biological signals such as eye movement has not been
As described above, shoulder stiffness is regarded
as a physical symptom caused by psychological
factors. According to Takaguchi & Ishozima (1991),
when administering Dosulepin (a medication for
depression) to participants in depressed conditions
with shoulder stiffness, the shoulder stiffness
improved in 13 (52%) participants, which is close to
the efficacy rate for shoulder treatment at that time.
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and the feeling of suffocation, among others,
suggesting that psychological health might affect the
body and appear as physical symptoms including
shoulder stiffness. Considering such psychosomatic
correlations, although speculative, this study suggests
the possibility that psychological health might be
assessed and treated based on physical symptoms as
suggested by Sharifa et al. (2013), including
depression screening by measuring eye movements.
In the future, treatment and diagnosis might improve
by examining how depression or shoulder stiffness is
affected by moving or not moving the eyeballs
according to certain rules.
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Changes in a Chaotic Fluctuation of Eye Movement Produced by Stiff Shoulder Treatment