quires only 2 trials per class of training data to model
the AR models, hence only a few seconds of training
are actually required for a new BCI user. From a pre-
liminary analysis we have carried out, we identified
that increasing the number of training trials for the
AR-MM framework did not show statistical improve-
ments in performance. The transferability of train-
ing data in the AR-MM probabilistic approach from
one subject to another will also be addressed in future
A novel autoregressive multiple model (AR-MM)
probabilistic framework for the detection of SSVEPs
for BCIs was presented in this paper. Through this
work we have shown that the univariate AR-MM
probabilistic approach can yield a significant im-
provement in performance over PSDA, a standard
single-channel SSVEP detection method and is only
2.29 % and 3.73 % lower in classification perfor-
mance compared to CCA and FBCCA, respectively,
two standard multichannel SSVEP detection meth-
ods. The proposed framework also provides a mea-
sure of probability for each SSVEP class, which can
be used as a measure of certainty in the decision mak-
ing process.
This work was partially supported by the project
BrainApp, financed by the Malta Council for Science
& Technology through FUSION: The R&I Technol-
ogy Development Programme 2016.
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An Autoregressive Multiple Model Probabilistic Framework for the Detection of SSVEPs in Brain-Computer Interfaces