability to
use modern technologies in professional activi-
ties and have an idea of their development trends.
This category includes disciplines such as pro-
gramming, information technology, etc.;
engineering (E) disciplines form competencies
in the design and modeling of objects using mod-
ern technologies. This category included such dis-
ciplines as the demonstration experiment, the ba-
sics of electronics;
mathematical (M) basic disciplines introduce
mathematical models and methods for describing
objects and processes. Disciplines in this area, for
Analysis and Prospects of the Future Teachers Training of the Integrated Course "Natural Sciences"
example, mathematical analysis, higher algebra,
probability theory.
The ratio of the number of credits between the di-
rections is shown in figure 1. As you can see, the ra-
tio between the different directions is different, which
indicates a difference in educational approaches and
scientific profiles of universities.
Since the disciplines of technological, engineer-
ing and mathematical blocks for specialization are
not basic, then in educational programs the basis is
formed by the disciplines of biology, chemistry, ge-
ography and physics (figure 1). Within the framework
of these disciplines, conducting integrated classes of
the first and second types. Conducting other types
of classes requires significant preparation and deliv-
ery resources. Therefore, their use is possible during
periods of educational and pedagogical practice or in
disciplines of free choice.
In the curricula of specialties among the disci-
plines of free choice, there are courses that allow cre-
ating an integrated short-term project activity. As can
be seen from the presented diagram (figure 1), inte-
grative courses comprise more than twenty academic
credits in the block of disciplines (S). Here is a list of
such courses:
Natural-scientific picture of the world
Concepts of modern natural science
Simulation of “smart” IoT devices
STEM education of science teacher
Trends in energy and resource conservation in the
modern world
Modern information technologies and technical
teaching aids
Modeling and forecasting the state of the environ-
Computer modelling
Electrical engineering
Fundamentals of engineering and technology
Material and technical support of natural sciences
Statistical methods in natural sciences
Information technology and technical training
These disciplines integrate the knowledge of
mathematics and science training. The modern tech-
nologies use allows modernizing the approaches to
teaching basic disciplines and disciplines of a profes-
sional direction. Most of these disciplines belong to
the selective block; students are given the opportu-
nity to choose an area of research that is interesting
for them. The presence of such disciplines as Com-
puter Modeling, the Internet of Things ensures the
construction of the educational process in accordance
with the criteria of integration and innovation, since
these courses should be at their core. Each of these
disciplines is responsible for the process of research,
innovation and social development of future profes-
sionals, in particular, future science teachers.
On the basis of the conducted researches we made
the SWOT-analysis of prospects of preparation of fu-
ture teachers of the integrated course “Natural sci-
ences” (figure 2).
Increasing attention to the future teachers training
to teach integrated courses solves several tasks:
ensuring the quality of natural sciences and math-
ematics teaching;
be aware of innovations and independently build
the teaching of the subject using modern techno-
logical and engineering knowledge with the help
of modern technological means;
creating conditions for the development of sec-
ondary education students’ interest in the study of
natural and mathematical sciences, technologies;
involvement of young people in the study of exact
sciences and achievements in STEM direction;
organization of schoolchildren for research and
management using innovative technologies;
preparation of the person for the decision of
global questions with application of technologi-
cal decisions in the course of training and being
based on innovations in the field of technologies;
opportunities to identify trends in the moderniza-
tion of world technologies and their impact on ed-
ucational activities;
dissemination of innovations and knowledge
about them in the professional circle and use in
everyday life.
To ensure their successful implementation, teach-
ers of natural sciences and mathematics are needed,
who themselves would be the bearers of the ideol-
ogy of these changes, as well as have the necessary
competencies in STEM education. Therefore, in ac-
cordance with the new educational requirements, the
professional training system of natural sciences and
mathematics future teachers should change, in par-
ticular in terms of their preparation for the use of
STEM technologies in future professional activities.
A comprehensive solution to these challenges is pos-
sible only with a systematic approach to the introduc-
tion of STEM technologies in the educational activi-
ties of future teachers.
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 1: Percentage of subjects of specialization “Natural Sciences” in educational programs.
Figure 2: SWOT-analysis of STEM education implementation.
The curricula analysis of specialties of the course Nat-
ural Sciences allowed to establish that in educational
programs of these specialties integrativity is provided
both in the form of separate disciplines, and in a
course of disciplines of a methodical cycle. Educa-
tional programs partially take into account the scien-
tific and technical level of development of the modern
world, creating disciplines of innovative content, such
as “STEM teacher education” etc. The SWOT anal-
ysis helped to establish that in order to ensure qual-
ity future teachers training of integrated courses, it is
necessary to focus on creating sufficient resources and
infrastructure of the educational institution; ensuring
equal access and involvement in integrated learning;
training of teachers who will teach integrated courses.
The study will further build the curriculum of inte-
grated disciplines with a balanced presentation of ma-
terials and taking into account the innovative content.
Analysis and Prospects of the Future Teachers Training of the Integrated Course "Natural Sciences"
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Analysis and Prospects of the Future Teachers Training of the Integrated Course "Natural Sciences"