method such as (Fayolle and Pasko, 2016; Wu et al.,
2018; Du et al., 2018).
Missing Details. In some rare cases, fine geometric
details are not reconstructed correctly with the pro-
posed approach. This can be mitigated by increasing
the point cloud density as well as the GA’s maximum
number of iterations. In addition, the objective func-
tion weights (Equation 1) can be tweaked for a spe-
cific data set. A reduction of parameter sensitivity is
planned for future work.
Unconnected Cylinders. Since the height of a cylin-
der is estimated using the associated point cloud, it
can happen that the cylinder is not connected to other
parts and small gaps appear between primitives. This
can be mitigated by adding cylinders to the GA to find
their optimal capping planes.
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handling large point clouds in reasonable time. As fu-
ture work, we plan to tackle the limitations discussed
in Section 5.4. In addition, we plan to add extra shape
types, such as arbitrary convex polytopes.
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