PlanAR: Accurate and Stable 3D Positioning System
via Interactive Plane Reconstruction for Handheld Augmented Reality
Ami Miyake, Hideaki Uchiyama
, Atsushi Shimada and Rin-ichiro Taniguchi
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
3D Positioning, vSLAM, Handheld Augmented Reality, Interactive 3D Reconstruction.
This paper presents a ray-casting-based three-dimensional (3D) positioning system that interactively recon-
structs scene structures for handheld augmented reality. The proposed system employs visual simultaneous
localization and mapping (vSLAM) technology to acquire camera poses of a smartphone and sparse 3D fea-
ture points in an unknown scene. First, users specify a geometric shape region, such as a plane, in captured
images while capturing a scene. This is performed by manually selecting some of the feature points generated
by vSLAM in the region. Next, the system computes the shape parameter with the selected feature points so
that the scene structure is reconstructed densely. Subsequently, users select the pixel of a target point in the
scene at one camera view for 3D positioning. Finally, the system computes the intersection between the 3D
ray computed with the selected pixel and the reconstructed scene structure to determine the 3D coordinates
of the target point. Owing to the proposed interactive reconstruction, the scene structure can be estimated
accurately and stably; therefore, 3D positioning will be accurate. Because the geometric shape used for the
scene structure is a plane in this study, our system is referred to as PlanAR. In the evaluation, the performance
of our system is compared statistically with an existing 3D positioning system to demonstrate the accuracy
and stability of our system.
Three-dimensional (3D) positioning refers to the
computation of the 3D coordinates of a target point
in a scene (Polvi et al., 2016). The applications
based on 3D positioning includes, but not lim-
ited to, placing 3D annotations in augmented real-
ity (AR) (Wither et al., 2009; Marchand et al., 2016),
manipulating 3D objects in virtual reality (VR) (Bail-
lot et al., 2001; Jung et al., 2002; Henrysson et al.,
2005), and distance measurement for surveying sys-
. Compared with measuring-tape- or laser-
range-finder-based approaches (Amann et al., 2001),
visual–inertial methods are easy to use, reasonably
accurate, and practical in various situations because
they can be implemented on mobile devices (Polvi
et al., 2016; Tashiro et al., 2019). Furthermore, they
are used in a noncontact manner when keeping users
away from a target point.
As implemented in ARKit by Apple or ARCore
by Google for placing AR annotations via 3D posi-
tioning, one approach is to use ray casting (Hinck-
ley et al., 1994) derived from object manipulation in
VR (Baillot et al., 2001). To determine the 3D coordi-
nate of a target point in the scene, selecting its pixel at
one camera view is sufficient if the scene structure is
completely known such as VR systems. For AR sys-
tems, the procedure is composed of three steps, as fol-
lows: With visual simultaneous localization and map-
ping (vSLAM) (Taketomi et al., 2017), sparse sets of
3D feature points are reconstructed in a scene while
estimating camera poses. Next, the feature points are
used to estimate geometric shapes such as planes and
spheres. This process is equivalent to generating a
complete scene structure. Subsequently, 3D position-
ing can be performed. When users select the pixel of
a target point at one camera view, the intersection be-
tween the 3D ray of the selected pixel and the scene
structure is computed to determine the target 3D co-
ordinate. The final process is known as ray casting.
The drawback of the existing ray-casting-based
methods is that the results of 3D positioning is nei-
ther accurate nor stable owing to the inaccuracy of the
reconstructed scene structure. In other words, both
the accurate scene structure and pixel selection of a
Miyake, A., Uchiyama, H., Shimada, A. and Taniguchi, R.
PlanAR: Accurate and Stable 3D Positioning System via Interactive Plane Reconstruction for Handheld Augmented Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0008942307830791
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
target point are necessary for accurate 3D position-
ing. When using automatic reconstruction methods,
several heuristic parameters should be set internally
to determine the structure size, neighborness of 3D
points, and tolerance to noise (Schnabel et al., 2007).
However, optimizing the aforementioned parameters
for various scene structures is difficult in practice.
Since these parameters need to be determined in ad-
vance, the estimated scene structure is not always ac-
curate; i.e., one planar surface can be divided into two
planes, or a stepped surface can be detected as one
plane. This inaccuracy largely degrades the usability
of the existing systems.
We herein propose a simple but effective inter-
active reconstruction method for achieving accurate
and stable ray-casting-based 3D positioning systems.
The proposed system employs a vSLAM technology
to acquire camera poses of a smartphone and sparse
3D feature points in an unknown scene. First, users
specify a geometric shape region, such as a plane, in
a scene by selecting the pixels of the feature points
generated by vSLAM in the region. This can be per-
formed easily by running a fingertip along the region
on the smartphone screen. Next, the system computes
the shape parameter with the selected points such that
the scene structure is reconstructed densely. Subse-
quently, users select the pixel of a target point at one
camera view for 3D positioning. Finally, the system
computes the intersection between the 3D ray com-
puted with the selected pixel and the scene structure
to determine the coordinate of the target point. Owing
to our user interaction-based reconstruction, the scene
structure can be estimated accurately and stably with
little user effort. This process is invaluable for achiev-
ing accurate and stable 3D positioning even though it
is simple and straightforward. As explained in Sec-
tion 3, our system is referred to as PlanAR because
we focus on generating planes as geometric shapes.
Nonetheless, we can easily incorporate other shapes,
such as spheres and cylinders, into our system. In
the evaluation, the performance of our system is com-
pared statistically with an existing system to demon-
strate the effectiveness of our system. It is notewor-
thy that we assumed that the scene contained some
textures to produce feature points for vSLAM.
Camera-based approaches for 3D positioning can be
divided into two categories. The first approach is
to use ray casting against a densely reconstructed
scene structure, as explained in Section 1. By us-
ing dense point-cloud reconstruction (Whelan et al.,
2016; Fuhrmann et al., 2014) or geometric shape
reconstruction from sparse feature points (Roberto
et al., 2017), ray-casting-based 3D positioning at
one camera view can be performed (Nuernberger
et al., 2016; Lien et al., 2016). The drawback of
this approach is that the inaccuracy of automatic
scene reconstruction degrades the accuracy of 3D
positioning. This is generally caused by certain
heuristic parameters used in the plane reconstruction
method (Schnabel et al., 2007). Owing to inaccurate
scene structures, 3D positioning becomes inaccurate
The second approach is to use triangulation with
multiple camera views (Polvi et al., 2016; Tashiro
et al., 2019). This approach is also based on a vS-
LAM technology. To compute the 3D coordinate of a
target point in a scene, the pixel selection of a target
point is required from at least two views such that the
triangulation technique can be applied (Hartley and
Sturm, 1997). To allow users to easily select pixels
at two camera views, Polvi et al. proposed the use of
an epipolar geometry (Zhang, 1998) to provide auxil-
iary visualization (Polvi et al., 2016). In this system,
users first select the pixel of a target point at one cam-
era view and repeats it on the visualized epipolar line
at the other view. Tashiro et al. proposed an alter-
native system such that the users can select pixels at
any number of camera views to accommodate noisy
user inputs (Tashiro et al., 2019). In this system, tech-
niques on multiple view geometry are incorporated
to improve the accuracy and stability of 3D position-
ing (Rumpler et al., 2011; Hess-Flores et al., 2014; Yu
and Gallup, 2014). This approach is generally more
accurate than ray-casting-based approaches because
it does not depend on automatic structure reconstruc-
tion. However, it requires more operation time be-
cause selecting pixels at many camera views becomes
more stressful when the number of target points to be
measured is increased.
The comparison of the first, second, and our pro-
posed approaches for 3D positioning is presented in
Table 1. To compute the 3D coordinate of one target
point in a scene, the number of required operations
varies according to the approaches. Our system is the
extension of the first approach. Particularly, we focus
on achieving an accuracy similar to that of the sec-
ond approach while maintaining the operation time of
the first approach. Because our proposed interactive
reconstruction is simple, it can be performed quickly.
Therefore, the operation time does not increase sig-
nificantly while accuracy is maintained, as discussed
in Section 4.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Comparison of approaches for 3D positioning.
Approach Accuracy Num. of operations
Ray casting with automatic reconstruction (first approach) Not stable 1
Interactive triangulation with multiple views (second approach) Stable more than 2
Ray casting with interactive reconstruction (IR) (Proposed) Stable 1 after IR
3.1 Overview
Figure 1 illustrates the flow of our proposed system.
The processes are divided into user and system sides.
After starting the system, vSLAM is performed
consistently as a background process such that camera
poses and sparse 3D map points can be acquired con-
tinuously. We used ARCore as the vSLAM library.
First, map points generated by vSLAM are visualized
on the camera images. Next, users select a geomet-
ric shape region in the images to densely reconstruct
the scene structure. This is performed by selecting
the pixels of the map points detected in the region.
In this study, we focus on using planes. After pixel
selection, the plane parameter is estimated from the
selected map points. Users can reconstruct any num-
ber of small or large planes in the scene, if necessary.
Finally, users can select the pixels of target points on
the reconstructed planes for 3D positioning.
It is noteworthy that the 3D coordinates are es-
timated in the vSLAM coordinate system, which is
typically determined by vSLAM. This coordinate sys-
tem is sufficient for AR annotation placement. How-
ever, the 3D coordinates are not comprehensive for
users because the vSLAM coordinate system is gen-
erally unknown. Therefore, our prototype system is
designed to measure the distance between two points,
as described in Section 4.
3.2 Visualization of Map Points
Recent visual-inertial SLAM can generate sparse 3D
map points for an accurate camera pose estima-
tion (Delmerico and Scaramuzza, 2018), as imple-
mented in ARCore. Since ARCore provides some
map points in the scene, we extract them from AR-
Core at every frame, and visualize them on the im-
ages, as illustrated in Figure 2(a). To visualize them,
a fixed size of a sphere, such as a radius of 1 cm, is
placed at each map point.
of map points
of map points
of target points
3D positioning
Figure 1: Flow of our proposed system. The processes are
divided into user and system sides. Users select pixels for
the interactive reconstruction and 3D positioning of target
points. While executing vSLAM, the system reconstructs
the scene structure from the map points selected by users
and computes the 3D coordinates of the target points.
3.3 Selection of Map Points
To reconstruct the scene structure with a plane, users
are required to select the pixels of map points detected
on a plane. If users are required to precisely select the
point individually, this process would be laborious.
However, a few points are sufficient to compute the
plane parameter; at least three points are necessary.
Therefore, this process can be performed easily if map
points are detected on plane regions.
In our system, users are asked to run a fingertip
along the plane region, as illustrated in Figure 2(b).
In this figure, the user attempts to create a plane on
the top of two boxes, which height is same. The color
of the selected map points is blue, whereas that of un-
selected ones is yellow. To detect whether a map point
is selected, ray casting from a selected pixel to unse-
lected map points is performed. Even though users
may select the points that do not belong to a plane,
such points can be removed as outliers in the process
of robust estimator-based plane reconstruction, as ex-
plained in Section 3.4. Therefore, users can perform
PlanAR: Accurate and Stable 3D Positioning System via Interactive Plane Reconstruction for Handheld Augmented Reality
(a) Visualization of map points (b) Selection of map points (c) Plane reconstruction (d) Selection of target points
Figure 2: Each process in our proposed system. Map points from vSLAM are first visualized and then selected by users
to reconstruct a plane. Subsequently, users select the pixels of the target points on the reconstructed plane to measure the
distance between two points.
this process in a friendly manner.
3.4 Plane Reconstruction
After users have selected the map points on a plane,
the plane parameter is computed using the points.
This process is based on principal component anal-
ysis (PCA). PCA can compute two axes on a plane
and one axis perpendicular to the plane using 3D map
points. To remove outliers, RANSAC is applied as a
robust estimator (Fischler and Bolles, 1981).
When using PCA, the direction of two axes on a
plane is determined according to the arrangement of
the map points. This means that it is difficult to con-
sistently estimate the direction such that one axis al-
ways faces the same direction. Therefore, a plane is
visualized using a polygon or a circle, as illustrated
in Figure 2(c). The polygon center is located at the
center of the selected map points, and its radius is de-
termined from the center to the farthest point.
3.5 Selection of Target Points
For 3D positioning, users select the pixel of any target
point on the plane. The target point in this process is
not equivalent to a map point generated by vSLAM.
The process of computing the 3D coordinates of
a target point is as follows. From vSLAM, camera
poses are acquired when tracking is successful. When
users select the pixel of a target point in the image,
the 3D ray of the pixel is computed using a camera
pose and pixel location in the image, as well as VR
systems (Baillot et al., 2001). To support an accu-
rate pixel selection, we used a reticle marker, as im-
plemented in SnipAR (Tashiro et al., 2019)(see Fig-
ure 2(d)). Subsequently, ray casting is performed
from the pixel to the plane in the scene. Finally, the
intersection between the plane and 3D ray is com-
puted as the 3D coordinates of the target point.
4.1 Evaluation Design
To evaluate the performance of our proposed system,
we developed an application to measure the distance
between two points in a scene, such as a commercial
AR ruler application. When using the application,
users are required to perform 3D positioning twice to
measure the distance. In this evaluation, the partici-
pants were asked to measure the size of some objects.
As illustrated in Figure 3, the target scene for the
evaluation comprised several objects that varied by
size and shape and placed on a mesh-type metal rack
board. Compared with simple environments used in
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Evaluation scene in a storeroom. The task was to
measure the width of objects stored on a rack board.
other evaluations (Polvi et al., 2016; Tashiro et al.,
2019), we selected an actual environment in a store-
room because we focused on investigating the perfor-
mance in practical use.
In our preliminary experiments, we discovered
that ARcore could not reconstruct a plane on a rack
board even though it generated some map points. In
practical situations, automatic plane detection did not
work or failed. Our interactive plane reconstruction is
highly useful in such situations because the plane can
be stably reconstructed with map points selected by
users, as discussed in Section 5. As a benchmarking
method, we used SnipAR because its accuracy in 3D
positioning is better and it is also less time-intensive
than other methods (Tashiro et al., 2019).
4.2 Task
The task was to naively measure the distance between
two points using two systems: our proposed PlanAR
and SnipAR. Particularly, the participants were asked
to measure the width of ve objects on a rack board.
In practice, this process is equivalent to quantitatively
measuring the occupancy on each rack board at a dis-
tance in a non-contact manner.
Before the evaluation, we provided detailed in-
structions of how each system is to be used and pro-
vided sufficient time for trial use. The following in-
structions were provided.
1. Participants must measure the distances as accu-
rate as possible.
2. Participants assess whether to re-perform 3D po-
sitioning, at their own will.
3. Participants start the task 1 meter away from the
4. After the participants have started the task, they
can move freely.
5. Participants push the finish button when they are
satisfied with the measurement results.
6. For PlanAR, participants first create a plane on a
rack board and then perform 3D positioning.
To clarify the order of the distance measurement for
the participants, the order was visualized with small-
numbered tags in the scene.
The evaluation procedure is as follows:
1. pre-questionnaires regarding participant back-
2. instructions of how to use each system with an
instruction movie and trial uses,
3. task of measuring the distances between five sets
of two points using each system,
4. and post-questionnaires for feedback regarding
the usability of each system.
For each participant, the order of the task for the two
systems was randomized to be counterbalanced. Each
participant required approximately 30 min to com-
plete all procedures.
4.3 Evaluation Criteria
The first criterion was the operation time required for
the distance measurement. The time measurement
started when the participants pushed the start button.
This measurement time continued until the partici-
pants pushed the finish button. In parallel, the time
when each positioning was finished was measured.
This was used to clarify the number of points to be
measured were the boundary to make a significant dif-
ference between the two systems.
The second criterion was the measurement accu-
racy of the distance between two points. The ground-
truth distance was measured manually using a mea-
suring tape. The absolute difference between the
ground truth and the estimated result was the error.
To compare the performances of the two systems,
we statistically analyzed the results of the operation
time and the measurement accuracy by t-test, imple-
mented on Microsoft Excel2016. A t-test can deter-
mine whether a significant difference exists between
the averages of sample pairs. Additionally, outliers
can be excluded using the interquartile range. To vi-
sualize the results, we used a box-and-whisker plot.
4.4 Result
4.4.1 Participant Statistics
Ten students from a university participated in the
evaluation: 10 male; mean age, 22.6 years; age
PlanAR: Accurate and Stable 3D Positioning System via Interactive Plane Reconstruction for Handheld Augmented Reality
range, 21 to 25; mean height, 170.5 cm. At
the beginning of the evaluation, we used the pre-
questionnaires of other evaluations (Polvi et al., 2016;
Tashiro et al., 2019). The participants answered
their experiences on a 7-point Likert scale (1 =
not at all and 7 = very familiar). They estimated
their experiences for touchscreen (M=6.6, SD=0.49),
handheld devices (M=6.5, SD=0.50), AR (M=4.3,
SD=1.27), handheld AR (M=4.2,SD=1.47), and 3D
interface (M=3.8, SD=1.40). Compared with other
evaluations (Polvi et al., 2016; Tashiro et al., 2019),
the participants were familiar with not only the smart-
phone, but also AR and Handheld AR.
For the statistical analysis, 10 samples were used
for the operation time of each method, as 1 sample
was given by each participant. Also, 50 samples were
used for the measurement accuracy, as 5 samples were
given by each participant.
4.4.2 Operation Time
As illustrated in Figure 4, SnipAR required more time
than PlanAR to complete all the tasks. For PlanAR,
the participants spent the average of 83.4 s to create
a plane at the beginning. In our evaluation setup, we
selected a difficult situation such that it was not trivial
to generate a plane on a rack board owing to occlu-
sions and few feature points generated by ARCore. In
other situations, less time is required if there were suf-
ficient feature points that could facilitate plane gener-
ation. The average operation time required for one
3D positioning was 22.5 s and 7.6 s for SnipAR and
PlanAR, respectively. This is because the number of
operations for 3D positioning in PlanAR is less than
that of SnipAR.
Next, we investigated the number of points to be
measured on a plane were the boundary such that the
distance between the two systems is statistically sig-
nificant, as illustrated in Figure 5. When using the
total operation time at the 8-th positioning, a signifi-
cant difference was discovered thorough the t-test, as
shown in Table 2. The label ”df” means the degree of
freedom. The p-value was computed with a two-sided
test. A significant difference is implied if the p-value
was less than 0.05. Hence, our results show that Pla-
nAR is faster when approximately 8 target points are
distributed on a plane. This is equivalent to measur-
ing four distances of two points. Because the scene in
our daily life is composed of many planes, measuring
several distances on a plane is not a special situation.
Therefore, our interactive plane-reconstruction-based
approach can be useful in practice.
SnipAR PlanAR
Figure 4: Operation times for PlanAR and SnipAR. The
plane in the horizontal axis represents the time required for
generating a plane. The digit in pin+digit represents the
order for 3D positioning.
Table 2: Result of t-test for each box whisker.
The figure number df t-value P-value
Figure 5(a) 9 0.927 0.378
Figure 5(b) 9 2.285 0.048
Figure 5(c) 9 3.302 0.009
Figure 6 45 1.753 0.086
4.4.3 Measurement Accuracy
Figure 6 illustrates the result of the t-test for the mea-
surement accuracy of distance between two points.
The dots in the figure represent outliers detected using
the interquartile range. The means of the error were
9.6 and 6.9 mm in SnipAR and PlanAR, respectively.
A significant statistical difference was not observed in
the measurement accuracy, as shown in table 2.
It is noteworthy that four obvious outliers ap-
peared, in which the error was 10 times larger than
those of others in the results of SnipAR. This occurs
occasionally because of the instability of vSLAM in
ARCore. Such obvious outliers were manually re-
moved before the t-test; we used 46 samples in each
method for the evaluation.
4.4.4 Number of Repeated Operations
In addition to the operation time and measurement ac-
curacy, we investigated the number of repeated oper-
ations, which is related to the usability. The definition
of a repeated operation in the evaluation is to repeat
3D positioning for the same position.
The average number of repeated operations was
0.4 and 2 times in SnipAR and PlanAR, respectively.
This result is related to the required operations for
each method. With SnipAR, the participants must se-
lect pixels at least twice at different camera views. To
improve the accuracy, they are allowed to iterate the
pixel selections at more views to adjust the estimated
3D position, if they desire. This means that the par-
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Time at 7-th positioning
(b) Time at 8-th positioning
(c) Time at the end of tasks
Figure 5: t-test for operation time at n-th positioning. At the 7-th positioning, a significant difference was not observed. After
the 8-th positioning, a significant difference was observed. The results of t-test with these data are shown in Table 2.
Figure 6: Measurement accuracy. Significant difference be-
tween the two methods was not observed.
ticipants tend to iterate rather than repeat pixel selec-
Conversely, the participants can perform 3D po-
sitioning with only one operation in PlanAR. If cam-
era shake occurs when they are performing 3D posi-
tioning, it is hard to accurately select the target point.
Therefore, the participants tend to repeat the opera-
tions. However, the operation time was not signif-
icantly affected by repeating operations because the
operation for 3D positioning in PlanAR is simple.
4.4.5 Post-questionnaires
We followed the post-questionnaires used in other
evaluations (Polvi et al., 2016; Tashiro et al., 2019).
The results are summarized in Table 3. Overall, the
scores of PlanAR were higher than those of SnipAR.
In particular, PlanAR required less effort both physi-
cally and mentally than SnipAR. In terms of operation
simplicity, the score of SnipAR was higher. This may
be because PlanAR required the operation for creat-
ing planes before 3D positioning. Regarding screen
flickering, the score of PlanAR was higher because
the feature points were updated and displayed at ev-
ery frame. Regarding information displayed on the
screen, the results were almost the same. This is be-
cause the user interface for each system such as the
button shape, color, number, and arrangement was
unified maximally.
Considering the aforementioned results, SnipAR
was useful in simple tasks such as 3D positioning for
a few target points because of its simple manipulation.
Meanwhile, PlanAR was suitable when the number
of target points was increased because less time and
effort required.
The significant property of our proposed system is
that users can generate the geometric shape as they
wish when map points from vSLAM are available. In
other words, it is easy to generate a plane that is not
easily reconstructed using automatic methods. In Fig-
ure 7, the tangent plane shared by several cylinders
can be generated by selecting points on cylindrical
bus bars. In Figure 8, the box shape can be computed
from an opened box. In Figure 9, one plane can be
generated between discontinuous planes by selecting
points on both planes.
In our current system, only plane reconstruction
is supported. It is easy to incorporate other geomet-
ric reconstruction methods for spheres, cylinders, and
spline surfaces. The scene reconstruction with geo-
metric shapes can suppress the error of noisy map
points from vSLAM by averaging the error. There-
fore, the accuracy of 3D positioning can be improved
compared with meshes simply generated from map
points. If the object shape in the scene is comprehen-
PlanAR: Accurate and Stable 3D Positioning System via Interactive Plane Reconstruction for Handheld Augmented Reality
Table 3: Questionnaire and results (lower is better from 1 to 4, 7, and 8; higher is better from 5,6 and 9 to 11).
Question regarding manipulability SnipAR PlanAR
1. The interaction required significant body muscle effort 5.8 4.9
2. My arms and hands became tired 4.4 2.9
3. The device was difficult to hold 2.4 2.1
4. I lost grip or dropped the device 1.1 1.0
5. The manipulation was simple 5.2 4.7
6. The manipulation was easy to control 4.7 4.8
Question regarding Comprehensibility SnipAR PlanAR
7. The interaction required considerable mental effort 4.2 3.0
8. The display was not flickering considerably 2.1 2.9
9. The information displayed on the screen was sufficiently fast 5.9 6.0
10. The information displayed on the screen was appropriate 5.7 5.7
11. The information displayed on the screen was consistent 5.8 5.9
(a) Front view (b) Side view
Figure 7: Tangent plane reconstruction. Users select points
on different cylinder surfaces to generate the tangent plane.
sive for users, it would be extremely helpful for the
system to obtain support from users to reconstruct the
scene. If the user interaction is designed simply, the
system usability can be improved with minimum user
We proposed a 3D positioning system with plane
reconstruction and developed the method ”PlanAR”
for this system, which was better than ”SnipAR” in
terms of the measurement time when many annota-
tions were placed. We herein focused on planes; how-
ever, this system can be utilized for other structures.
(a) Front view (b) Side view
Figure 8: Reconstruction from contour. Users select points
on the contour.
Furthermore, we attempted plane reconstruction
when no plane existed. Under the circumstances, our
method could generate planes in scenes that could not
be detected by ARCore. Hence, this system can be
applied widely.
A part of this work was supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI, Grant Number JP18H04125 and JP18H04117.
VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Front view (b) Side view
Figure 9: Reconstruction for discontinuous planes at the
same height. Users select points on each plane to create
a plane.
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PlanAR: Accurate and Stable 3D Positioning System via Interactive Plane Reconstruction for Handheld Augmented Reality