2018). However, these methods are specialized for
gas flows, for which the change in refractive index is
very small, and are based on the assumption that the
light ray path can be approximated by a straight line
in the refractive medium. Thus, if we consider the
reconstruction of a larger variation in the refractive
index in 3D space, such as the refractive index varia-
tion for solid and liquid objects, these methods are no
longer applicable.
Therefore, in this paper, we describe the challenge
of recovering an arbitrary refractive index distribution
in 3D space and propose a method for recovering a
fairly large variation in the refractive index distribu-
tion in a 3D space in which there are both gradual
and abrupt changes in the refractive indices. For this
objective, we project light rays from projectors and
observe the points of light on a screen by using cam-
eras, as shown in Fig. 1. The position of each point
on the screen depends on the refractive index of every
point on the corresponding light ray path. Hence, the
position of a point on the screen includes information
about the refractive index at all points along the path.
Thus, we project a large number of light rays from
a single or multiple projectors toward a nonuniform
refractive index space and reconstruct the 3D refrac-
tive index distribution of the space from their points
on the screen. However, if we have a large variation
in the distribution, the reconstruction is very difficult.
Thus, we propose an efficient two-step method that
combines a linear model and a non-linear model of
the light ray paths.
Since the boundary of the refractive index distri-
bution is considered to be the boundary of a transpar-
ent object, the recovery of the 3D refractive index dis-
tribution can be considered the reconstruction of the
whole 3D structure of a transparent scene.
Many methods have been reported for reconstructing
transparent objects. However, since the light transport
of typical transparent objects is very complicated, all
of the existing methods have limited applicability.
Murase (Murase, 1990) pioneered a method for
recovering the 3D shape of the surface of water in
a tank from the image distortion of the texture on
the bottom plane. Since then, the recovery of a wa-
ter surface has been studied extensively. Tian and
Narasimhan (Tian and Narasimhan, 2009) proposed
a method for recovering the shape of the water sur-
face and the texture of the bottom plane simultane-
ously. Morris and Kutulakos (Morris and Kutulakos,
2005) proposed a method for recovering an unknown
refractive index and the surface shape of water using
a known background pattern.
In the case of a water surface, the number of re-
fractions is limited to one. However, solid transparent
objects such as a glass accessory have more than one
refraction, so recovering their surface shape is more
difficult. Kutulakos and Steger (Kutulakos and Ste-
ger, 2005) investigated the feasibility of reconstruc-
tion under light ray refractions, and showed that three
views are enough for recovering the light paths for
up to two refractions. Qian et al. (Qian et al., 2016)
used constraints on position and normal orientation at
each surface point for recovering a 3D shape for up
to two refractions. Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2017) pro-
posed a method for recovering symmetric transparent
objects when there are more than two refractions. For
recovering nonsymmetric objects with more than two
refractions, Wu et al. (Wu. et al., 2018) proposed a
shape-recovery method based on both ray constraints
and silhouette information. Using both space curving
and ray tracing, their method can reconstruct complex
nonsymmetric transparent objects from images.
Although these methods improve the shape recov-
ery of solid transparent objects drastically, they are all
based on the assumption that the light rays are piece-
wise linear and that they refract only at the surface of
objects, more precisely at the boundary between me-
dia. The media type is unlimited, but each medium
must be homogeneous and have a constant refractive
index. This assumption is valid for most solid objects.
However, if we consider more complex objects, such
as heated air or a liquid mixture, these methods are
no longer applicable. Xue et al. (Xue et al., 2014)
proposed a method for recovering the nonuniform re-
fractive index in gas. However, the gas is assumed to
be a thin film, so the incoming light refracts only once
in the gas.
For visualizing and recovering nonuniform refrac-
tive index distributions, such as that in a gas flow,
the background oriented schlieren (BOS) method has
been proposed in the field of fluid dynamics (Dalziel
et al., 2000; Raffel et al., 2000). The BOS method
first obtains the displacement vectors of a random dot
pattern behind nonuniform refractive media and then
uses these vectors as the integrals of refraction in the
viewing direction for tomographic reconstruction of
the refractive index distribution (Goldhahn and Se-
ume, 2007; Raffel, 2015). Several variants of the
BOS method have been proposed that improvethe ac-
curacy of gas flow estimation. Venkatakrishnan and
Meier (Venkatakrishnan and Meier, 2004) improved
the stability of the BOS method by assuming that
the objective gas flow is axisymmetric. Atcheson et
al. (Atcheson et al., 2008) proposed a linear method