For the complete analysis, RNAmultifold will be
extended to automatically enumerate all permutations
π and all complexes consisting of subsets of the in-
put strands up to a maximum interaction order. It will
then compute equilibrium constants and solve the re-
sulting non-linear system of equations to obtain con-
centrations for each complex. To reduce the combi-
natorial explosion of permutations and compositions,
users will be able to supply a list of complexes that are
of interest. An automatic selection of the maximal in-
teraction order may be achieved by starting with the
smallest complexes, increasing the maximum interac-
tion order step by step, until the computed equilibrium
concentrations do not change significantly anymore.
RNAmultifold can be downloaded as
part of ViennaRNA Package 2.5.0a1 from
This work was supported in part by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF,
project no. 031A538A, de.NBI-RBC, to PFS and
project no. 031L0164C, RNAProNet, to PFS), and the
Austrian science fund FWF (project no. I 2874 “Pre-
diction of RNA-RNA interactions”, project no. F 43
“RNA regulation of the transcriptome”, to ILH).
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BIOINFORMATICS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms