Model of the Competences in Educational Robotics
Nataliia V. Morze
1 a
and Oksana V. Strutynska
2 b
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pyrohova Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine
Educational Robotics, STEAM Education, Competences, Competences in Educational Robotics, Computer
Science Teachers.
The current state of development of robotics as an applied industry shows its intensive development. As a
result, there is a growing demand for robotics specialists because of an urgent need for specialists to develop,
design and program robots. This contributes to the popularity of robotics as an educational trend in Ukraine
and around the world. The introduction of educational robotics as a part of STEAM education is a pow-
erful step for development of students’ soft skills, training for the implementation of real socially significant
projects, formation of practical value of theoretical knowledge, scientific world outlook and successful life in a
digital society as a whole. Taking into account the trends in the development of robotics as an applied industry
and educational trend, there is a need in training pre-service teachers to make them able to teach children edu-
cational robotics. In this regard, there is the issue of determining the structure of competences in educational
robotics for teachers and ways of their development. The research proves that pre-service computer science
teachers are the readiest to teach educational robotics in secondary schools. The article is devoted to the issues
of developing a model of competences in educational robotics for teachers, as well as their formation in pre-
service computer science teachers. The effectiveness of the model of competences in educational robotics is
confirmed within the process of teaching disciplines of educational robotics for pre-service computer science
The current stage of science-and-technology develop-
ment is characterized by the growing popularity of
robotics and increasing the use of robots. Analysis
of global trends in the robotics industry shows (Stru-
tynska, 2019a):
Growth in the production of industrial, service
and domestic robots. According to International
Federation of Robotics (IFR), stock of industrial
robots increased by 12% (about 2.7 million units)
in 2019. Sales of service and domestic robots in-
creased by 34% in 2019 and by 15% in 2020 (IFR
International Federation of Robotics, 2020);
Accelerated growth of industrial robot production
in the period from 2019 to 2021 (according to IFR
estimates, the rate will accelerate to 14% on aver-
age per year);
Introduction of robotic mechanisms and complex
automation of production in many areas of social
activity (industry, military, space, automotive, avi-
ation, medicine, services, domestic life, etc.);
Development of so-called Smart Factories as one
of the components of the Industry 4.0 concept,
the main idea of which is the development and in-
tegration of automated production, data exchange
and production technologies into a single self-
regulating system with minimal or no human in-
tervention in the production process. Smart Fac-
tory is a factory where the equipment is automated
and controlled by a computer. The equipment can
receive feedback on the state of the object in phys-
ical space using sensors;
Acceleration of production automation (accord-
ing to research by the World Economic Forum
(WEF), the ratio in the division of labor “human-
robot” will be significantly changed (by 2025) to-
wards robotics – up to 52%;
Increasing the interest of the world’s largest com-
panies in robotic startups. In particular, in early
2014, Google has acquired eight companies en-
Morze, N. and Strutynska, O.
Model of the Competences in Educational Robotics.
DOI: 10.5220/0010933300003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 495-505
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
gaged in intelligent robotics;
Growing demand for specialists in the robotics in-
dustry in general, as there is already an urgent
need for specialists to develop, design and pro-
gram robots.
As of today, industrial robots and integrated au-
tomation of production are in demand in many areas
of social activity (Morze et al., 2018b):
Industry (robots for painting, welding robots,
robots for cutting metal, etc.);
Agriculture (agricultural robots for harvesting and
picking, weed control);
Military industry (military robots, intelligence
Medicine (microscopic robots for use in micro-
surgery, robots-couriers in hospitals);
Aircraft (unpiloted robots-airplanes);
Space industry (self-propelled vehicles based on
robotic systems);
Service sector (robots for help people with special
Domestic life (robots-vacuum cleaners).
Especially robotics play important role for agri-
cultural needs. It is quickly becoming an exciting
high-tech industry, drawing new professionals, new
companies and new investors. The technology is de-
veloping rapidly, not only advancing the production
capabilities of farmers but also advancing robotics
and automation technology. Robots pick apples,
gather strawberries, harvest lettuce and strip away
weeds. Drones gather aerial images that help farmers
quickly assess crop health. And robotic greenhouses
are sprouting up thousands of miles away from tra-
ditional farmland regions, growing vegetables in the
backyards of high-consumption urban markets. It all
comes at a time when growers face a costly, long-term
labor shortage and with the global population ex-
pected to rise from 7.7 billion to 9.7 billion in just
over 30 years — food demand is poised to rise signif-
icantly (Gossett, 2021).
Robots change the way we live and work. This
also means that there is already an urgent need for
specialists to design, construct and program robots.
Thus, the above shows the rapid development of
robotics, which in turn causes the need in appropriate
training of qualified professionals for this field. This
contributes to the popularity of robotics as an educa-
tional trend in Ukraine and in the world.
Paper goals are: to characterize educational
robotics as a trend of STEAM education; to develop
a model of competences in educational robotics for
teachers; to identify ways to develop competences in
educational robotics for pre-service computer science
STEM education is becoming one of the most impor-
tant educational trends among educators in Ukraine
(Midak et al., 2021; Morze et al., 2018a, 2019; Se-
merikov et al., 2021; Strutynska and Umryk, 2019;
Valko and Osadchyi, 2021).
STEM education (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics) is a trend in educa-
tion, under the conditions of which the science
component (with the use of innovative technologies)
is strengthened in the curricula.
The importance of involving young people in
STEM training is also shown by a research conducted
in the EU in 2018 at the initiative of the World Eco-
nomic Forum under the Digital Transformation Ini-
tiative. The research identifies seven key technologies
that are projected to have the greatest impact on indus-
trial transformation in the near future (Digital Trans-
formation Initiative In collaboration with Accenture,
2018) (figure 1):
Artificial Intelligence;
Autonomous Vehicles;
Big Data Analytics and Cloud;
Custom Manufacturing and 3D Printing;
IoT – Internet of Things / Connected Devices;
Robots and Drones;
Social Media and Platforms.
All these technologies are related to digital com-
petence, technical competence and STEM. It should
also be noted that 3 of the 7 above technologies are
directly related to robotics, namely: Autonomous Ve-
hicles, Internet of Things and Connected Devices,
Robots and Drones (figure 1).
This indicates that the demand for specialists in
STEM professions will continue to grow, including
workers in the robotics industry. To implement this, a
high-quality STEM subject training is needed (math-
ematics, physics, technology, engineering, program-
ming, etc.).
However, in many parts of Europe, employers
have difficulty recruiting people with the right level of
STEM skills, especially IT professionals. In addition,
the latest PISA (Program for International Student
Assessment) data show that one in five 15-year-olds in
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 1: Technologies that transform the industry in the near future (Digital Transformation Initiative In collaboration with
Accenture, 2018).
Europe is functionally illiterate in reading, math and
science (Strutynska and Umryk, 2019).
One of the possible ways to involve young peo-
ple in STEM subjects is to add to the exact sci-
ences the so-called component of Art. Therefore, re-
cently STEM education includes disciplines related
to creativity and art, united by the general term Arts
(STEAM – STEM and Arts).
According to Edel (Edel, 2017), an attempt to
intensify education only in the direction of science
without the parallel development of Arts-disciplines
may lead to the fact that the younger generation
will lose the skills of creativity. For example, Mas-
sachusetts has passed legislation that takes into ac-
count not only the level of students’ performance of
standardized tests, but also the extent to which each
school’s curriculum enhances student creativity, the
so-called “creativity index”.
Robotics is one of the promising areas of mod-
ern STEAM education (Morze et al., 2018c; Osad-
chyi et al., 2021). Educational process with robotics
provides students with the opportunity to solve real
life problems that require knowledge of STEAM dis-
ciplines, in particular (Morze et al., 2018b):
mathematics (spatial concepts, geometry for un-
derstanding the methods of robot movement);
physics (electronics, principles of sensors opera-
tion that constitutes the basis of robots);
technology and design (design of devices, parts of
robots, their design);
ICT (programming of robotics systems).
Nowadays, increased attention is paid to robotics
as to applied science, including its educational and
developmental potential. This has created a new trend
in education: educational robotics.
Educational robotics is a crossdisciplinary area of
students’ learning. Its process integrates the knowl-
edge of STEM subjects (physics, technology, math-
ematics), cybernetics, mechatronics, and informat-
ics. Teaching educational robotics corresponds to the
ideas of advanced training (learning the technologies
that will be needed in the future) and allows students
of all ages to be involved in the process of innovation,
or scientific and technical creativity (Morze et al.,
In Ukraine, the development of educational
robotics within the educational process occurs at the
concept level, in the teaching of computer science and
ICT, in extracurricular education, but for this time
there is no systematic approach. Therefore, the is-
sues of importance are the introduction of robotics in
the educational process of secondary and higher edu-
cation as one of the areas of STEAM education, de-
velopment of appropriate curricula for students, train-
ing of pre-service teachers who will teach educational
robotics, development of relevant competences in ed-
ucational robotics (Strutynska, 2019a; Morze et al.,
3.1 Components of the Competences in
Educational Robotics
Preparing of today’s youth to the design, program-
ming and use of robots and robotic systems is associ-
ated with the requirements of today, namely the emer-
gence of new professions in the field of robotics and,
consequently, the need for appropriate specialists:
operator of multifunctional robotic systems;
Model of the Competences in Educational Robotics
robot designer (in particular designers of indus-
trial and children’s robotics, medical and home
designer of neuro-interfaces for robot manage-
designer of “smart” houses;
unmanned aerial interface designer;
service engineer in robotics;
robotics programmer;
medical robot operator;
drone operator;
drone engineer;
teacher of robotics;
builder of “smart” roads, etc.
Taking into account that robotics already plays an
important role in various areas of social activity and
that its role will increase in the future, it is necessary
to prepare the current generation of students for this.
This needs updating the content of school and uni-
versity education in accordance with today’s require-
ments. Therefore, today the issues of introduction of
robotics in the educational process of higher educa-
tion institutions (as a mandatory component of train-
ing pre-service teachers) are of particular importance.
The same opinion is shared by Anisimova et al.
(Anisimova et al., 2020): “. . . the key discipline in
the content of training teachers for STEAM educa-
tion should be “Educational Robotics”. Kushnir et al.
(Kushnir et al., 2020) note that “. . . introducing the
Educational Robotics course for future teachers is an
important part of their professional training”.
Thus, the development of pre-service teachers’
competences in educational robotics is a topical issue
of today.
Competence approach plays a special role in
higher education while the training of qualified spe-
cialists. Its use makes it possible to update the con-
tent of education and ensure that education meets the
needs of modern economy and civilization.
Below are the most important studies devoted to
the question of determining the components of com-
petencies in robotics, including education, their struc-
tures and models.
Eguchi (Eguchi, 2014) notes that the teaching
of educational robotics contributes to the formation
of pupils and students of the so-called 21 Century
Skill (21 Century Skill Framework (Battelle for Kids,
2019)), which include:
Core Subjects (English, World languages, Arts,
Mathematics, Economics, Science, Geography,
21st Century Themes (global awareness; finan-
cial, economic, business and entrepreneurial lit-
eracy; civic literacy; health literacy);
Learning and Innovation Skills (creativity and
innovation skills, critical thinking and problem
solving, communication and collaboration skills);
Information, Media and Technology Skills (infor-
mation literacy, media literacy, ICT);
Life and Career Skills (flexibility and adaptabil-
ity, initiative and self-direction, social and cross-
cultural skills, productivity and accountability,
leadership and responsibility).
Goloborodko (Goloborodko, 2012) considers
robotics as a resource for the formation of key com-
petencies, namely information, communication, edu-
cational and cognitive and competence in the field of
health. Kushnir et al. (Kushnir et al., 2020) also note
that “robotics helps build core competencies. This af-
fects the formation of a scientific worldview and the
corresponding system of thinking”.
Morze et al. (Morze et al., 2018c) indicate that
robotics classes affect the development of students’
mathematical, scientific and technical competences,
computer science competences, as well as social com-
Buzhinskaya et al. (Buzhinskaya et al., 2017)
define a set of competences needed for the success-
ful application of robotics in the future professional
activity of students. The most important of them
(in the researchers’ opinion) are development of pro-
grams for robotics management, mastery of methods
of testing and debugging programs for robotics man-
agement, methods of assessing the quality of robotics
management programs, etc.
In 2014–2015, a research project “Remake Learn-
ing Competencies” involve more than 100 experts in
various subjects, teachers of formal and non-formal
learning and program managers (Remake Learning
Competencies, 2015). In the course of the research,
seven working groups were created to develop dif-
ferent competency structures, as well as to identify
cross-cutting competencies (Cross-Cutting Compe-
As part of the “Remake Learning Competencies”
project, a group of researchers proposed seven com-
petency structures: Career Readiness, Coding &
Gaming, Design & Making, Media Making, Robotics,
STEAM and Early Childhood Education. Each of the
developed structures consists of knowledge, skills and
The structure of competences in the field of
robotics (proposed by the project) includes (Remake
Learning Competencies, 2015):
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
knowledge in Robotics (Circuits, Design Process,
Materials & Their Characteristics, Programming
Languages, Systems Thinking);
skills in Robotics (Circuit Board Construction,
Communication, Designing for Human-Robot In-
teraction, Engineering, Ethics, Fabricating, Pro-
dispositions in Robotics (Collaboration).
Analysis of researches devoted to the definition
and formation of competences in educational robotics
shows that today there are no common approaches
to developing a model of competences in educational
robotics, in particular for teachers. Thus, the solution
to this issue is relevant and open to research.
Analyzing the components of the above structures
and models of competences in educational robotics,
it should be noted that they include components of
STEAM competences. Their inclusion in the structure
of competences in educational robotics is logical, be-
cause educational robotics is a trend which integrates
knowledge of many disciplines, including computer
science, environmental science, mathematics, tech-
nology and others.
One of the characteristic features of educational
robotics is learning through project activities. While
working on robotic projects, students perform re-
search according to the task. Thus, taking into ac-
count also the fact that research activity is a charac-
teristic feature of STEAM subjects, research compe-
tence will be one of the components of competences
in educational robotics.
An important component of educational robotics
training is programming, which is one of the main
stages of a robotics project. In addition, the design
stage of a robotic system is impossible without mod-
eling of its components, which are often performed
with the use of special software. These components
belong to the digital competence.
The formation of components of digital compe-
tence in the process of learning robotics is also men-
tioned in (Sedina and Soboleva, 2018). Buzhinskaya
and Grebneva (Buzhinskaya and Grebneva, 2018) de-
scribe the development of ICT competence of pre-
service computer science teachers in the process of
teaching robotics. Thus, the individual components
of digital competence will be part of the competences
in educational robotics.
Competences in educational robotics, in addition
to knowledge, skills and abilities, include activity and
/ or value-motivational components, which include
critical and creative thinking, the ability to work in
a team, solving complex problems, etc. A significant
number of these components are characteristics and
personal traits that belong to soft skills. Thus, soft
skills (Varava et al., 2021) are also parts of the com-
petences in educational robotics.
Thus, based on the analysis of the above groups of
competences, the authors identified the components
of competences in educational robotics, which in-
integral STEAM competence (in the field of
research competence;
digital competence;
soft skills.
3.2 Model of the Competences in
Educational Robotics for Teachers
For successful teaching of educational robotics, it
is necessary to develop appropriate competences in
teachers who will be able to professionally and cre-
atively prepare students for future professions related
to the robotics industry. Thus, it is necessary to add a
professional-and-pedagogical component (to the con-
sidered components of educational robotics), which
will include knowledge of the laws, principles, meth-
ods of teaching-and-learning of educational robotics
and the relevant skills and abilities. Such a compo-
nent is methodological competence (M
a, 2011).
Thus, based on the analysis of the components and
taking into account the above considerations, the au-
thors developed a model of competencies in educa-
tional robotics for teachers (figure 2).
Robotics is an effective means of engineering educa-
tion for schoolchildren around the world. Therefore,
the task of pedagogical universities is to train teach-
ers to work with students in accordance with current
trends, standards and requirements of today, includ-
ing pre-service teachers who will teach educational
robotics. In this regard, the following issues are be-
coming of high importance. Among these issues are:
training students of pedagogical universities who will
be able to teach children educational robotics, and,
accordingly, the introduction of robotics in the ed-
ucational process of higher education institutions as
Model of the Competences in Educational Robotics
Figure 2: Model of competences in educational robotics for teachers.
part of the training of pre-service teachers (Strutyn-
ska, 2019b).
Summarizing the experience of practicing educa-
tors who teach educational robotics and research the
preparation of pre-service teachers for its teaching,
our previous research and experience, the authors be-
lieves that in the absence of a separate educational
standard in Ukraine “Robotics”, pre-service Com-
puter Science teachers are the most ready to teach
educational robotics in secondary schools.
Strutynska (Strutynska, 2019b) substantiates in
detail the feasibility of training pre-service teachers
of computer science to teach educational robotics.
Similar considerations are also shared by other re-
searchers. For example, Vegner (Vegner, 2013) be-
lieves that the most appropriate discipline for the
training of specialists in the field of robotics is com-
puter science. In his opinion, it is necessary to start
training the future robotics engineer from the school
time. However, this problem is rather difficult to solve
within the traditional set of physical and mathemati-
cal disciplines.
Buzhinskaya and Grebneva (Buzhinskaya and
Grebneva, 2018) note that computer science is a lead-
ing discipline for teaching educational robotics. It
should be taught by computer science teachers, re-
spectively, as part of the school computer science
Zhaldak et al. (Zhaldak et al., 2020a,b) developed
the educational and professional training programs
for bachelors and masters in the specialty 014.09
“Secondary education (Computer Science)” with a se-
lective module of disciplines “Educational robotics”
at the Faculty of Informatics of the National Pedagog-
ical Dragomanov University. This is just to train pre-
service computer science teachers, who will teach ed-
ucational robotics. In the absence of a separate educa-
tional field “Robotics” according to the state standard
of education, pre-service computer science teachers,
who have chosen a selective unit of disciplines “Edu-
cational Robotics”, receive an additional qualification
“head of the robotics club”.
Students of computer science specialties of ped-
agogical university study disciplines of the selective
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
module “Educational Robotics”. These disciplines
combine theoretical, applied and practical aspects of
STEAM education. The main content lines of educa-
tional robotics are:
Basics of robotics
Introduction to educational robotics
Programming of robotic systems
Physical basics of robotics
Mathematical basics of robotics
Methods of teaching educational robotics
The experiment, which was conducted three aca-
demic years (2017–2020), involved 106 students who
studied in the specialty 014.09 “Secondary education
(Computer Science)”. During each subsequent aca-
demic year, changes were made to the structure and
content of training disciplines in educational robotics
(ER): 2017–2018 – 28 students (educational robotics
training took place according to the content of mod-
ules of other disciplines 16 students of the Bache-
lor program and 12 students of the Master program);
2018–2019 32 students (the training took place
both in terms of modules of other disciplines (18 stu-
dents of the Bachelor program) and in terms of the
content of the selective block of disciplines “Edu-
cational Robotics” (14 students of the Master pro-
gram)); 2019–2020 46 students (the educational
robotics training took place within the framework
of majors courses (23 students of the Bachelor pro-
gram) and according to the content of the selective
block of disciplines “Educational Robotics” (23 stu-
dents of the Master program)). This selection of ex-
perimental groups was due to: a small number of
students in groups who were trained in the relevant
field of study; homogeneity of the conditions of the
experiment (availability of hardware for educational
robotics, the same number of hours for training rele-
vant courses, and the same type of software and me-
thodical support); and the dynamics of development
of relevant technologies in the robotics industry.
Diagnostics of the levels of building of ER com-
petences of pre-service teachers of computer science
for each group was carried out in two stages: by as-
sessing the levels of building of certain competence
components at the beginning and after the formative
stage of the experiment.
At the final stage of the experiment, there was
a self-assessment of ER competences developed in
the participants of the experiment. Besides that,
the expert assessment of robotics projects (including
STEAM and online projects) has been performed. It
was done also with the participation of lecturers, prac-
ticing teachers, and leaders of educational robotics
clubs (as experts). In some cases, mutual evaluation
took place. Examination and evaluation of projects
were carried out on the basis of the criteria developed
by the authors of the study for assessing the final tasks
and projects, as well as criteria for assessing the levels
of competence components building.
The results of the experiment showed that the
quality of training and the level of the building ER
competence components of pre-service teachers of
computer science increased owing to the proposed
method (table 1).
2 Thus, according to the results of the experiment,
there is an upward trend in development of ER com-
petences of pre-service teachers of computer science,
which confirms the effectiveness of teaching students
according to the developed individual components of
the methodical system. In particular, the number of
students with basic, sufficient and high level of gen-
eral ER competences has increased: with basic in-
creased by 7.36% (8 students); with sufficient by
14.34% (15 students); with high by 8.87% (9 stu-
dents). At the same time, the number of students with
a low level of these competences building decreased
by 30.57% (32 students).
The experience of teaching students in the disci-
plines of the selective unit “Educational Robotics”
showed the following. The training not only pro-
vides students with relevant knowledge of educational
robotics (introduction to robotics, basic robotics mod-
els, design and construction programming of robotic
platforms, environments for programming of robotic
platforms, organization of tests of ready designs of
robots (testing of robots, etc.), but also promotes for-
mation in them of corresponding professional compe-
tences in educational robotics.
Besides, students have improved such key compe-
tencies as follows while studying:
Ability to learn (fast learning);
Civic competence;
Social competence;
Environmental literacy;
Areas of formation of competences in educational
robotics for pre-service computer science teachers
1) formal training (relevant disciplines in educa-
tional robotics, provided by the educational pro-
2) practical component of training (project activity
of students);
3) non-formal learning (attending master classes by
practicing teachers, robotics leaders, mentors and
Model of the Competences in Educational Robotics
Table 1: Students’ percentage who have reached the stated levels of building of the relevant ER competence components.
ER competence components Experiment stage
Competences’ levels
low basic sufficient high
Integral STEAM competence at the beginning 22.64% 64.15% 11.32% 1.89%
Integral STEAM competence at the end 8.49% 43.40% 34.91% 13.21%
Research competence at the beginning 73.58% 23.58% 2.83% 0.00%
Research competence at the end 35.85% 50.94% 10.38% 2.83%
Digital competence at the beginning 28.30% 48.11% 21.70% 1.89%
Digital competence at the end 9.43% 38.68% 33.96% 17.92%
Methodical competence at the beginning 86.79% 11.32% 1.89% 0.00%
Methodical competence at the end 16.04% 60.38% 16.04% 7.55%
Soft skills at the beginning 31.13% 45.28% 15.09% 8.49%
Soft skills at the end 19.81% 35.85% 29.25% 15.09%
General ER competences at the beginning 48.49% 38.49% 10.57% 2.45%
General ER competences at the end 17.92% 45.85% 24.91% 11.32%
trainers, attending seminars, festivals, robotics
competitions, self-education using MOOC, the-
matic groups and social media channels, etc.).
The introduction of educational robotics as a part of
STEAM education is a powerful step for development
of students’ soft skills, training for the implemen-
tation of real socially significant projects, formation
of practical value of theoretical knowledge, scientific
world outlook and successful life in a digital society
as a whole.
Based on the analysis of the world trends in the
robotics industry and development of robotics as an
educational trend, systematic analysis of scientific,
methodological and the Internet sources regarding the
research problem, generalization of these data, own
experience and previous research (2015–2020), the
conclusions are drawn about:
growing demand for robotics specialists;
increasing the popularity of robotics as an educa-
tional trend in Ukraine and around the world;
urgency of training teachers to make them able to
train future professionals in the field of robotics;
relevance of the introduction of educational
robotics in the educational process of higher ed-
ucation institutions as part of the training of pre-
service teachers;
importance of developing of the competences in
educational robotics for teachers;
effectiveness of the developed model of the Com-
petences in educational robotics for teachers.
The practical experience of training pre-service
teachers (who will teach of educational robotics)
shows that pre-service computer science teachers are
the readiest to teach educational robotics in secondary
education. The research confirms the effectiveness
of training pre-service computer science teachers for
teaching educational robotics in secondary educa-
tion institutions developed by educational and profes-
sional programs of the specialty 014.09 “Secondary
education (Computer Science)” with a selective mod-
ule of disciplines “Educational robotics”.
Further research of the author will be aimed
at identifying ways to develop educational robotics
competences under the conditions of blended and dis-
tance learning.
Anisimova, T. I., Sabirova, F. M., and Shatunova,
O. V. (2020). Formation of Design and Re-
search Competencies in Future Teachers in the
Framework of STEAM Education. International
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Battelle for Kids (2019). Frameworks & resources.
Buzhinskaya, N. V. and Grebneva, D. M. (2018). De-
velopment of prospective IT teachers’ ICT compe-
tence while studying robotics. Samara Journal of
Science, 7(2):229–233.
Buzhinskaya, N. V., Grebneva, D. M., and B., M. I. (2017).
Designing an electronic training course in robotics for
students of the specialty 09.02.05 ’Applied Informat-
ics (in Economics)’. Sovremennyie problemyi nauki i
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
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Model of the Competences in Educational Robotics
Table 2: Description of the components of competences in educational robotics (ER) for teachers.
ER competence ER com-
Knowledge Abilities and skills Personal traits, ways
of thinking
Integral STEAM
(in the field of
basic knowledge of fun-
damental mathematics
sections; mathematical
tools in the relevant field
of knowledge
ability to use mathemat-
ical methods in the pro-
cess of ER problem solv-
algorithmic thinking,
systematic thinking
Integral STEAM
(in the field of
knowledge of microelec-
tronics; understanding
the principles of oper-
ation of simple mecha-
nisms and mechanical
ability to work safely
with electronic circuits,
microcontrollers and
robotic platforms in
accordance with the
responsible atti-
tude to technology,
understanding and
compliance with
safety measures when
working with robotic
Integral STEAM
(in the field of
and tech-
knowledge of the stages
of the engineering design
process at the level suffi-
cient for the implementa-
tion of projects related to
robotic systems
ability to design robotic
engineering thinking,
technological literacy,
systematic thinking
Integral STEAM
(in the field of
in science
basic knowledge of envi-
ronmental sciences fun-
damental sections at the
level sufficient for the im-
plementation of projects
related to robotic systems
ability to use knowledge
of environmental sci-
ences (including their
interdisciplinary links)
within the process of ER
problem solving
Integral STEAM
(in the field of
Design com-
basic knowledge in the
field of design at the level
required for the design of
robots and their parts
ability to create the de-
sign of robots and their
parts, including using 3D
design thinking
Research compe-
knowledge about the
stages of the process of
creating and implement-
ing a training robotics
ability to identify the
problem; ability to for-
mulate a research task
and determine ways to
solve it; activity plan-
ning; ability to research,
compare, verify and ex-
perimentally confirm re-
search results; system
analysis, system evalua-
engineering thinking,
the ability to solve
problems in a non-
standard way, under-
standing other points
of view in solving
problems; ability to
apply knowledge in
different situations
Digital compe-
in modeling
knowledge of methods of
analysis, research and de-
velopment of robotic sys-
tems models
ability to develop models
of robotic systems; abil-
ity to adopt ICT for com-
puter modeling of robotic
systematic thinking
Continued on next page
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Table 2: Description of the components of competences in educational robotics (ER) for teachers (cont.).
ER competence ER com-
Knowledge Abilities and skills Personal traits, ways
of thinking
Digital compe-
in algorith-
mization and
basic knowledge in the
field of algorithmization;
basic knowledge of one
or more programming
languages; features of
their use for program-
ming robots and robotic
ability to develop al-
gorithms of robots and
robotic systems, ability
to program and test them
algorithmic thinking,
systematic thinking
Digital compe-
knowledge of the char-
acteristics of robotic
platforms and the cor-
responding software;
basic knowledge of the
technologies operation
principles based on the
ability to select robotic
platforms in accordance
with the tasks, ability to
work with emulators of
robotic platforms; ability
to use technologies based
on the IoT to develop
robotic systems
responsible atti-
tude to technology,
understanding and
compliance with
safety measures when
working with robotic
platforms and IoT
Digital compe-
knowledge about the
principles of functioning
of online environments
for robotics training,
distance learning sys-
tems, video conferencing
systems; knowledge
of features (including
psychological) concern-
ing the organization of
independent work of
students in the conditions
of distance learning
ability to work with
online environments
for robotics training;
ability to organize the
educational process
using online environ-
ments; ability to design,
create digital educational
resources (including dis-
tance learning courses)
with ER
understanding the
principles of safe
work in online
environments; com-
pliance with safety
measures when work-
ing on the Internet,
ethics; independence,
motivation; psycho-
logical stability to
work in distance
Methodical com-
knowledge of the prin-
ciples of cognitive man-
agement; understanding
the importance of the
introduction of ER as
a trend of STEAM ed-
ucation for the forma-
tion of students’ scien-
tific worldview; knowl-
edge of patterns, princi-
ples, methods of teaching
and learning of ER as a
trend of STEAM
ability to plan the educa-
tional process with ER;
development, implemen-
tation and analysis of
STEAM projects based
on the use of robotic sys-
tems; creation of learning
environments and condi-
tions for effective learn-
ing of ER, evaluation of
ER learning outcomes
motivating students to
learn ER
Soft skills Communication and
teamwork skills, solve
complex problems, abil-
ity to make informed
decisions, resource
critical thinking,
creative thinking,
responsibility, mo-
tivation of team
members, open mind-
edness, emotional
Model of the Competences in Educational Robotics