Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and
Background Subtraction
Sugino Nicolas Alejandro
, Tsubasa Minematsu
, Atsushi Shimada
, Takashi Shibata
Rin-ichiro Taniguchi
, Eiji Kaneko
and Hiroyoshi Miyano
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University,
744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan
Data Science Laboratories, NEC Corporation, 1753 Shimonumabe, Nakahara-Ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 211-8666, Japan,
Object Detecion, Change Detection, Background Subtraction, Incremental Learning, Fine Tuning.
Public datasets used to train modern object detection models do not contain all the object classes appearing in
real-world surveillance scenes. Even if they appear, they might be vastly different. Therefore, object detectors
implemented in the real world must accommodate unknown objects and adapt to the scene. We implemented
a framework that combines background subtraction and unknown object detection to improve the pretrained
detector’s performance and apply human intervention to review the detected objects to minimize the latent
risk of introducing wrongly labeled samples to the training. The proposed system enhanced the original
YOLOv3 object detector performance in almost all the metrics analyzed, and managed to incorporate new
classes without losing previous training information.
The computer vision field was revolutionized by
the introduction of convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) and the impressive object detection perfor-
mance achieved by the most recent proposed models
such as the faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015), YOLO
(Redmon and Farhadi, 2018), and Retinanet (Lin
et al., 2017). To train these networks, large datasets
are labeled manually and widely available (PASCAL-
VOC (Everingham et al., 2010) and MS-COCO (Lin
et al., 2014)). However, these public datasets do not
contain new object classes and new forms of classes
appearing in real-world surveillance scenes. There-
fore, detectors should accommodate unknown objects
and adapt to the target surveillance scene.
Many researchers have attempted to improve ob-
ject detectors based on fine tuning (Yu et al., 2019a)
(Mhalla et al., 2017). Fine-tuning-based methods ex-
tract candidates of known object classes using pre-
trained detectors and background subtraction meth-
ods and then re-train a pretrained detector using these
candidates. The retrained detector forgets the prior
knowledge possessed by the pretrained detector. In
(Bendale and Boult, 2015), unknown objects are
learned based on open set recognition task. We are
inspired by (Bendale and Boult, 2015); thus, we pro-
pose a general learning framework using a change de-
tection method to accommodate unknown objects.
In our framework, we employ background sub-
traction to detect unknown objects for the pretrained
detector. If we use the detected areas as training sam-
ples based on a fully automatic labeling strategy, a
latent risk of introducing wrongly labeled samples ex-
ists. Hence, we apply human intervention to filter the
best samples and create a curated dataset for retrain-
We designed a system that performs object detec-
tion on a YOLOv3 CNN with a background subtrac-
tion algorithm and then extracts the detected objects
and moving areas from the images to cluster them for
easy manual labeling. Finally, a mix of the human-
revised labeled data and the original data is used to
improve YOLO’s performance in detecting objects
different from those contained in the original train-
ing dataset (fine tuning) and also to add new detection
classes (incremental learning).
The main contribution of our study is the pro-
posal of a framework that combines change detection
and object detection to perform semi-automatic train-
ing. Furthermore, we implemented the system using
a state-of-the-art object detector combined with tra-
Alejandro, S., Minematsu, T., Shimada, A., Shibata, T., Taniguchi, R., Kaneko, E. and Miyano, H.
Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and Background Subtraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0008941200960106
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ditional background subtraction methods, in addition
to simple but fast object tracking and clustering tech-
niques. Finally, we provide quantitative and qualita-
tive results that demonstrate the increase in detection
performance and the detection of new classes, respec-
2.1 Open Set Problem for Pattern
In many actual scenarios for vision applications such
as visual surveillance, a trained recognition system
should accommodate unknown objects. This task is
called as ”open set recognition”. The importance of
this task was reported by (Scheirer et al., 2012). In-
spired by recent progresses in pattern recognition, the
open set recognition task was reorganized by (Ben-
dale and Boult, 2015).
A critical and challenging issue on open set prob-
lems is the identification of unknown objects and def-
inition of new objects. To address this issue, (Ben-
dale and Boult, 2016) proposed the OpenMAX ar-
chitecture, which is effective for identifying new ob-
jects. Asking a human about unknown objects is ef-
fective for defining unknown objects. For example,
Uehara et al. proposed a framework for identify-
ing and defining unknown classes using visual ques-
tion generation (Uehara et al., 2018). Additionally,
time-series videos are useful for identifying unknown
objects and defining their classes by clustering the
objects extracted from stereo with tracking informa-
tion (Osep et al., 2019). In our proposed method,
object-detection- and background-subtraction-based
approaches are employed to identify unknown objects
and define unknown classes.
2.2 Background Subtraction Methods
to Complement Object Detection
Combining background subtraction methods with ob-
ject detection was explored by (Rosenberg et al.,
2005) where a semi-supervised training method that
uses a background model is used to define the prob-
ability of an object or clutter to then retrain the de-
tector model with the best samples. In (Yu et al.,
2019a), background subtraction is applied to extract
all the foreground objects in a specific scene and fine
tune a detector to a certain class, thereby creating
an anomaly detector. To reduce computational work-
load, (Wei and Kehtarnavaz, 2019) used a frame dif-
ference background subtraction model to propose ar-
eas of interest and passed them to a more robust CNN-
based classifier to detect persons carrying specific ob-
jects in surveillance data captured from a long dis-
tance. Likewise, (Yousif et al., 2018) utilized a dy-
namic background model to develop region proposals
to optimize a CNN and classify those regions within
human, animal, and background categories. Mean-
while, (Yu et al., 2019b) used the output from the first
layer of a CNN to extract features to replace the input
of some traditional background subtraction methods
and achieved improved performance with dynamic
background scenes.
To accommodate the possibility of introducing
wrong labels owing to automatic labeling, we rely on
human intervention to filter and correct the dataset.
In addition, we propose clustering in different dimen-
sions to reduce the laborious work involved.
2.3 Scene-specific Training
Scene-specific training for distinct classes is crucial
when implementing a generic detector (trained with
widely available datasets) in real-life situations. In
(Hammami. et al., 2019) the problem is mitigated
using a generic detector to propose the detection of
samples; subsequently, target scene object trajectories
are calculated and associated with feature vectors ex-
tracted from the detected samples using a CNN. Using
the corrected best samples, a new dataset is created
and used to fine tune a detector. In addition, (Namat-
evs et al., 2019) proposed a YOLO CNN to detect
objects that cross a virtual detection line and accel-
erate the training of an RNN (Recurrent Neural Net-
work) with long short-term memory; thus, a neural
network to generate automatic data labels for another
network’s training is used. (Mhalla et al., 2017) and
(Maamatou et al., 2016) fine-tuned an object detector
using samples generated by a generic detector, where
a sampling step was applied to select the best candi-
dates to build a specialized dataset. (Mhalla et al.,
2017) utilized a likelihood function to filter the sam-
ples based on a background algorithm detection.
Unlike the aforementioned methods, our method
relies on background subtraction to detect moving ar-
eas and create objects out of them, while maintaining
the object detector output. Hence, the system can de-
tect any type of moving object in the scene, regardless
of the CNN’s trained class set and the original ones
whether they are moving or not.
Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and Background Subtraction
The main goal of the system is to improve the perfor-
mance of an already trained object classifier relying
on human work in a semi-automatic manner to reduce
the laborious work involved. We propose a system
that comprises three main modules: candidate extrac-
tor, clustering, and retraining. The system workflow
can be seen in Figure 1.
3.1 Candidate Extractor
To improve the object classifier performance, objects
undetected by the original network should be de-
tected. We used two algorithms that perform in par-
allel, in which the classification network performance
can be improved by retraining it with new annotated
data, and a change detection method that performs
foreground segmentation, which will be a basis for
creating new classes or generating more data of an al-
ready known class.
Because the focus of the current study is on fixed
point camera videos, we consider the change detec-
tion method as a good option because typically, the
objects of interest in a scene will move or be moved.
Currently, object classifiers are excellent at recog-
nizing objects in an image; however, if they are not
trained for a specific class or if their training samples
do not contain a particular case of an object, the net-
work will not classify the object or will classify incor-
We will call the candidate to every detected ob-
ject by the object classifier or independent blob after
background segmentation. The purpose of this mod-
ule is to extract candidates such that a user can review
them and correct or add classifications if required. We
can classify three types of candidates that we wish to
Correctly classified candidates: We do not want to
lose this information.
Incorrectly classified candidates: The original la-
bel must be corrected.
Unclassified candidates: If they are object of in-
terest to the user, they must be classified.
3.2 Clustering
The sum of all the candidates extracted by both the
object classifier and the change detection method in
each frame for a period of time results in many can-
didates to be manually labeled by a user. Hence, a
clustering module is required to automatically group
the same appearances of an object in a video or sim-
ilar objects that might be of the same class, thus fi-
nally reducing the time and difficulty of the human
intervention to add or correct the labels.
In the proposed framework, the clustering process
is performed in two stages: 1) temporal grouping, and
2) grouping based on features and labels.
The first criterion for clustering is time and po-
sition, where objects of similar size in the same or
close positions in consequent frames are considered
to be the same. This is the first method in which we
can enhance the network performance; for example,
an object can be classified by the object detector in
one frame but not in the next one owing to noise or
occlusion. If the background subtraction module de-
tects this object, both objects will be grouped together
and share the label.
Subsequently, if the objects share a label, they will
be clustered together. Finally, groups that are left be-
hind with no labels are clustered by similarity of ob-
ject color and shape. These last resulting clusters are
left unlabeled and the reviewing is left to the user.
3.3 Manual Intervention and
Incremental Learning
To enhance the performance of the original object de-
tection, new and correct label information is required.
To acquire this, we leverage human intervention. In
addition, fine tuning or incremental learning is re-
quired to adjust the network for the new occurrences
of known classes or to add new classes to the network,
All the previously mentioned steps were per-
formed to minimize human intervention. Two pri-
mary steps are involved: first, filtering objects that
do not belong to a certain cluster and reviewing the
proposed clusters; next, input labels for the curated
clusters and/or orphan groups of images that were not
clustered. Both steps can be performed with minimal
domain knowledge.
After the user review, the system takes the final
clusters with their labels and automatically annotates
the previously captured images in which the candi-
dates appear. The retraining configuration will vary
depending on the type of object in the clusters; if they
are already known classes, we can add the new data
and continue the original training with the previous
network configuration. However, if a new class ap-
pears, we have first to modify the network architec-
ture and then perform the retraining.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Proposed system overview. The Candidate Extractor (modules in red) is composed by the change detection and
object detection modules. The Clustering (modules in blue) is performed in two stages: first, a temporal grouping and then
based on features and labels. The Re-training (modules in green) comprises the user interaction that is required to add or
refine labels for the automatically proposed clusters and the fine-tuning or incremental learning performed to the detector with
the curated dataset.
4.1 Candidate Extractor
The candidate extractor combines two modules:
an object detector, YOLOv3 CNN, and a tradi-
tional background subtraction method (BGS), either
PAWCS(St-Charles et al., 2016) or SuBSENSE (St-
Charles et al., 2015). Both modules are fed with video
frames in sequence from a camera or a file. YOLO’s
output are the detected object’s bounding boxes, their
classification, and a confidence ratio (classifications
under a configurable confidence threshold are dis-
carded). Meanwhile, BGS’s output is a frame that is
conformed by activated pixels where a foreground ob-
ject had moved. We find contours in that frame, and
retain only the extreme outer ones. Finally, we create
bounding boxes for the closed contours and identify
them as detected objects, such that YOLO’s output
can be compared.
An example of the output of YOLOv3 and the two
background subtraction methods is shown in Figure 2.
This image shows some cases of interest for the Can-
didate Extractor: As shown in the figure, the person
is recognized by both the YOLO and the BGS meth-
ods; however, the sofa and chair are only detected
in YOLO (because they are part of the background),
whereas the box is only detected by the BGS module
(YOLO was not trained for the box class). All these
different cases had to be considered when designing
this module such that the network does not lose pre-
vious knowledge and can incorporate new ones.
Figure 2: Debug output example of the sofa scene: Left:
YOLOv3 (threshold:0.5). Right: PAWCS. The box is de-
tected only by PAWCS, the sofa and chair only by YOLO.
4.2 Grouping and Clustering Module
We first implemented the temporal grouping, which is
represented by groups; each groups, is conformed by
images of an object that has been found in consequent
frames (either by YOLO or BGS modules). If an ob-
Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and Background Subtraction
ject does not remain in scene for a minimum number
of frames, it is considered as noise and discarded. Fig-
ure 3 illustrates how a group is formed using a simple
object tracking algorithm based on the size and posi-
tion of the detected bounding boxes. If a bounding
box is detected in consequent frames with a size and
position difference within a threshold, it is considered
the same; otherwise, it is considered as noise. This
threshold might need to be adjusted if the refresh rate
of the camera varies or if the objects moved faster than
expected. As BGS’s bounding boxes were more sen-
sitive to illumination changes and shadows, if both
modules detect an object, the system will always pri-
oritize YOLO’s bounding boxes.
Next, the groups are bundled in even larger clus-
ters; therefore, only one label is required for all the
images inside of them, thus reducing human labor.
We define these larger bundles as clusters .The final
output of this module comprises two different types
of clusters:
Labeled clusters: Groups that have the YOLO
classification (e.g. car, boat).
Unlabeled clusters: Groups who do not have clas-
sification and whose color histogram is similar.
4.2.1 Labeled Clusters
To prioritize YOLO classified objects, we first check
within a group for classified candidates and then re-
tain the most frequent classification to label the entire
cluster. Within a labeled cluster, wrong classifica-
tions may appear or an entire cluster might be wrong.
Hence, by reviewing and retraining the network, we
can increase its true positives ratio.
4.2.2 Unlabeled Clusters
To create the unlabeled clusters, we first use some im-
ages samples from each group that had no classifica-
tion and convert the RGB captured images into the
HSV colorspace. We use more than one candidate
from each group because even though the group con-
sider the temporal and spatial information, we could
not guarantee that the candidates in each group repre-
sented the same object, as a simple object tracking
was implemented to group them. HSV colorspace
was selected because it separates the luminescence;
therefore, the candidates become more robust to light-
ing changes.
We compute the histograms of the three candi-
dates of each group; subsequently, they are used to
calculate a distance matrix with the average Bhat-
tacharyya distance between the candidates of a group
and the ones from the others. This distance metric
provided the best results based on a qualitatively com-
parison between Correlation, Chi-Squared, and Inter-
section distances.
Finally, DBScan (Ester et al., 1996) clustering al-
gorithm is used with the precalculated distance ma-
trix. This algorithm requires two parameters: ε,
which is the maximum distance between two objects,
and minPts, which is the minimum number of neigh-
bors required in a sample for it to be considered a
core. These parameters must be adjusted manually;
the system will perform clustering with default values
and the user will adjust the parameters according to
the resulting clusters and noise samples. DBScan was
selected because it does not require previous informa-
tion regarding the number of clusters.
Examples of the unlabeled clusters and noise
points are shown in Figure 4. Some clusters might not
be of interest and some groups might be misplaced or
included as noise points. Hence, manual intervention
is necessitated in the next step.
4.3 Manual Intervention and
In addition to the misplacements in clusters that may
occur with unlabeled clusters, YOLO may misclassify
objects. Manual intervention is required to adjust the
labels, remove groups out of a cluster in which they
do not belong, and label unlabeled clusters. Further-
more, the user might select individual groups from the
unclustered group (noise points) or those that were
removed from their clusters, and then label them cor-
rectly. Figure 5 shows the process that must be per-
formed in this step.
After the user reviewing and labeling, the module
searches for the original images where all the can-
didates in each group objects appear and generates
the annotation data using the bounding box informa-
tion previously generated by the Candidate Extractor,
thus generating an output dataset ready for retraining
the CNN. Figure 6 illustrates this automatic process.
For the retraining, we use the annotated data after
human review and combine it with the original COCO
dataset. We retain the original trained weights of the
network as the initial weights for retraining because
the goal is to enhance the default performance for the
scene in the study; subsequently, starting from those
weights, we perform retraining until the desired per-
formance is achieved. When adding new classes to
the network, the latter’s last layers must be modified.
and neurons must be added for classifying the new
classes in the last layers.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Candidates and groups extracted from blizzard scene. Up: YOLO detections, Middle: BGS detections contour and
bounding boxes. Down: Two output groups, black border candidates are extracted from SuBSENSE, the yellow border ones
from YOLO.
Figure 4: Unlabeled clusters from street scene. C0, C1, C2,
C3: Unlabeled clusters with their possible true class.
Two types of experiments were performed for test-
ing the entire system, the goal of which is to enhance
the performance of an already trained network, i.e.,
YOLOv3 with its default weights, in a certain condi-
tion or type of unknown object:
Train to improve the detection of an already
trained class.
Train to detect a new class.
All the experiments were performed using the 2014 (Wang et al., 2014) dataset that is pri-
Figure 5: Diagram of the selection process from blizzard
scene. Highlighted groups do not belong to the true class
and must be corrected manually. Up: Output from cluster-
ing, labeled and unlabeled clusters. Down Cluster: User-
reviewed clusters with car and truck labels.
marily surveillance videos from fixed point cameras,
the selected scenes were split in two, using the first
half for training and the second one for validation.
The hardware used was a server equipped with In-
tel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2686 v4 and an NVIDIA
Tesla K80. YOLOv3 was used with the Darknet
framework from its original creator using CUDA ac-
celeration, both for original object detection and re-
training. For the background subtraction methods,
BGSLibrary’s (Sobral and Bouwmans, 2014) imple-
mentation of various algorithms was used.
Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and Background Subtraction
Figure 6: Diagram of the automatic annotation after manual
labeling of clusters selection process from MS-COCO sofa
scene. Upper groups: Reviewed clusters. Down: Annotated
data (red squares drawn only for ease of understanding).
5.1 Selection of a Background
Subtraction Method
We reviewed traditional background subtraction al-
gorithms and assessed their performances against
YOLO. Based on the information provided by previ-
ous 2014 results and the algorithms available
in BGSLibrary, a test suite was prepared to compare
several algorithms and obtain quantitative results to
select the best fit.
To select the best method, we primarily consid-
ered a high recall and F-measure as after the detec-
tion, the results will be reviewed by a human aided
by a clustering method. We selected SuBSENSE as
our main background subtraction method and retained
the possibility for using PAWCS as it demonstrated
better performances in some specific scenes such as
highly dynamic background ones. In addition, using
its default parameters, PAWCS was less sensitive than
SuBSENSE (lower recall) and produced more consis-
tent blobs. Results of the selected methods are shown
in Table 1; the metrics used are the same as those pro-
posed in 2014 and were measured using the
provided tools.
Table 1: Results of some of the tested BGS methods on
all sections averaged on 2014 dataset. R: Recall.
Sp:Specificity. P: Precision. Diff: Frame Difference back-
ground subtraction, its results are provided for comparison.
R Sp P F-measure
Diff 0.36 0.95 0.38 0.23
PAWCS 0.72 0.98 0.79 0.69
SubSENSE 0.78 0.99 0.77 0.73
5.2 Improving Detection of an Already
Trained Class
Based on the pre-experimental results, we discovered
scenes where YOLO did not perform as expected.
Scenes that exhibited issues were the following:
Turbulence: No detection or wrong classification.
Bad weather, night: Misclassifications, low recall.
From the original 2014 dataset, we se-
lected turbulence0 and turbulence2 scenes from tur-
bulence cases, the blizzard scene from badWeather,
and streetCornerAtNight (referred as street) and busy-
Boulevard (referred as boulevard) from night scenes.
We generated labels for validation using the ground
truth data in some of the scenes, and used them to
measure the quantitative results. Details of the train-
ing are shown in Table 2.
The manual intervention process involves discern-
ing the resulting clusters and searching for those that
we intend to use (either labeled or unlabeled ones);
subsequently, we review them and filter out groups
that did not belong to the cluster (e.g., in Figure, 5
we remove the truck from the car class). Finally, we
assign labels to the final clusters. In some cases we
reviewed the orphan groups, such as the noise points
and those filtered out from a cluster, and we assigned
a label to them (e.g., in Figure, 5 after filtering out the
group that has a truck and label it as truck).
We fine-tuned the network starting from the orig-
inal YOLOv3 weights, with no added classes. The
training parameters are the following (Unless other-
wise noted, the YOLOv3 default training configura-
tionis used hereinafter): Using width = height = 416,
the training duration is specified in iterations (Table 3
and 4), each iteration is a full batch training (64 im-
ages). Each batch is composed of 63 images from
MS-COCO and one image from the new dataset gen-
erated after the manual labeling. The MS-COCO
dataset is composed of 117263 images for training
and 5000 for validation. Depending on the scene, a
few thousand images are added to both datasets (Ta-
ble 2).
Some detection parameters had to be adjusted for
each scene in particular. These parameters affect on
how well the cluster module performs and thus how
much easier the labeling becomes. These parameters
are: the background subtraction method (SuBSENSE
or PAWCS), and the external parameters required for
DBScan (maximum distance and minimum points).
To determine when the training is completed,
the loss function was ineffective as it did not pro-
vide much information, as the network, i.e., original
YOLOv3, has already been trained for over 500000
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: Frames used for re-training the network. GT: Has Ground Truth labels. The training and validation columns refer to
the starting and last frames from the scene. Clusters shows the total clusters and how they are composed U nlabeled + Labeled.
Scene GT BGS Method Training Validation Detections Groups Clusters
turbulence0 Yes SuBSENSE 1324-1989 1990-2593 1909 21 6(2+4)
blizzard Yes SuBSENSE 906-1819 1820-3587 4235 67 5(1+4)
street Yes PAWCS 862-1621 1622-2999 2520 97 9(5+4)
turbulence2 No SuBSENSE 59-2733 2734-4397 2752 11 1(1+0)
boulevard No SuBSENSE 755-1290 1291-1829 10951 438 7(3+4)
Figure 7: Frames from street scene. Left: Car wa only de-
tected by BGS. Right: Car detected by YOLO.
iterations using the MS-COCO dataset. Therefore,
the networks were trained until satisfactory measures
were achieved using the ground truth semi-automatic
labels or with qualitative evaluation depending on the
We measured the original YOLOv3’s and the re-
trained network’s performance using the same test
bench so as to keep results comparable. Considering
TP = Number of true positives, FP = number of false
positives, FN = number of false negatives, P = Preci-
sion, R = Recall, F = F-measure and IoU = Average
Intersection over Union, all the results can be seen in
Table 3.
In all the studied cases the network performance
was enhanced for the specific scene. Enhancements
of Precision, Recall, and thus F-Measure are shown
in almost all scenes with the different thresholds anal-
ysed. The most evident case is the turbulence0 scene
were the original YOLOv3 was almost not able to
detect anything correctly. The street scene at 0.25
threshold measurements showed some deterioration
compared to the original YOLOv3. After a thorough
review of the images, we discovered that this was due
to the background subtraction method that only de-
tected the lights of cars at night and not the full car;
therefore, the bounding boxes deviated slightly from
the expectation, reducing both the Precision and IoU,
as shown in Figure 7.
In addition to the quantitative results obtained
from the ground truth labels, we computed the per-
formances of the retrained networks with the original
COCO dataset; the results are shown in Table 4. Fur-
thermore, we added mAP@IoU = 0.5 (mean Aver-
age Precision) to the previous measurements. i.e., the
mean average precision over all 80 MS-COCO cate-
gories where the IoU of a T P is over 50%, which is
typically used to compare the accuracy of detection
algorithms in object detection. Fine-tuning usually
implies losing previous knowledge, the results shows
that we did not lose previous knowledge significantly.
The slight decrease in Recall is compensated with a
higher Precision resulting in similar F-Measure.
5.3 Training to Detect New Classes
Compared with the previous experiment, the only dif-
ference in the labeling process is that the user has to
add new classes. Meanwhile, the training process is
slightly different. In this case, because the number of
objects to classify is different from that of the origi-
nal network, we remove the last layers of YOLOv3,
where the detection at three scales start. This implies
using the weights up to the 81st layer and then retrain-
ing from thereof with the new structure that supports
the new objects. Additionally, to determine when
training is to be halted, we examined the loss func-
tion and used the weights from the iteration where no
further decrease was shown.
For this case, we used the sofa scene of the inter-
mittentObjectMotion cases. In this scene, the objects
of interest are a box, plastic bag, and suitcase, which
are placed on a sofa for a few seconds and then re-
moved. The original YOLOv3 can recognize the suit-
case in some frames; however, a class that represents
the box or plastic bag does not exist. Both are objects
of interest for this scene and are in fact moved; there-
fore, the BGS methods can identify them. As such,
the total number of classes was 82 including the two
new ones: box and plastic bag.
In this scene, we prefiltered the training images
before retraining. To reduce the risk of catastrophic
forgetting to the minimum, we defined the sofa and
chair as background objects such that if any of them
was not labeled in an image, it was not used for train-
ing. This is because YOLO detected chair and sofa
in many frames but not in all of them (1480 out of
2692). Because 1480 frames were considered enough
for training, we could discard those frames and use
those fully labeled for those classes.
All the frames of the video, after the prefiltering
of the best samples, were input to the system. The
Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and Background Subtraction
Table 3: Performance of the different trained networks based on the ground truth labels. turb0 refers to turbulence0 scene.
Scene Network Iterations threshold P R F TP FP FN IoU[%]
yolov3 - 0.1 0.59 0.29 0.33 114 79 375 45
proposed 9000 0.1 0.71 0.46 0.56 380 154 454 52.11
yolov3 - 0.25 0.89 0.19 0.31 93 11 396 68
proposed 9000 0.25 0.88 0.31 0.46 259 35 575 66.86
yolov3 - 0.1 0 0 0 2 1547 1285 0
proposed 3000 0.1 0.54 0.75 0.63 969 813 318 39
yolov3 - 0.25 0 0 0 0 655 1287 0
proposed 3000 0.25 0.81 0.69 0.75 894 214 393 58.24
yolov3 - 0.1 0.69 0.62 0.65 1050 469 657 58
proposed 6000 0.1 0.83 0.7 0.76 1201 248 506 70.42
yolov3 - 0.25 0.87 0.58 0.7 994 151 713 73
proposed 6000 0.25 0.95 0.66 0.78 1201 62 586 80.94
Table 4: Performance of the different networks on MS-COCO dataset. Measured yolov3 original network is included for
reference. turb0 refers to turbulence0 scene, It: Iterations, thre: Detection threshold, mAP: mean Average Precision.
Scene Network It thre P R F TP FP FN IoU[%] mAP[%]
- yolov3 - 0.25 0.64 0.54 0.59 19320 10879 16437 50.5 54.65
street proposed 9000 0.25 0.66 0.51 0.58 18308 9316 17449 52.37 53.6
turb0 proposed 3000 0.25 0.64 0.5 0.57 18049 9993 17708 50.58 51.89
blizzard proposed 6000 0.25 0.66 0.51 0.58 18255 9382 17502 52.17 52.17
- yolov3 - 0.1 0.47 0.62 0.53 22020 24993 13737 36.23 54.64
street proposed 9000 0.1 0.48 0.6 0.54 21616 23214 14141 37.48 53.63
turb0 proposed 3000 0.1 0.46 0.6 0.52 21312 24827 14445 32.72 51.89
blizzard proposed 6000 0.1 0.48 0.6 0.53 21547 23341 14210 37.3 53.35
captured frames from the resulting video where these
cases appear are shown in Figure 8, with the original
YOLOv3 as a reference. The retrained network can
detect and classify the box, plastic bag, and suitcase
correctly. The box on the sofa is not shown in the
images as labeled but was classified at a lower confi-
dence ratio (15%). This is because the box over the
sofa was not part of the training dataset but rather of
the validation dataset.
5.4 Qualitative Evaluation
Some of the scenes mentioned in the sections above
have been annotated from their ground truth data to
create metrics and quantitative results. The other
scenes that were analyzed only qualitatively include
sofa, boulevard, and turbulence2. The results are
shown in Figures 8, 9 and 10 respectively, all these
cases were classified with the same threshold (0.25).
The captions provide different cases of interest,
such as fixing a YOLO label in the sofa with the bench
classification changed to chair, which was the human
input, as well as increasing the Recall shown in the
boulevard scene with more detections of persons and
cars. New classes were detected in the sofa scene such
as the box and plastic bag.
We herein propose a system to enhance neural net-
work performance with minimal human interven-
tion. We combined YOLOv3, a fast real-time capable
CNN, with traditional background subtraction meth-
ods that require no training and could be used in many
different cases, to improve the detection performance
of the network. In addition, we applied time, position,
classification, and color histogram similarity cluster-
ing policies to ease the labeling of a new dataset for
The proposed system enhanced the original
YOLOv3 performance in almost all the metrics an-
alyzed for the tested scenes.
Our implementation did not consider catastrophic
forgetting nor more modern tracking and clustering
methods. We expect our framework to be improved if
such methods were used and catastrophic forgetting
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 8: Captions from the sofa scene, Top row: Original YOLOv3 (threshold: 0.25), Down row: Retrained network after
7000 iterations (threshold: 0.25). Left column: Detection of all the objects of interest (box, plastic bag, suitcase). Middle
column: FN of box. Right column: Improved detection of sofa and suitcase.
Figure 9: Sequences of boulevard frames before(up) and after(down) retraining for 10000 iterations, showing Recall increase
in car(yellow) and person(purple).
Figure 10: Sequences of turbulence2 frames before(up) and after(down) retraining for 7000 iterations. Yellow labeled objects
are correct detections of car (in yellow). Before retraining, the original network did not detect them or misclassified them as
cow (magenta) or sheep (light blue).
Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and Background Subtraction
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