the jump class pattern (Figure 6(d)), the whole body
moves, so the edges are concentrated at the center of
the body and also concentrated on the right arm.
Figure 7 shows an example of rendering the ac-
quired connection pattern on the dataset videos. Fig-
ure 7(a) shows that in the throwing class, the right
arm greatly moves and the edges are concentrated on
the right arm. Similarly, in the kicking class (Fig-
ure 7(b)), the right leg greatly moves and the edges
are concentrated on the right leg. Also, when throw-
ing, the participant is looking at the target, and when
kicking, the participant is looking at the kicking ob-
ject. In the jump class (Figure 7(c)), the arm greatly
moves with the movement of the whole body, so the
edges are concentrated on the center of the body and
the right arm. From these results, it can be seen that
the edges are concentrated on nodes with large move-
ments for each operation class, and connection pat-
terns specific to operation classes were successfully
In this work, we proposed an action recognition
method considering connection patterns that are spe-
cific to action classes. In the proposed method, fea-
tures unique to each action class were acquired by
introducing multitask learning, and the optimal con-
nection for each action class was obtained by updat-
ing the adjacency matrix on the basis of the learning
weight matrix indicating the importance of edges dur-
ing learning. Evaluation experiments demonstrated
that the proposed method improved classification ac-
curacy in all action classes evaluated compared to ST-
GCN. Moreover, by visualizing the connection pat-
tern, we confirmed that patterns specific to each action
class were generated. Future work includes learning
methods that can obtain the optimal number of edges
for each action class.
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