Resources and End-to-End Neural Network Models for Arabic Image
Obeida ElJundi
, Mohamad Dhaybi
, Kotaiba Mokadam
, Hazem Hajj
and Daniel Asmar
American University of Beirut, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Lebanon
American University of Beirut, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Lebanon
American University of Beirut, Mechanical Engineering Department, Lebanon
Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Image Captioning, Arabic.
Image Captioning (IC) is the process of automatically augmenting an image with semantically-laden descrip-
tive text. While English IC has made remarkable strides forward in the past decade, very little work exists on
IC for other languages. One possible solution to this problem is to boostrap off of existing English IC systems
for image understanding, and then translate the outcome to the required language. Unfortunately, as this paper
will show, translated IC is lacking due to the error accumulation of the two tasks; IC and translation. In this
paper, we address the problem of image captioning in Arabic. We propose an end-to-end model that directly
transcribes images into Arabic text. Due to the lack of Arabic resources, we develop an annotated dataset for
Arabic image captioning (AIC). We also develop a base model for AIC that relies on text translation from En-
glish image captions. The two models are evaluated with the new dataset, and the results show the superiority
of our end-to-end model.
The internet and social media have facilitated the way
we communicate and visualize the world. Since the
internet appeared, the online visual data generated by
users has been growing exponentially. For instance,
each day, around 300 million photos are uploaded to
Facebook (Inc., 2018). Although understanding the
content of image appears to be a simple task, even
for children, yet it is quite challenging for comput-
ers. Image captioning refers to the ability of automat-
ically generating a syntactically plausible and seman-
tically meaningful sentence that describes the content
of an image. Enabling machines to describe the vi-
sual world would result in many advantages, such as
improved information retrieval, early childhood edu-
cation, an aid for visually impaired persons, for social
media, and so on (Bai and An, 2018).
Image captioning requires extracting meaningful
information about the content of the image and ex-
presses the extracted information in a human-readable
sentence. As a result, image captioning models need
to achieve several objectives including object detec-
tion, extraction of relationships among objects, in-
ference of the pragmatic information within the im-
age, transcribing the information into coherent tex-
Figure 1: Sequence-to-Sequence image captioning model
(encoder: CNN, decoder: RNN).
tual forms with correct syntactical and semantic struc-
Despite these significant challenges with image
captioning, tremendous achievements have been ac-
complished recently with deep neural networks. In-
spired by recent advances in neural machine transla-
tion (Cho et al., 2014) (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom,
2013) (Sutskever et al., 2014), the encoder-decoder
approach has been adopted in several proposed image
captioning methods (Vinyals et al., 2015) (Jia et al.,
2015) (Donahue et al., 2015). The intuition is that im-
age captioning can be thought of as translation from
a set of image pixels to a natural sentence. In ma-
chine translation, typically, both the encoder and the
decoder include Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN),
or one of its variations (e.g., LSTM or GRU). As il-
lustrated in Fig. 1, instead of RNN, the encoder in
image captioning is a Convolution Neural Network
ElJundi, O., Dhaybi, M., Mokadam, K., Hajj, H. and Asmar, D.
Resources and End-to-End Neural Network Models for Arabic Image Captioning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008881202330241
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(CNN) (LeCun et al., 1998), which is considered the
ideal solution when dealing with unstructured, spatial
data such as images. Modern deep learning models
attempt to apply the visual attention mechanism of
humans inspired by cognitive psychology (Rensink,
2000) (Spratling and Johnson, 2004) to look at the
most important part of the image (Xu et al., 2015)
(You et al., 2016) (Yang et al., 2016).
In addition to the image captioning challenges
mentioned above, the models for text transcription of
image content needs to comprehend the semantics of
the target language in the text. As a result, while there
has been significant advances in models for image
captioning for English, those models can not be ap-
plied directly to other languages such as Arabic. As a
consequence, the progress in Arabic Image Caption-
ing (AIC) is still lagging. Consideration for the Ara-
bic language is important since it is spoken by more
than 422 million people in the Arab world, and it is
the native language in 22 countries. Arabic is also
ranked the fourth mostly used language on the web.
Moreover, during the last five years, it is the fastest
growing language with a growth rate of 6091.9% in
the number of Internet users (Boudad et al., 2017).
In this work, we address the challenge of image
captioning in Arabic including the lack of Arabic re-
sources. We develop a new AIC dataset and pro-
pose two separate models for the evaluation of AIC.
The first model uses English image captioning mod-
els then translates the English text to Arabic. The
second model is an end-to-end model that directly
transcribes Arabic text from images. The models are
compared using our AIC dataset, and the results show
the superiority of our end-to-end AIC model. The
dataset and code are made publicly available: https:
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 summarizes the literature of English and Arabic
image captioning. We describe our dataset and end-
to-end system in section 3. Our experiments and re-
sults are demonstrated in section 4. Finally, section 5
concludes the paper.
In this section, we review the recent progress on both
English and Arabic image captioning.
2.1 Deep Learning for English Image
Unlike traditional approaches, recent deep learning
models tackle the task as an end-to-end problem,
where parameters for both image understanding and
language generation are learned jointly.
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has achieved
significant progress recently, thanks to the Sequence-
to-Sequence encoder-decoder framework (Cho et al.,
2014) (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013) (Sutskever
et al., 2014). Inspired by that, image captioning can
be formulated as a translation task, where an image
is translated into natural language. Several meth-
ods adopted the encoder-decoder framework for im-
age captioning (Vinyals et al., 2015) (Jia et al., 2015)
(Donahue et al., 2015). Google’s Neural Image Cap-
tioning (NIC) (Vinyals et al., 2015) model, “show and
Tell”, is based on a CNN encoder and an RNN de-
coder. The CNN extracts relevant features form an
image and encodes them into a vector; on the other
hand, the RNN aims to decode the encoded vector
into a sentence. Jia et al. (Jia et al., 2015) proposed
Guided LSTM (gLSTM) to help the decoder not drift
away or lose track of the original image content.
The encoder-decoder approach lacks interpretabil-
ity since the language model (e.g., LSTM) is fed with
an encoded representation of the entire scene, and
does not account for the spatial aspects of the im-
age that is relevant to the parts of the image cap-
tions. Inspired by the human cognitive visual system
(Rensink, 2000) (Spratling and Johnson, 2004), the
attention mechanism was adopted to focus on salient
regions of the image while generating words (Xu
et al., 2015) (Wu and Cohen, 2016) (Jin et al., 2015)
(Pedersoli et al., 2016) (Lu et al., 2017) (Liu et al.,
2017) (Chen et al., 2017) (Tavakoliy et al., 2017) (An-
derson et al., 2017) (Chunseong Park et al., 2017)
(Sugano and Bulling, 2016). Xu et al. (Xu et al.,
2015) was the first to adopt attention by proposing a
model called Show, Attend and Tell based on the sem-
inal Google NIC model, Show and Tell (Vinyals et al.,
2015). Lu et al. (Lu et al., 2017) proposed adaptive
attention to help the decoder predict when to attend
to the image (and if so, to which regions). The adap-
tive attention mechanism improved the overall perfor-
mance by allowing the decoder to ignore looking at
the image while generating non-visual words such as
‘of, ‘the’, and ‘a’.
One description might not be enough to com-
pletely describe the entire visual scene. Dense cap-
tioning models generate several captions to describe
many regions of an image (Johnson et al., 2016)
(Yang et al., 2017). (Johnson et al., 2016) proposed
DenseCap, which can localize salient regions inside
an image using a CNN, and generate descriptions for
those regions. More advanced challenges, such as the
target region overlapping, were addressed by (Yang
et al., 2017).
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Previous work results on 3 benchmark datasets. B1:BLEU 1, B2:BLEU 2, B3:BLEU 3, B4:BLEU 4, M:METEOR.
Encoder-Decoder With Attention
Google NIC gLSTM Attend and Tell Adaptive
(Vinyals et al., 2015) (Jia et al., 2015) (Xu et al., 2015) (Lu et al., 2017)
B1 63 64.7 67 -
B2 41 45.9 45.7 -
B3 27 31.8 31.4 -
B4 - 21.6 21.3 -
M - 20.6 20.3 -
B1 66.3 64.6 66.9 67.7
B2 42.3 44.6 43.9 49.4
B3 27.7 30.5 29.6 35.4
B4 18.3 20.6 19.9 25.1
M - 18.6 18.5 20.4
B1 66.6 67 71.8 74.2
B2 46.1 49.1 50.4 58
B3 32.9 35.8 35.7 43.9
B4 24.6 26.4 25 33.2
M - 23.3 23.9 26.6
Compositional approaches were proposed where,
in contrast to the end-to-end framework, indepen-
dent building blocks are combined to generate cap-
tions (Fang et al., 2015) (Tran et al., 2016) (Fu et al.,
2017) (Ma and Han, 2016) (Oruganti et al., 2016)
(Wang et al., 2016). The first block extracts seman-
tic visual concepts (e.g., attributes) using a CNN, and
the second block utilizes extracted concepts to gen-
erate captions using a language model (e.g., LSTM).
Generated captioned are re-ranked based on similarity
Generative adversarial networks (GAN) are re-
cent architectures, well-known by their ability to learn
deep features from unlabeled data (Goodfellow et al.,
2014). Dai et al. (Dai et al., 2017) and Shetty el al.
(Shetty et al., 2017) utilized Conditional Generative
Adversarial Networks (CGAN) to improve the nat-
uralness and diversity of the generated captions and
achieved remarkable results.
In Reinforcement Learning (RL), instead of learn-
ing from labeled data, agents learn by receiving re-
wards based on actions they perform. Ren et al. (Ren
et al., 2017) proposed a novel RL based image cap-
tioning that consists of two networks: the policy net-
work predicts the next word based on the current state,
and the value network guides the policy network by
evaluating its reward. Rennie et al. (Rennie et al.,
2017) developed a new optimization approach named
self-critical sequence training (SCST) and achieved
good results.
Table 1 illustrates some of the previous work and
their results in terms of BLEU and METEOR on three
benchmark datasets: Flickr8k (Hodosh et al., 2013),
Flickr30k (Young et al., 2014), and MS COCO (Chen
et al., 2015).
2.2 Deep Learning for Arabic Image
Mualla and Alkheir (Mualla and Alkheir, ) built an
Arabic Description Model (ADM) that generates a
full image description in Arabic by taking as input
image features obtained from a CNN, and a JSON file
containing image descriptions in English. The En-
glish JSON description file is translated to Arabic, and
fed to an LSTM network along with the feature vec-
tor generated by the CNN. Authors reported that it is
a bad idea to just translate the recognized captions in
English to Arabic because the poor structure of the
resulting Arabic sentences.
Jindal (Jindal, 2018) leveraged the heavy influ-
ence of root words in Arabic to generate root words
from images instead of from captions. Using a CNN,
root words instead of actual sentence are extracted
from images; the roots are then translated to morpho-
logical inflections, and finally, a dependency tree is
used to verify the ordering of words in sentences. The
results show that generating Arabic captions directly
in one stage, produced superior results to a two stage
English captionArabic translation process.
Using Crowd-Flower Crowdsourcing
(https://www.figure, ), Al-Muzaini et
al. (Al-Muzaini et al., 2018) built an Arabic dataset
based on two English benchmark datasets, Flickr8k
(Hodosh et al., 2013) and MS COCO (Chen et al.,
2015). Moreover, a merge model was developed
Resources and End-to-End Neural Network Models for Arabic Image Captioning
Figure 2: Sample from our translated dataset.
based on LSTM and CNN to achieve excellent
The contributions of this paper include the follow-
First, although previous Arabic captioning
datasets do exist, to the best of our knowledge,
none of them is public. In this paper, we provide
public access to the first large Arabic captioning
Second, most previous work on AIC used small
datasets for training, which risk over-fitting. For
example, Al-Muzaini et al. (Al-Muzaini et al.,
2018) trained their network on only 2400 samples.
We are proposing training on a considerably larger
dataset, consisting of 8092 images, each having 3
Third, the merge model is the most common deep
learning model in AIC literature. To the best of
our knowledge, we are the first to propose ap-
proaching AIC using the sequence-to-sequence
encoder-decoder framework.
In this section, we first describe the Arabic cap-
tioning dataset we are releasing. Next, we review
the sequence-to-sequence encoder-decoder frame-
work for Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Finally,
inspired by NMT, we describe our proposed Arabic
image captioning model.
3.1 Proposed Arabic Captioned Dataset
The proposed Arabic captioning dataset is built by
translating the Flickr8K (Hodosh et al., 2013) dataset,
containing 8000 images, each captioned five times by
humans. Images are extracted from flickr
and mainly
contain humans and animals. Translation to Arabic is
performed in two steps: first, all English captions are
translated using the Google Translate API
; the pro-
cess is automated using a python client of the API
During a second stage, all translated captions are
edited and validated by a professional Arabic trans-
lator. This is necessary because of the many contex-
tual errors Google Translate performs. Fig. 2 shows
examples of some of the Arabic captioned images.
Translation from or to Arabic has not yet achieved
desired results and still suffers from Arabic specific
issues. For example, few translated captions contain
a word that was translated literally and out of context,
which makes the entire Arabic sentence incoherent.
Therefore, translated captions were then verified by
choosing the best three translated captions out of five,
and modifying some captions if needed.
3.2 End-to-End Model for Arabic
Image Captioning
The Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) (Elman, 1990)
is specialized for sequence data, such as time se-
ries and text. RNNs process a sequence of in-
puts (x
, ..., x
) and produce a sequence of outputs
, ..., y
) by iterating the following equation:
= f (W
+ b
= f (W
+ b
where x
is the current input vector, h
is the current
hidden state vector, y
is the current output vector, f
is a non-linear activation function such as sigmoid σ,
and W , U, and b are parameters to be learnt.
RNNs suffers from two main issues: first, RNN
input and output sequences are expected to have the
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Sequence-to-Sequence Encoder-Decoder framework for NMT (a) and for for Arabic Image Captioning (b).
same length, which is not the case in natural lan-
guage translation, where the word count for the source
and destination languages may differ. A simple strat-
egy around this issue is to encode the input se-
quence into a fixed-sized vector (usually referred to
as thought vector) using one RNN, and then to de-
code the vector to the target sequence with another
RNN, as shown in Figure 3. Thus, the decoder RNN
can keep generating outputs until it ends with a spe-
cial end-of-sentence symbol “<EOS>”. This well-
known framework is called a Sequence-to-Sequence
Encoder-Decoder framework.
Second, in a standard RNN the gradient tends
to vanish during training due to its inability to han-
dle long-term dependencies (Bengio et al., 1994)
(Hochreiter et al., 2001). To mitigate this issue,
standard RNN cells are replaced by Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) (Hochreiter and Schmidhu-
ber, 1997) cells because of their superiority in learn-
ing long-range temporal dependencies. The afore-
mentioned Sequence-to-Sequence Encoder-Decoder
framework can be utilized for image captioning by en-
coding the input image into a feature vector, and then
decoding that feature vector into an Arabic sentence.
The only difference between an NMT and the image
captioning framework is that a CNN is used for input
encoding instead of an RNN, as illustrated in Figure
Given any input image and its corresponding Ara-
bic caption, the Arabic image captioning encoder-
decoder model maximizes the following loss func-
tion: argmax
log p(y|I;θ), where I is the in-
put image, θ are parameters to be learned, and y =
, ..., y
is the corresponding Arabic caption.
During Arabic captioning, each image is fed to
a CNN to generate its visual representation (or im-
age features), represented as x
= CNN(I), which is
the first input of the upcoming LSTM. Subsequent in-
puts at different time stamps are now represented by
word embeddings, which are vectors of numbers that
reflect semantics; words with similar meaning have
close embeddings. The embedding for each word is
calculated as x
= W
f or t = 0, ..., N, where W
is a 300X|V | word embedding matrix, meaning each
word will be represented by a vector of length 300.
|V | denotes the vocabulary length, which is the num-
ber of unique words in our dataset. S
is a |V |X1 one
hot vector representing word i. Each hidden state of
the LSTM emits a prediction for the next word in the
sentence, denoted by p
Transfer Learning. Instead of initializing our de-
coder CNN weights randomly and train from scratch,
we will use the weights of a pre-trained CNN. This
is known as transfer learning, which refers to the
situation where what has been learned in one set-
ting (task) is exploited to learn another setting (task).
Transfer learning is used a lot in the literature to im-
prove model generalization and speed up training. For
our CNN, we use VGG16 (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2014), one of the state-of-the-art models for object de-
tection. VGG16 contains thirteen convolution layers
Resources and End-to-End Neural Network Models for Arabic Image Captioning
and three fully connected layers, and is able to detect
approximately one thousand different objects.
3.3 English Captions Translation
To demonstrate the necessity of our end-to-end
AIC system, we develop and train an English im-
age captioning (EIC) system similar to our Ara-
bic IC described in section 3.2 using the original
Flicker8K dataset. We then translate the generated
English captions to Arabic using a pre-trained NMT
model, namely Google Translate, which is based
on the sequence-to-sequence encoder-decoder frame-
work (Sutskever et al., 2014). The translated Arabic
captions are evaluated and compared with our end-
to-end Arabic IC output. A high level comparison of
AIC against translated EIC is illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: AIC against translated EIC.
To validate the efficiency of our proposed Arabic im-
age captioning system, we perform experiments on
our dataset of 8092 images, the last 800 samples are
used for testing, while the rest are utilized for training.
4.1 Preprocessing
Datasets contain raw text, which may include useless
textual information. It is crucial to clean and prepro-
cess our data before feeding it to any model because
‘garbage in, garbage out’. We followed Arabic pre-
processing techniques recommended by (Shoukry and
Rafea, 2012): Diacritics were removed, the ‘hamza’
on characters was normalized, in addition to normal-
izing some word ending characters such as the ‘t mar-
bouta’ and ‘ya’ maqsoura’. Moreover, we got rid of
punctuation as well as non Arabic letters. Finally, a
special start and end token were added at the begin-
ning and the end of each caption to mark the starting
and the ending point of each caption. Short captions
were padded with a special padding token to ensure
having captions of the same length.
4.2 Evaluation of AIC End-to-End
The complete model was implemented in Python
ing the latest version of Keras (Chollet et al., 2015), a
deep learning framework built on top of TensorFlow
(Abadi et al., 2015). Training was done on a local PC
utilizing NVIDIA GTX 1080 GPU (8GB vRAM) and
For the image model, a pre-trained VGG16, ex-
cluding the last later, was used to map images to em-
beddings, a vector of length 4096. The image embed-
dings vector was then mapped to a vector of 256 by
a fully connected layer with tanh activation function
to force the output values to be between -1 and 1. For
the language model, a single hidden LSTM layer with
256 memory units was defined. The initial state of the
LSTM was set to be the image embeddings, in order
to ensure generating captions related to a specific im-
age. The loss function was Softmax Cross Entropy.
Figure 7 shows the error rate (loss) of our model af-
ter each epoch during training. The optimization was
done with mini batch Gradient Descent with Adam
optimizer and batch size of 1024. The total number of
epochs was 5. We consider an epoch as a single pass
of the complete training dataset through the training
process. Each epoch took around 25 seconds.
Some examples of accurate and inaccurate results
of our encoder-decoder model are shown in Figures 5
and 6, respectively.
Following previous works, the model was eval-
uated on the BLEU-1,2,3,4 (Papineni et al., 2002),
which assesses a candidate sentence by measuring the
fraction of n-grams that appear in a set of references.
BLEU scores for our training and testing are illus-
trated in Figure 8.
The results obtained for Arabic captioning are
inferior to those of English captioning. We attribute
this to two reasons: first, the Arabic language is by
nature more complex than English; discarding the
vocalization of letters during training has negatively
impacted the accuracy of the captioning network.
Second, the dataset used for English captioning is
larger than that of Arabic; increasing the dataset size
in the future will most likely increase the perfor-
mance of the Arabic captioning network.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Accurate results generated by our AIC model.
Figure 6: Inaccurate results generated by our AIC model.
Figure 7: Model loss after each epoch.
Figure 9: BLEU scores of end-to-end AIC vs translating
English captions.
Figure 8: BLEU scores for our AIC model.
An end-to-end approach of directly generating
Arabic captions outperformed translating English
generated captions (See Fig. 9). One possible ex-
planation is that using a deep learning model for En-
glish captioning followed by a second deep learning
model for English-to-Arabic translation may accumu-
late both models errors and uncertainties.
This paper investigated the problem of Arabic image
captioning. We prepared a large dataset of Arabic-
captioned images, and will make it publicly avail-
Resources and End-to-End Neural Network Models for Arabic Image Captioning
able. To validate this work, we trained and tested
a Encoder-Decoder Network on this dataset, and al-
though the results are not at par with state of-the-
art English captioning systems, they are considerably
superior to the English-captioning English-Arabic-
translate. Our current work includes adding vocaliza-
tion to the Arabic training set, as well as increasing
the size of the dataset.
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Resources and End-to-End Neural Network Models for Arabic Image Captioning