MOOCs Types and Course Development
Zarema S. Seidametova
1 a
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, 8 Uchebnyi Ln., Simferopol, 95015, Ukraine
Massive Open Online Courses, cMOOC, xMOOC, Quasi MOOC, MOOCs Video Design, Online Course,
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are the new additional dimension of education that allow to study
online courses from different universities geographically located anywhere around the world. We consider the
MOOCs classification based on pedagogical approaches and product functionalities (cMOOC, xMOOC, quasi
MOOC). We present diagrams of the planning, prior preparation and the development of the MOOC. There
are four stages of the process: preproduction, production, postproduction and maintenance. We present the
typical roadmap of MOOC development: guidelines to develop course content, video content implementation,
and development of roles. We introduce as example the video content matrix of the quasi-MOOC “Unity
Augmented Reality for Beginners”. We recommend the following roles for the MOOC development team:
experts, curriculum designers and technical specialists. This set of roles needs for effective design of MOOC.
The educational community has begun to use since
2008 the term massive open online courses
(MOOCs) to denote a certain format of open online
courses. According a study (Shah, 2020b) conducted
by the MOOC Class Central by the end of 2020 the
size of the modern “MOOC movement” reached more
than 950 universities, more than 180 million students
(excluding China); the number of MOOC courses are
more than 16,300. According (Shah, 2020a), one
third of the learners that ever registered on a MOOC
platform joined in 2020. The pandemic brought many
people into online education. MOOC providers, in
particular, attracted many learners with free online
courses from top universities.
The largest provider of online courses Coursera
( has expanded its audience
to 76 million learners, edX (
35 million. Duolingo (, a
popular language platform, has more than 300 mil-
lion users (they do not receive formal certification, in
contrast to the previously mentioned 180 million uni-
versity students).
The top MOOC providers (Coursera, edX, and Fu-
tureLearn) registered as many new learners in April
2020 as in the whole 2019 year. Around 25–30% of
their total registered users on these MOOC platforms
came after the pandemic. Coursera added the largest
number of new learners (more than 35 million enroll-
ments between March 2020 and July 2020).
Online learning helps students to improve their
performance. Different online learning environments
(OLE) have their own way of systems implementa-
tion. Technological developments made it a lot easier
to develop and customized learning solutions that are
focused on adaptive and personalized e-learning en-
vironments. OLE platforms can be adapted by higher
institutions to enhance teaching and learning process.
MOOC provides quality to e-learning from experts
without almost no costs.
Despite the growing number of educators who
have started to develop the MOOC courses, the design
of the MOOC is not simple. Educators (developers of
the MOOC) should be familiar not only with peda-
gogical approaches, but also with logistical, techno-
logical and financial issues. They need to plan care-
fully the feasibility of the course depending on the
available resources. The authors of the paper (Alario-
Hoyos et al., 2014) propose the conceptual environ-
ment “MOOC Canvas” to support teachers in the de-
scription and design of the MOOCs.
The desire of educational institutions to improve
the quality of education leads to the need to increase
the cost of the development and maintenance for edu-
cational services, and, consequently, the final cost of
training increases. In the economic scale, the MOOCs
Seidametova, Z.
MOOCs Types and Course Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0011009400003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 560-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
model reduces the cost of learning per student. For
example, if $300,000 were spent on the development
of one MOOC with an audience of 100,000 students,
then we got about $3 per student (Saltzman, 2014,
2017). MOOC companies need to cover the startup
costs and financing activities. For example, Coursera
in November 2013 attracted $85 million of venture
capital, including funding from partner universities,
the World Bank and venture capital companies. MIT
and Harvard University allotted $30 million each, cre-
ating EdX.
The original concept of the MOOC assumed that
MOOCs are free courses with open access for a huge
number of learners from all over the world. In recent
years a large number of researchers have discussed
the development of MOOCs in terms of social, insti-
tutional, technological, and economic issues. How-
ever, this discussion does not pay enough attention to
the issues of quality design of the MOOC both in the
technological and pedagogical perspectives.
Prospects of MOOC learners, quality criteria in
MOOC design are presented in the paper (Yousef
et al., 2014). In the study (Shoufan, 2019) authors
tried to find out what motivates students to give a pos-
itive or negative rate to an educational video. This
study can help not only students searching for educa-
tional videos but videos developers towards improved
content quality and learning outcomes.
Conole (Conole, 2016) presented the 7Cs (Con-
ceptualize, Capture, Communicate, Collaborate, Con-
sider, Combine, Consolidate) Learning design frame-
work, which can be used to develop pedagogically
based MOOCs. Daradoumis et al. (Daradoumis
et al., 2013), Gros and Garc
nalvo (Gros and
nalvo, 2016) analyzed the state of devel-
opment of MOOC, studied Open Educational Re-
sources (OER), providing strategic opportunities for
improving the quality of education. Romero and Ven-
tura (Romero and Ventura, 2017) presents a compre-
hensive overview of the data management applica-
tions that are used to analyze MOOCs. Periwal and
Rana (Periwal and Rana, 2017) presented 4 models
for dropout prophecy in MOOCs. After an empiri-
cal analysis and evaluation of these models, Periwal
and Rana (Periwal and Rana, 2017) concluded that
for imbalance MOOC class data the model created
by the naive Bayes technique is more appropriate.
Cook (Cook, 2017), Shahzad et al. (Shahzad et al.,
2020), Fidalgo-Blanco et al. (Fidalgo-Blanco et al.,
2016) suggested a methodology for modeling the au-
dience of learners for MOOC. Cook (Cook, 2017) in-
troduced the Open Learner Model. Hew and Che-
ung (Hew and Cheung, 2014) presented a review of
the literature focusing on the MOOCs use by instruc-
tors or students. They suggested reasons why stu-
dents sign up for MOOCs: (1) the desire to learn
about a new topic, (2) to extend current knowledge,
(3) for personal challenge, and (4) the desire to col-
lect completion certificates. Baanqud et al. (Baanqud
et al., 2020), Liyanagunawardena (Liyanagunawar-
dena, 2015), Kaplan and Haenlein (Kaplan and Haen-
lein, 2016), Gen
e et al. (Gen
e et al., 2014) pro-
vides a large overview of the methods and techniques
for assessing students who study courses through
the MOOC platform. Some other studies of the
MOOCs learners behavior, MOOC instructions, cur-
ricula described in the papers (Brali
c et al., 2015;
Wang and Chou, 2015; Long, 2017; Gentile et al.,
2020; Gunawardena and Premawardhena, 2020; Ata-
pattu and Falkner, 2018; Romadhon et al., 2020; Bor-
rego, 2019). The predictive analysis, economic as-
pects of MOOCs presented in the papers (Mubarak
et al., 2021; Ma and Lee, 2020; Epelboin, 2017).
This article is a continuation of the author’s stud-
ies presented in (CP4B, 2016; Seidametova, 2016;
Seidametova and Moskaleva, 2017; Seidametova,
2018) in which the technological, social, logistical
and financial aspects of MOOCs were analyzed.
There is an institutional classification of MOOC
(Conole, 2016). For our purposes, more useful is the
classification based on the pedagogical approaches
and training functions of MOOC. Depending on the
pedagogical approaches, there are following main
types of MOOCs:
1. cMOOC (connectivist MOOCs) is associated with
a socially-constructivist pedagogical approach to
learning. cMOOC uses blogs, wikis, social me-
dia for searching knowledge. The main interac-
tions take place in the formats “learner-learner”
and “learner-teacher”. The MOOC as acronym
appeared in context of connectivism.
The main focus of the cMOOC is the accumu-
lation of knowledge, creativity and communica-
tion of participants. The Web 2.0 platform is
used. cMOOCs allow learners throw the Face-
book, websites, Google meetings, Zoom, Discord,
Telegram and etc. to share materials. information
with the groups The pedagogical approach used
in the cMOOC is flexible and sensitive to the spe-
cific needs of the participants. It helps to find like-
minded people and gives an opportunity to expand
the network of contacts. Examples of platforms
MOOCs Types and Course Development
that use the cMOOC approach are SoloLearn (42
million users), Duolingo (300 million users).
The aim of cMOOC is to improve the quality of
education through the strengthening of horizontal
links and the stimulation of joint cooperation in
groups of learners.
2. xMOOC (“MOOC as eXtension of something
else”) uses the behavioral principle of acquiring
knowledge, by repetition and testing of knowl-
edge. xMOOC contains lectures, quizzes to
test the mastery of theoretical material, forums
for communicating with the instructor and other
students of the course. This brings together
xMOOC with the format of the traditional aca-
demic courses. Usually, students must comply
with the deadlines for submitting completed as-
The content of the courses is focused on duplica-
tion of knowledge. The goal of xMOOC is ef-
fective delivering of content to a wider audience.
Three key components of xMOOCs are content,
evaluation and communication.
xMOOC uses its own technology platform. Three
main providers Coursera, edX, and Udacity use
The terms cMOOC and xMOOC were introduced
by Stephen Downes, one of the creators of the first
cMOOC (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2016).
3. Quasi MOOC uses online training, offers online
courses, representing an online resource, for ex-
ample, such as open courses: Khan Academy or
MIT OpenCourseWare. Online quasi MOOCs are
developed by teachers that can be not certified.
Quasi MOOCs are shorter MOOCs for contents
and skills and do not require a semester course
The purpose of the quasi MOOC is to provide ac-
cess to collections of free learning of the mini-
lections in various disciplines and for different
age groups of students. Quasi MOOCs can be
content-based (xMOOCs), task-based, network-
based (cMOOCs).
4. hMOOC is the hybrid MOOC or MOOC 3.0.
This concept supports hybrid or flipped classes
(blended learning), integrates and combines on-
line and face-to-face teaching/learning.
In addition to the listed MOOCs, there are also
SPOC (small private online course) (Seidametova,
2016), COOC (corporate open online course), BOOC
(big open online course), aMOOC (adaptive mas-
sively open online course), bMOOC (blended massive
open online course) (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2016),
sMOOC (semi-massive open online course) (Conole,
2016), etc. The terminology in this new field is still
not well established.
The pedagogy of MOOCs depends on the follow-
ing requirements: a curriculum (lessons, exercises,
learning results), video and interpretations, forums (as
interfaces for learning), jobs, exams and projects. Ta-
ble 1 illustrates the differences between cMOOCs and
Table 1: Differences between cMOOCs and xMOOCs.
Self-organized Teacher-based
Networked Centralized
Content: learner gener-
Content: teacher-defined
flexible, distributed,
video lecture
short assignment, video
Self- and peer-
assessment, e-test
Quiz, e-test, peer-review,
Open networking com-
Limited interaction
Communication outside
MOOC platform
Built in the MOOC plat-
Based on the author’s experience acquired in the de-
velopment of the MOOCs, we present the logistics
chain of MOOCs development and deployment on the
figures 1, 2, 3. These presentations allow understand-
ing the scope of the preliminary training (planning),
as well as organization and management work.
The development of the MOOCs begin with a
preparatory stage, during which it is necessary to un-
derstand the domain area, identify the target audience,
determine the development tools, and calculate the
project parameters (cost, capacity, quality, and dura-
tion). At the end of this stage, a plan-project should be
prepared. Then the organizational stage begins de-
signing the course, preparing the material, selecting
trainers, solving copyright problems, preparing video
materials, etc. All this is displayed in the production
plan. After preparing scenarios for lessons, videos,
tests, interviews, the penultimate stage of develop-
ment begins – the management stage. This stage im-
plies marketing, course assembly, approbation. The
last stage of development is the launch of the course.
At the stage of preliminary preparation of the
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 1: The MOOC preproduction process.
MOOC it is necessary:
1. Identify the narrowed, desired learning outcomes
for students.
2. Provide a strategy for evaluating students, verify-
ing the mastery of knowledge in accordance with
specified learning outcomes.
3. Develop a sequence of tasks and actions that
will support the student’s actions in mastering the
learning objectives (knowledge, skills, activity):
Availability of content that will support active
learning; model of activity / skills for students.
Duration of the course, the course building
from basic knowledge to higher order of skills,
such as application, integration and analysis.
4. Ensure a balance between the presence of the
teacher / instructor, social and expert cooperation,
and the presence of cognitive challenges.
For the pedagogical design of each week (each
session) of the course, it is necessary to allocate:
planned results, content, activities, evaluation.
The matrix of video content for the weeks of study
should correspond to the expected learning outcomes.
It is a kind of template for displaying educational
material. Table 2 presents the video content matrix
of the MOOC “Unity Augmented Reality for Be-
ginners” (UnityAR4B) (see also figures 4, 5) pre-
pared in the framework of research work by grad-
uates of Applied Informatics major at the Crimean
State Engineering-Pedagogical University. The stu-
dents prepared 8 videos with duration of 3-5 minutes
each (the videos can be viewed on our YouTube chan-
nel CP4B, The language of these
lectures and videos is Russian.
We can make the following recommendations on
the variety of presentation forms of the video con-
tent. These recommendations are based on the ex-
perience of the videos production. Video content for
the MOOC can be represented by following video op-
An introduction to the topic or subtopic with the
explaining teacher on the screen: the head or
MOOCs Types and Course Development
Figure 2: The MOOC production process.
1/3 of the upper part of body. This option usu-
ally uses to activate the previously studied mate-
rial. It contains background information (formu-
las, schemes, diagrams, etc.), presents the learn-
ing objectives of the topic.
The optimal video length between three and six
Voice guidance of the video cast with the presen-
tation of the educational material. We can see on
the video slides of the presentation, screen cast,
annotations using the tablet or iPad, frames, pro-
gramming environment, etc.
Video taken in a specially equipped room or in a
certain location – if it is acceptable, the instructor
can be placed in a different context for connection
with key concepts or with the professional com-
Interviews for example, it can be a short inter-
view with a regional representative, or an expert
on a given topic.
The screencast format allows the instructor to in-
clude point slides, images, or motion (for exam-
ple, hand drawing on the board).
Simulations can be used for illustrating course
concepts and engaging students, such videos can
be linked to an assignment or learning activity.
Summarizing the instructor / teacher summa-
rizes the topic and gives the guidelines for the next
topic, i.e. establishes a link between the topics.
Designing video for learning purposes is something
like a conceptual challenge. Gunawardena and
Premawardhena (Gunawardena and Premawardhena,
2020), Atapattu and Falkner (Atapattu and Falkner,
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 3: The MOOC postproduction process.
2018), Romadhon et al. (Romadhon et al., 2020)
show that videos used in a presentation mode foster
passive watching instead of reflective-learning activi-
To prepare the video content, it can be used one of
the video processing software:
Edius (
subcat-editing software) proprietary video
editing software for computer running Windows,
the latest version is Edius 9.10.
Camtasia Studio / Camtasia for Mac (https:// shareware
software for capturing video from the screen, al-
lows to record audio from a microphone, and al-
lows to place on the screen videos from a webcam.
ScreenFlow (Mac) (
screenflow/overview.htm) proprietary commer-
cial software for the macOS operating system,
Apple Inc. for screen casting and video editing.
Apple iMovie is a video editing software applica-
tion for macOS, iOS devices.
The MOOC involves many staff the teaching team
that designed the course, the teaching team that led
the course, researchers, university staff, tutors.
To effectively design and develop a high qual-
ity MOOC, the development team needs the follow-
ing roles, representing domain experts, curriculum
designers, and technically skilled specialists. Based
on the experience of preparing the MOOC “Web-
framework Ruby on Rails for beginners” (RoR4B),
these roles can be described as follows:
Head / expert on educational technologies con-
ducts consultations and gives recommendations
on MOOC planning, an educational strategy, ad-
ministrative process, resources, educational poli-
Instructor / teacher – allocates the appropriate ma-
terial for the course, designs the main activities
and evaluation, plans to the presentation of the
content, the rubric for expert evaluation.
Copywriter helps in choosing resources and
copyright issues.
MOOCs Types and Course Development
Figure 4: The screenshot of the video 5 Augmented Reality. Letters and words recognition” from play list of the q-MOOC
“Unity Augmented Reality for Beginners” (UnityAR4B).
Table 2: Quasi MOOC “Unity AR for beginners” video content matrix by weeks of study.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Week 1 1.1 Introduction to Augmented
1.2 Installation of Unity. Unity
Interface. Understanding differ-
ent panels in Unity. Moving, ro-
tating and scaling. Objects in
Unity. Physics in Unity
1.3 Vuforia package. Importing
Vuforia inside Unity. Capturing
an Image. Creating a Vuforia
Database. Image Targets
Week 2 2.1 Creating a Canvas and
adding a Background image
2.2 The Recognition of the let-
ters and words
2.3 Projecting 3D Model on Im-
age Target. Customizing the let-
ters image target
Week 3 3.1 Designing UI buttons inside
the Canvas. Programming the UI
buttons. Programming Back and
Exit button inside the AR Scene
3.2 Building the app and testing
the output
3.3 Compiling AR app to An-
droid devices
Assistant (TA) – helps in the design of resources,
the selection of materials, the preparation of writ-
ten questions, development and maintenance, for
example, in aspects that require special knowl-
edge of content. TA monitors the discussion fo-
rums of the MOOC and evaluation components
during the activity of this course.
Video specialist responsible for the production
of video materials, video. Video specialist edits,
mounts the original video, creates a video project,
and synchronizes the sound with the video image
and uploads the video to the MOOC platform, on
The course’s producer (CP) CP edits screen
capture components, organizes video in sections
(lessons) of lectures. CP adds meaningful ques-
tions to the video content / captured screen. CP
constructs a survey, homework or evaluation com-
Nowadays MOOCs movements are one of the most
innovative initiatives within e-learning and distance
education that create new learning opportunities in
open and university education. However, there are
not consolidated approaches regarding the logistic of
MOOCs design and development.
Students who register for MOOC pursue differ-
AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology
Figure 5: The fragment of the video Architecture of the 4Stylish Application” from play list of the q-MOOC “Machine
Learning for beginners” (ML4B).
ent goals. Designing the MOOC as training course,
it is necessary to take into account all the wishes and
opportunities of the learner’s audience. The imple-
mentation of the MOOC described in the article, is
a typical MOOC development roadmap: recommen-
dations for content preparation, video content, auto-
matic evaluation, role-based specifications.
The roadmap is derived from the experience of de-
veloping MOOC in the discipline “Unity Augmented
Reality for beginners” (UnityAR4B) (CP4B, 2016).
In the future it is planned to develop statistical tools
for this MOOC, as well as to study personalization
issues that will take into account the desires and op-
portunities of students.
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AET 2020 - Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology