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man observers on training images in which the pri-
vacy of the subjects was protected. We used stimu-
lus images with masked head regions and measured
the gaze distributions of observers. We confirmed
that the participants mainly observed the torso re-
gions of the subjects in the stimulus images. Next,
we conducted gender classification experiments us-
ing privacy-protected training images with masking,
pixelization, and blur. The experimental results con-
firm that our method, which uses the gaze map with
masked head regions, improved the accuracy of gen-
der classification. In future work, we intend to con-
tinue developing the method to increase the accuracy
by combining gaze maps with and without masking.
We will expand this investigation into gaze maps with
privacy protection for various classification tasks re-
lated to attributes other than gender. This work was
partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI under grant
number JP17K00238 and MIC SCOPE under grant
number 172308003.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications