In summary, these results indicate that 2D pose es-
timation in depth data is possible at an accuracy simi-
lar to 2D pose estimation in color images, suggesting
that depth data are suitable for this purpose in terms
of the achievable accuracy. However, given the di-
verging results and the limited number of keypoints
that are consistent across detectors, we aim to carry
out more studies in the future to confirm this.
We have presented a case study on how utilizing syn-
thetic depth data for solving a practical problem via
deep learning, namely 3D human pose estimation
for health care applications, compares to alternative
means for acquiring training data. The results show
that synthetic training data are a promising alterna-
tive particularly to acquiring own realistic data if this
results in a dataset that is small by deep learning stan-
dards, despite using transfer learning. We presume
that this applies for related problems such as face and
person detection in depth data as well as these tasks
are similar in terms of data characteristics. For the
future we plan to verify this empirically and to inves-
tigate why the sensor noise simulation method em-
ployed did not lead to conclusive results. On this basis
we hope to be able to develop an improved noise sim-
ulation method that helps to further reduce the gener-
alization gap from synthetic to real data.
This work was supported by the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency (FFG-855696).
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