Huffman and Arithmetic coding as applied across all
seizure files of CHBMIT database. While the overall
average compression ratio is on the higher side when
compared to Table 2 and Table 3 results, the epileptic
epochs are still maintained at an acceptable PRD
which minimizes any adverse effect on the
neurologists’ decision. Training the classifier such
that no positive case of epileptic event is missed is
recommendable because false positives can be
eliminated by the Neurologists himself and storing it
at good quality does not incur much cost.
Table 6: Huffman results for adaptive compression.
Mean Max Min
CR 5.042 5.842 3.953
PRD (%) 10.72 19.92 6.256
PRD epileptic
epochs only
5.6054 7.8447 3.4437
epochs only
11.3604 19.2689 6.7594
Accuracy (%)
90.295 90.566 87.130
Table 7: Arithmetic results for adaptive compression.
Mean Max Min
CR 5.208 6.123 4.072
PRD (%) 10.77 19.93 6.256
PRD epileptic
epochs only
5.6319 7.8447 3.4437
epochs only
11.3323 19.2689 94.697
Accuracy (%)
90.346 94.697 86.928
Here it can be seen that that classification results
obtained for the reconstructed signals, reported in
Table 6 and 7 are similar to that of raw EEG
classification. This clearly indicates, that while
adaptive thresholding and compression does not
deteriorate signal quality to a significant extent and
retains useful information, it is more efficient as
compared to simple compression. This is evident
from the statistics presented in Table 6 and 7,
showing an increase in CR and decrease in the value
of PRD in comparison to results in Table 1 and 2.
This paper explores the synergy between
classification and compression of epileptic EEG data.
It successfully eliminates the need of taking DWT
twice on the same data as would be required for
separate compression and classification task. The
INSS incorporated in our framework performed dual
task. Firstly, it helped in intelligent compression of
data by providing classification labels for epileptic
and non-epileptic data. We used Arithmetic and
Huffman for encoding purpose. It was found that by
using the labels for classification from INSS we can
improve our compression results. For example, when
we used the labels for epochs and compressed the
epileptic epochs at low and non-epileptic epochs at
high threshold, we observed an increase in CR along
with a decrease in PRD, which is desired. The
improvement in PRD indicates that reconstructed
signal after compression, still retained useful
information. This reinforces that we can efficiently
use the classification result to reduce and compress
the data. Secondly, it provides us with classified data
that allows selective data storage, as deemed
significant by the user. Moreover, classification
performed on decompressed signals yield nearly
same results as of the classification of raw EEG
signals. This implies that artifacts produced in the
signal due to compression do not affect signal quality.
The novel unification scheme employed; in which
classification and compression of EEG data
simultaneously takes place, results in decrease in
computational complexity and increase in efficacy of
the system. Comparing the results obtained using the
two distinct encoding schemes, it is observed that
Arithmetic coding outperforms Huffman.
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