sults than state-of-the-art methods under dark envi-
ronments. As opposed to directly inputting all the
frames into the network together, when using RNN,
the network accumulates valid information frame by
frame and through the entire upsampling and down-
sampling process. The effective information of each
frame is aggregated with the previous aggregation re-
sult.Additionally, our model maps raw burst images
directly to sRGB outputs, either producing a best im-
age or generating a multi-frame denoised image se-
quence. As a consequence, our framework has a rel-
atively high level of flexibility, and opens up the pos-
sibility of expanding our framework to cover video as
well as image denoising. Finally, we have proven that
our framework is highly portable with a great deal of
cross-platform potential; therefore, the model trained
by one mobile phone can be directly applied to an-
other camera’s raw bursts without the necessity fine-
tuning, and a similar level of enhancement can be ex-
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is an object moving in the scene, blur will inevitably
occur. In future work, however, we will consider
training our network with a data set containing mov-
ing objects and using a loss function that includes mo-
tion adaptive weights. By optimizing the network ar-
chitecture and training procedure, we expect to con-
tinue to yield further improvements in image quality.
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