longer paper-based assessment sheets but can be filled
out using a web-based data platform as well.
1.2 Starting a New Quality Assurance
Plan in 2020
In 2020 a new quality assurance plan for medical ex-
pertises covering the multitude of all health care ser-
vice fields provided by the Statutory Health Insurance
Funds in 2020 will be started. For health care, the top-
ics covered by the Medical Advisory Service Institu-
tions’ consultancy and expertise services are diverse.
About 2.500 specialized physicians, 90 other health
care professionals and 400 medical coders are work-
ing in the health care division of the Medical Advi-
sory Service Institutions. The main tops are
• hospital quality and billing control on behalf of
the health care insurance funds (Thiele K.-P.,
• out-patient case management consultancy and
medical expert opinion service (N
uchtern, 2008)
in multiple fields of medical treatment.
• To learn more about the German social system of
health care in detail, see (Altenstetter and Busse,
2005), (Cortina, 1993), (Machnik, 2009), (Saw-
icki and Bastian, 2008).
So, there are many different health care topics cov-
ered by the Medical Advisory Service Institutions’
consultancy and medical expertises. For a long time,
however, there was no monolithic quality assurance
plan established for the health care segment of con-
sultancy and medical expertises. The Regional Med-
ical Service Institutions performed a kaleidoscope of
singular quality assurance measures lacking a nation-
wide perspective and any public reporting, instead. In
2017, a nationwide task force was established by the
medical directors’ conference of all regional Medical
Advisory Service Institutions to design, to initiate and
to implement a total quality assurance plan.
The preexisting regional quality assurance initia-
tives were used as a draft to establish a unified contin-
uous quality circle (Deming, 1982), (Shewhart, 1931)
suitable to the diversity of medical topics, perform-
ing annual quality measurements and validations. The
total quality assurance organizational framework es-
tablished addresses both, the internal quality assur-
ance of every Regional Medical Advisory Service In-
stitution as well as a nationwide quality assurance.
The quality assurance method is based on peer re-
views, a common method in statutory social insur-
ance frameworks in Germany (DRV, 2018), (Polak,
2018), (Strahl et al., 2016), (Strahl et al., 2018). By
facilitating mutual learning, thereby enhancing con-
tinuous quality improvement, both regionally and na-
tionwide. Crucial to this nationwide initiative was a
commitment by all Regional Medical Advisory Ser-
vice Institutions of a joint and uniform conception of
quality. A prime nationwide reporting of the qual-
ity assurance results of all Medical Advisory Service
Institutions starting in 2020 will contribute to a high
degree of transparency between each other and fosters
mutual learning. What is more, it inspires reliability
and trustworthiness towards their clients, the Statu-
tory Health Insurance Funds, and towards society.
All nationally and internationally available infor-
mation on quality assurance in general and especially
in health systems and health and pension insurance
have been adapted to the newly established system
with the conceptional time ending 2019 and the role
out starting in 2020.
The Medical Advisory Service Institutions yearly
produce about 2.5 million medical expertises about
inpatient hospital treatments and documentations for
on behalf of the statutory health insurance funds. A
random sample of 0.5% will be used for regional qual-
ity assurance using peer reviews. 10 % of those med-
ical expertises randomly chosen get a second exter-
nal peer review by another advisory service institu-
tion generating the nationwide perspective. Thereby
we get 12,500 peer reviews for regional quality assur-
ance and 1,250 nationwide peer reviews.
Additionally there are about 650 thousand medi-
cal expertises in other fields classifies in eight occa-
sion groups (inability of work, outpatient care, new
and unconventional treatment methods and drug treat-
ment, prevention and rehabilitation, remedies, den-
tistry, factual or putative medical treatment, claims
against third, other) with further subgroups. In anal-
ogy to industrial quality standards for production,
quality is defined as a measure that describes the de-
gree of correspondence between the service provided
by an deliverer and the service expected by the cus-
tomer (Masaaki, 1986), (Gerlach, 2001), (Kamiske
and Brauer, 2011), (Institute of Medicine; Commit-
tee to Design a Strategy for Quality Review and As-
surance in Medicare, 1990), (Institute of Medicine,
2001), (Internationale Organisation f
ur Normung,
2015). The concept of nationwide and regional qual-
ity assessment is worked out and will be further
developed by the permanent commission of senior
physicians and quality managers. The questionnaire
HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics