Some Geometric Objects Related to a Family of the Ballistic Trajectories
in a Viscous Medium
Zarema S. Seidametova
1 a
and Valerii A. Temnenko
2 b
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, 8 Uchebnyi Ln., Simferopol, 95015, Ukraine
Independent researcher, Simferopol, Ukraine
Ballistic Trajectories, Linear Resistance, Envelope for a Family of Curves.
Computer geometric modeling is important pre-processing steps in the object’s mathematical representation
using curves that may be constructed using analytic functions, a set of points, or other curves and surfaces. The
paper describes some remarkable curves related to a family of the ballistic trajectories in a viscous medium
with a linear resistance. The envelope of the family of trajectories, the trajectory of the farthest flight and the
curve of maximum flight altitudes are presented in parametric form. A geometric interpretation of the entire
set of ballistic trajectories in the form of some surface (the Galileo’s dome) is also presented.
Some classical problems of applied mathematics and
mechanics seem inexhaustible. Each appeal to them
reveals some new facets, highlighting the existence of
hidden connections between various areas of math-
ematics. Galileo’s problem about the motion of a
body thrown at some angle to the horizon was the first
solved problem of dynamics. It was solved by Galileo
long before the appearance of the Newtonian mechan-
ics. The solution is given in his last book “Discorsi
e Dimostrazioni Matematiche Intorno a Due Nuove
Scienze”, published in Leiden in 1638. This book
was translated from Italian and Latin into English by
Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio in 1914. Now this
translation is available in the Online Library of Lib-
erty (Galilei, 1914).
“Fourth Day: The motion of projectiles” is the
chapter title of (Galilei, 1914) treating the problem in
the delightful and convincing language of geometry.
This language of the era, perhaps, will seem some-
what heavy to the modern reader. But the epoch had
no other language. Neither Newton’s laws of mechan-
ics nor differential equations existed.
This problem is a traditional and simple task, with
which the study of mechanics and physics often be-
gins. The design of the geometric modeling is widely
used in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simu-
lations. Simple and efficient geometric modeling can
improve the efficiency of flow field simulations for
various applications. Some of the applications de-
scribed in (Bertin, 2017; Zhou et al., 2017; Ma et al.,
We will consider in this paper some new geomet-
ric objects related to this problem.
In the paper (Seidametova and Temnenko, 2020)
we considered the simplest Galilean version of this
ballistic problem, assuming that only gravity acts on
the flying object. In this paper we examined the bal-
listic problem in a viscous environment. We will as-
sume that, in addition to gravity, a viscous resistance
acts on the flying object, which is linearly
dependent on the speed of movement ~v:
= −b~v. (1)
The constant b characterizes the resistance of the
medium. For a physical object at low Reynolds num-
bers, the value b is determined by the well-known G.
G. Stokes formula (Landau and Lifshitz, 1987):
b = 6πaρ
, (2)
where a is a sphere radius, ρ
is a density of the
medium, ν
is a kinematic viscosity of the medium.
We take the value of the initial speed of the thrown
body v
as a velocity unit, the acceleration of gravity
g as an acceleration unit. With this choice, the unit
of time is
, and the unit of length is
. Let t be
the time, x the horizontal coordinate, y the vertical
Seidametova, Z. and Temnenko, V.
Some Geometric Objects Related to a Family of the Ballistic Trajectories in a Viscous Medium.
DOI: 10.5220/0011009600003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 578-583
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved