active session, including e.g. mouse-based selection.
A clear route for improvement is to add new exten-
sion modules. On the other hand, the 3D viewer lacks
some features such as layer support, that we will add
in upcoming versions. We also plan to enhance the
Python console by adding an automatic completion
feature, speeding up even more its usage and making
the API more discoverable.
Repository. Source code for our tool and supple-
mental material is available in the following Git
repository: https://gitrepos.virvig.eu/jfons/meshpipe.
This work has been partially funded by the Span-
ish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and
FEDER Grant TIN2017-88515-C2-1-R.
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GRAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications