braries installed. The virtual environment with the
libraries was installed on the EC2 server. An ad-
ditional layer was formed from this environment.
Also, AWS Lambda may contain additional freely
distributable layers. They can also be included in
future applications.
4. The electronic table of available resources in the
YAML format was formed using CloudFormation
tool. The YAML script creates a separate role for
working with the future application.
4.1. Using the role, a Lambda-function was cre-
ated, its codes were downloaded from the zip
file created on the previous step in S3.
4.2. Using this role a Gateway API was created
allowing to call the Lambda-function from a
5. Debugging was fulfilled.
Using this sequence of steps the hybrid environ-
ment with lambda-function was created and tested.
Using the proposed architecture the problem of sound
signal processing was solved.
Pedagogically balanced and expedient introduction of
cloud technologies in the educational and research
process of higher education institutions, formation
and development of the learning and research envi-
ronment on this basis are factors of expanding ac-
cess to electronic educational resources, increasing
the effectiveness of ICT infrastructure. The use of
serverless technologies to provide cloud services of
data processing, visualization and retrieve is a rele-
vant and promising area of development and modern-
ization of the university open learning and research
This experience can be used for the development
of new cloud-based components for educational and
scientific purposes based on the proposed architecture
of the hybrid cloud-based environment with Lambda-
This approach still needs further implementation
and evaluation.
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The Use of Serverless Technologies to Support Data Processing within the Open Learning and Research Systems