model 1. On the other hand, model 2 is able to predict
high probability until the last prediction time. The
model 2 using Town Centre dataset are also higher
prediction than model 1 in the first prediction time,
as shown Figure 13. Figure 14 shows all models are
predictable along each the truth path. From the above
results, recursive model (model2) can predict better
than non-recursive model (model 1).
We proposed a probabilistic paths prediction method
based on an encoder-predictor model. The proposed
method uses context images which visually represents
the state and movement of people’s positions. The
conventional encoder-predictor model applies to im-
ages generation. We applied it to paths prediction
with expressing probability distribution. We made
context images for getting effective information, and
evaluated two types of images and two models in one-
person and multi-person prediction. The experimen-
tal results show optical flow image can get better val-
ues than RGB images. And we also show that model
2, which input the last image of encoder and recur-
sively input images in predictor, is better than a non-
recursive model. Our future work includes planning
to predict individual paths in multi-person prediction.
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