Besides typical HAR system challenges, soccer
poses other unique challenges. First, soccer moves
have fast and irregular patterns, which make them
harder to distinguish compared to other daily physi-
cal activities. Second, players might use either foot
while playing, which makes the determination of sen-
sor placement a crucial decision. Our research goal is
to utilize accelerometer data to recognize basic soccer
moves performed by a player in a training session in
real-time without extra hardware.
In this paper, we applied feature-based algorithms
which typically extract meaningful features from the
data to be used in classification. The contributions
of this paper include: first, evaluate three differ-
ent feature-based algorithms: Time Series Forest,
Fast Shapelets, and Bag-of-SFA-Symbols, which rep-
resent different approaches- interval, Shapelet, and
Dictionary-based- to recognize soccer moves; second,
analyze the performance of these algorithms in terms
of accuracy and training time when the parameters are
tuned; third, we propose a voting approach composed
from the aforementioned algorithms to enhance accu-
racy. From this study, our results show that soccer
moves can be recognized in real-time with an accu-
racy of 84%.
Wearable sensor systems can be divided into two
types based on the learning approach: semi-
supervised and supervised.
• Semi-supervised: the model uses labeled and un-
labeled data in the training phase. This approach
is attractive to researchers because having labeled
data requires human resources to label it. Human
labeling becomes an unpractical approach when
the dataset is particularly large. However, obtain-
ing unlabeled data is easier, and it eliminates la-
beling cost (Guan et al., 2007). The authors in
(Radu et al., 2014) aimed to detect whether the
user is indoor or outdoor by employing a semi-
supervised approach as follows: use some of the
labeled data to assign a label(s) to clustered unla-
beled data; train a classifier on small label data,
then tune the classifier based on the unlabeled
data; and utilize collaborative learning, where
classifiers can enhance their performance by mu-
tual learning. In (Ghazvininejad et al., 2011), the
authors used a small portion of the labeled data in
a graph-based method. They calculated the asso-
ciation probability of each class using a k-nearest
neighbor graph. Then, these probabilities were
fed into the Hidden Markov Model to classify un-
seen examples.
• Supervised: the model uses labeled data only in
the training. This approach is the most popular
approach in HAR systems. In (Lee et al., 2017),
walking and running were identified with an ac-
curacy of 92% by training a Convolutional Neu-
ral Network. The researchers in (Kwapisz et al.,
2011) recognized daily activities by training logis-
tic regressions, decision trees, and multilayer neu-
ral network classifiers. Similarly, (Yazdansepas
et al., ), the researchers utilized a Shapelet-based
approach to recognize ambulatory activities in
real time with a high accuracy compared to off-
line systems.
Nowadays, there are many commercial HAR systems
that help users to track their physical activity in real-
time, such as Fitbit, Apple, Garmin, and Android
watches. However, these watches are usually limited
to a number of general activities like running, walk-
ing, and swimming. Our goal in this research is to
recognize a different and more intense type of sport
in real-time. For this, we chose soccer, because it is
the world’s most popular sport (Dunning, 2013). With
millions around the world playing this sport, an af-
fordable system, that can track players’ soccer moves
during training sessions in real time, can help to im-
prove players’ performances. Furthermore, to the best
of our knowledge, identifying soccer actions in real
time using the accelerometer sensor has not yet been
discussed in the literature. It is worth mentioning
that soccer moves are harder to recognize compared
to daily activities, because soccer moves are fast and
irregular, compared to activities like walking and run-
ning. A related point to consider is that players have
different techniques to perform these moves. Build-
ing a player-independent platform to recognize these
moves is a significant feature of our system.
Our research objective is to build a player-
independent platform to identify soccer moves in
real-time utilizing accelerometer data. One of the
possible approaches for real-time classification is to
apply time series classification algorithms. We apply
lightweight feature-based algorithms to classify
streaming data on-the-fly with minimal overhead
on resource-constrained mobile devices. Though
machine learning algorithms are most popular in
HAR studies, most of these algorithms require high
A Feature-based Approach for Identifying Soccer Moves using an Accelerometer Sensor