activity, the average accuracies were higher than 75%
for all the classifiers and features analyzed (even re-
moving the epochs’ onset). This suggests a clear dif-
ference between this kind of idle state and color ex-
posure too. Finally, the obtained outcomes confirm
those obtained in (Torres-Garc
ıa et al., 2019) using a
different dataset and analyzing a single type of idle
As future work, we will assess the methods in
other related-neuro paradigms. Besides, the outcomes
could be improved for an additional stage for fea-
ture selection or feature reduction such as Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) and the optimization of
the classifiers’ hyperparameters. Also, an assessment
to identify the minimum size of the epochs to dis-
tinguishing between color exposure and idle state is
needed. This would be the second step towards an on-
line color-based BCI implementation. Last, the non-
stationary nature of EEG signals will make necessary
the application of incremental learning in that imple-
mentation, for tuning the method’s hyperparameters
along the time of use of a specific subject.
We thank the European Research Consortium for In-
formatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) for supporting
this research with a postdoctoral fellowship.
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BIOSIGNALS 2020 - 13th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing