vector x
, enumeration of all acyclic chemical graphs
inferred from x
was completed in 2 milli sec-
onds to 2 seconds. Note that our MILP outputs a fea-
ture vector for which we enumerated all structurally
unique chemical graphs as defined in Section 2.2, and
hence we were able to generate some chemical graphs
which are not registered in the PubChem database. In
these results, each inferred vector is admissible (i.e.,
has one or more corresponding chemical structures),
whereas only around 20% to 50% of the feature vec-
tors were admissible under a tolerance ε = 0.02 in
the previous method (Chiewvanichakorn et al., 2020).
Note that, for any small tolerance ε > 0, our new
method will infer an admissible vector, if one exists.
In this paper, we proposed an improved method over
the previous method (Chiewvanichakorn et al., 2020)
for the inverse QSAR/QSPR by extending the MILP
so that, for a given target y
, either (i) any feasible
solution to the MILP provides an admissible vector
∈ R
and a chemical graph G = (H,α,β) such
that ψ
) = y
and n
= n(H), and n
= n
and dia
= dia(H) or (ii) the infeasibility of the MILP
tells us that there exists no such chemical graph G.
Although this paper presented such an MILP for the
class G of acyclic chemical graphs, it is not difficult
to modify the MILP to treat any class of chemical
graphs. Note that our MILP formulation provides a
vector s that forms a chemical graph, which means
that we can find an inferred chemical graph in Step 4
without designing an algorithm for Step 5 separately.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms