Table 3: Results of naive stacking. Window length: 10ms;
overlap: 2ms; 6 States per HMM; 7 Gaussians per state;
without feature space reduction.
Context Accuracy Vector Dimension
0 0.92 42
1 0.80 126
2 0.74 210
formance between different context sizes is not sig-
nificant as a statistical analysis via T-Test indicates.
These results are obtained on a local optimum
with a 13-dimensional feature space using solely sta-
tistical features. Therefore, we will investigate this
behavior for temporal features and further dimensions
in the future.
Figure 4: Evaluation: stacking. Setup: 10ms window
length; 2ms overlap; 6 States per HMM; 7 Gaussians per
state; 13-dimensional feature space.
In this paper, we successfully implemented, evaluated
and improved an offline, early fusion HAR system us-
ing a 21-dimensional biosignal comprised of different
sensors placed onto a knee bandage. The base system
performed very well with a 91% accuracy using only
simple features. We showed, that the performance
could be improved by four percentage points to 94.9%
using a LDA trained with HMM state aligned labeled
data and reducing the feature space dimension. Fur-
thermore, we found that in our case stacking feature
vectors to improve context did not increase perfor-
mance but instead slightly decreased it with respect
to not stacking at all, which is one topic for further
In the future, we will evaluate additional more so-
phisticated features targeted to the specific sensors
and their influence on the overall performance as well
as the feature space reduction specific performance.
Furthermore, we will create and evaluate different
topologies for different activities and investigate the
performance of our system using a person indepen-
dent evaluation on a larger dataset. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first work on feature space re-
duction in a HAR system using various biosensors in-
tegrated into a knee bandage recognizing a diverse set
of activities.
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