average error (less than 2 m) than the existing method
and baseline.
We investigated how much the error was dis-
tributed for each feature. Figure 9 shows the distri-
butions of the errors of the geo-localization using the
real 360-degree images. In the results of the existing
method (Fig. 9(a)) and baseline (Fig. 9(b)), the peaks
of the distributions have an error of 4 m. In contrast,
in our method (Fig. 9(c)), almost all cases had errors
less than 1 m, though there were a few cases with er-
rors of 5 m. The above results confirm that the pro-
posed PSD features extracted from the ridgeline sig-
nals are effective for geo-localization.
We proposed a method for estimating geo-location us-
ing ridgeline features extracted from 360-degree im-
ages. We evaluated the accuracy of the proposed geo-
localization method using synthesized images gener-
ated from a digital elevation model. We confirmed
that our method substantially outperformed the exist-
ing method. Furthermore, we conducted an experi-
ment to evaluate geo-location using real 360-degree
images collected in the sand dunes. We confirmed
that the average error of our method was less than 2
In future work, we will further evaluate our
method on various datasets of with low texture us-
ing 360-degree cameras. We will also explore the use
of synthesized images to create a target database to
reduce the cost of database generation.
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