An Inverse Method of the Natural Setting for Integer, Half-integer and
Rational “Perfect” Hypocycloids
Zarema S. Seidametova
1 a
and Valerii A. Temnenko
2 b
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, 8 Uchebnyi Ln., Simferopol, 95015, Ukraine
Independent researcher, Simferopol, Ukraine
Hypocycloid, Perfect Hypocycloid, Inverse Method of Natural Setting for Planar Curves.
The paper describes a family of remarkable curves (integer and half-integer hypocycloids and rational perfect
hypocycloids) given in an inverse-natural form using a simple trigonometric relation s = s(χ), where s is the
arc coordinate and χ is the angle defining the direction of the tangent. In the paper we presented all perfect
hypocycloids with the number of cusps ν ≤ 10. From designing the hypocycloid using inverse natural setting
easy to determine the number of cusps and find the values of the λ
parameter, corresponding to perfect
Many remarkable curves have emerged in mathemat-
ics over the past centuries. The study of these curves
is a very effective tool in the teaching of calculus, dif-
ferential geometry and computer science. Many great
curves are described in the classical book “A Catalog
of Special Plane Curves” (Lawrence, 2014) that fea-
tured more than 60 special curves. The other work on
plane curves is “A handbook on curves and their prop-
erties” (Yates, 2012). This handbook contains curves
constructions, equations, physical and mathematical
properties, and connections to each other.
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2019) explored hypocy-
cloid’s parametric equation and discussed the appli-
cation of the astroid on the bus door for saving space.
For simulating its dynamic opening process, they used
MATLAB. There are a lot of examples of the using
curves and surfaces innovation in the architectural de-
signs of modern buildings (Biran, 2018).
Almost all curves can be represented mathemati-
cally and on a computer. The mathematical study of
curves and surfaces in space is called “differential ge-
ometry”. There are a lot of mathematical tools avail-
able to the computer scientist. The combination of
these tools depends on what and how curves need to
be represented.
There are different types of curves using in the
design of geometric data structures. For example,
Space-Filling Curves described in the papers (Asano
et al., 1997; Rad and Karimipour, 2019).
There are a lot of ways to define curves. One of
the most convenient ways to describe a plane curve is
the “Euler” or “natural” way of locally defining the
curve. In this method, the angle of inclination of the
tangent is set as a function of the length of the arc
along the curve.
In some situations, the “reverse” method of “nat-
ural” curve definition is convenient, in which the arc
length is set as a function of the angle of inclination of
the tangent. We will demonstrate in this article how
convenient this “reverse” method is when describing
some types of hypocycloids.
One well known way to define flat curves is to de-
scribe them in the so-called natural form (or, another
name is “Euler’s form”):
χ = χ(s), (1)
where χ is an angle between some fixed direction – for
example, the x-axis – and the direction of the tangent
to the curve; s is the arc coordinate along the curve.
Seidametova, Z. and Temnenko, V.
An Inverse Method of the Natural Setting for Integer, Half-integer and Rational "Perfect" Hypocycloids.
DOI: 10.5220/0011009700003364
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Advances in Educational Technology (AET 2020) - Volume 2, pages 584-589
ISBN: 978-989-758-558-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved