teachers to occupational health; increasing the level
of motivation, maintaining the “professional form”;
development of the subjective position of a teacher
as a carrier of a sensible way of life; increasing the
level of professional stress resistance; prevention of
occupational burnout; prevention of professional de-
formations and destructions of teachers; formation of
their resilience; conducting personal and professional
growth pieces of training, anti-burnout pieces of train-
ing, anti-stress pieces of training, round tables, mas-
terclasses; advisory assistance.
Due to the quarantine measures caused by
COVID-19, developments using digital technologies
are required: webinars, online masterclasses on pre-
vention of professional deformations of teachers, anti-
burnout training, anti-stress training, personal and
professional growth training, round tables to increase
professional stress, prevention of emotional burnout
of teachers, in general ensuring their occupational
health. Need to implement the Center of Pedagogical
Consulting in the coordinates of occupational health
of teachers and technology of social and psychologi-
cal resilience to develop skills to overcome crises with
the least emotional or psychological losses.
We see the prospects for further research in identi-
fying gender differences in teachers’ implementation
of occupational health strategies and the formation of
the appropriate content of psycho-correctional work
remotely under the conditions of the quarantine re-
strictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology