Model Design and System Implementation for the Study of
Anti-motion Artifacts Detection in Pulse Wave Monitoring
Cong-Cong Zhou
, Jing-Yi Wang
, Li-Ping Qin
and Xue-Song Ye
College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science, Biosensor National Special Laboratory,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P.R. China
State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, P.R. China
Zhejiang Institute of Medical Device Testing, Hangzhou, China
Keywords: Photoplethysmography, Motion Artifact, Health Monitor, Pulse Wave Monitoring Platform (PWMP).
Abstract: Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a widely used technology for health monitor based on pulse wave
measurement by monitoring the blood volume of blood vessels via electro-optic technique. As a kind of non-
electrophysiological signal with low amplitude and low frequency, PPG signal may be easily disturbed by
motion artifact. This paper proposes a simulation method based on a new reflection model which includes a
skin-friendly flexible substrate with a narrow-band full-reflection film plating on it and an embedded system
accordingly to study anti-motion artifacts detection in pulse wave monitoring. Monte-Carlo method is
presented to simulate the dynamic human skin model and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed model. A wrist worn artifact-resistive pulse wave monitoring platform (PWMP) is presented
accordingly, the measurement accuracy of pulse rate by the platform is within ±2 beats per minute(bpm) at
the range of 30bpm to 240bpm compared with the output of Fluke Index2 (produced by Fluke Corp, USA) in
stationary situation. Three kinds of typical postures are performed to verify the proposed model
experimentally, results show that the proposed platform has good correlation as compared to PC-60B Medical
Pulse Oximeter from Heal Force in the measurement of pulse rate, and the pearson correlation coefficient is
0.953(p<0.01), which reveals that the proposed model has the potential to recover pulse wave signal for pulse
rate monitoring.
It is of great significance for the monitoring of pulse
rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure (Zhou
et al.,2015). As one of the vital physiological
parameters of human body, pulse can reflect many
physiological and pathological features of the human
respiratory system, cardiovascular system, etc
(Nogami et al.,2018). Photoplethysmography (PPG)
is a method that measures the blood volume of blood
vessels via electro-optic technique. Accurate
acquisition and processing of PPG signal play an
important role in medical diagnosis, exercises and
other fields(Davoudi et al.,2014). As this method is
non-invasive, safe, reliable and adaptable, it is widely
used in physiological signal monitoring equipment,
especially wearable devices (Ra,2016; Zhou,2014),
for the monitoring of pulse rate and blood oxygen.
Currently, there are many devices designed to
detect the pulse rate, but not many of those have the
ability to detect pulse rate precisely. PPG signal,
which can be affected easily by motion artifact, is a
kind of low- frequency and weak non-
electrophysiological signal. Devices can perform well
in static conditions, but the precision is challenged
during movement due to the frequency overlapping
between pulse wave and motion artifact. Motion
artifact is mainly introduced in two kinds: one is the
interference that human body’s DC components
(muscles, tissue fluid, capillaries, etc.) introduce
during pulsation, such as capillary filling and tissue
fluid increase caused by increased metabolism during
exercise, etc. The other is the air gap generated by the
relative displacement between the optical sensor and
human body during exercise, which can be
considered as additive noise, many works aimed to
reduce this part as to enhance the anti-motion artifacts
ability of the detection devices. For example,
Fukushima et al., (2012) used an acceleration sensor
to obtain the reference signal of motion artifact. Zhou
et al.(2016) applied a differential channel following
green and red light PPG channels to enhance the anti-
Zhou, C., Wang, J., Qin, L. and Ye, X.
Model Design and System Implementation for the Study of Anti-motion Artifacts Detection in Pulse Wave Monitoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0008943201020109
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 1: BIODEVICES, pages 102-109
ISBN: 978-989-758-398-8; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
motion artifacts ability of the device. Shimazaki et al.
(2014) used another PPG sensor without contacting
the skin to detect the reference signal. Their works
showed that progresses had been made to the
cancelation of motion artifact. And to the best of our
knowledge, there is no similar research yet that
combines the model design(simulation) and system
implementation accordingly for anti-motion artifacts
detection in pulse wave monitoring based on PPG, the
systems mentioned usually based on priori
knowledge or through a lot of experiments and
measurements(Shimazaki et al.,2014 ).
This paper proposes a simulation method base on
a skin-friendly flexible substrate with a narrow-band
full-reflection film plating on it and an embedded
system accordingly to study anti-motion artifacts
detection in pulse wave monitoring based on PPG.
We present a new reflection type sensor model by
designing a narrow-band full-reflection film plating
on a skin-friendly flexible substrate to extract the
motion artifact separately, so as to achieve the
relatively accurate reference signal for further signal
processing. Meanwhile, this paper proposes a method
for modeling PPG signal based on MC (Monte-Carlo)
approach to obtain the simulation waveform from the
model mentioned above. To verify the effectiveness
of the proposed model, a wrist worn artifact-resistive
pulse wave monitoring system (PWMP) is presented
accordingly, three kinds of typical postures are
performed and the results show that the proposed
platform has good correlation as compared to the PC-
60B in the measurement of pulse rate.
2.1 A New Reflection Type
Anti-motion Artifacts Model
In reflection type PPG detection, the Light Emitting
Diode (LED) and the Photo-Diode (PD) are located
on the same side of the tested part, and the change of
the light absorption (PPG signal) is obtained by
detecting the signal from PD. In the case of stationary
state, it is generally considered that the probe
composed of LED and PD is closely attached to the
surface of the human skin, and the method can obtain
accurate results. While in the case of motion, there
will be a relative displacement between the probe and
the measured part of the human body, which
introduces a layer of air whose thickness changes
with time. The air layer also absorbs and scatters the
light emitted from LED, thus motion artifact is
introduced into PD.
In this paper, an improved reflection type anti-
motion artifacts PPG detection model is proposed
based on electro-optic technique. Figure 1 shows the
structure of this novel design, the pulse wave
detection probe is constructed as two separate parts,
one part is a reflection type pulse detection module,
where two different wavelength LEDs and one PD
together composed as a sensor module, and this
module is electrically connected to the embedded
system. The other part is a motion artifact detection
module, where specifically a skin-friendly flexible
substrate with a narrow-band full-reflection film
plating on it is applied. Take a red light and green
light LED-PD sensor module for example, a flexible
substrate such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) can
firmly adhere to the surface of the human body, and
the narrow-band full-reflection film is a red light full-
reflection film. The red light is totally reflected on the
surface of the film, and the green light can completely
transmit into the tissue theoretically. In this model,
the amount of red/green light received by PD can be
expressed as
Equation (1) and (2) suppose that the red light
equals the amount of red light
absorbed by air(simplified), and the green light
is composed of the green light
absorbed by air(simplified) and human body AC
components. The thickness of the air layer for red and
green light is the same, that is, the optical path
difference introduced by the relative displacement
between the probe and the measured part is the same,
Q are strongly correlated.
The red light signal is regarded as a reference signal
for noise, and the green light signal is regarded as a
mixed signal of the noise signal and the real signal, so
we can apply algorithms for motion artifact
2.2 The Proposed Embedded System
In this section, we present a wrist worn artifact-
resistive PWMP system, and the block diagram is
shown in Figure 2. The PPG signal is acquired by an
AFE (AFE4404 from Texas Instruments) after EMI
filter, then the signal is amplified and 24bit-ADC
sampled before sent to micro-controller through I
data communication protocol.
Model Design and System Implementation for the Study of Anti-motion Artifacts Detection in Pulse Wave Monitoring
Figure 1: The structure of the improved anti-motion
artifacts PPG detection model.
The MCU is an ultra low power, 2.4GHz RF device,
it contains a 32bit ARM cortex-M3 processor. The
standby current is 1uA, and the shutdown current of
the MCU is 100nA, which makes it suitable for the
design of wearable monitoring platform. An
integrated high efficiency dc-dc converter
BQ25015(from Texas Instruments) is designed to
operate directly from a single cell lithium battery, the
output voltage is adjustable from 0.7V to VBAT, this
convert is highly integrated charge and power
management device targeted at space-limited
Bluetooth applications. In this design, PWMP can
work almost 10 hours continuous even when powered
by a 40mAh rechargeable lithium battery, which
makes it suitable for long term health monitor. The
pulse wave data is then transferred to PC through
wireless module, and the data can be acquired in real
time at the sample rate of 100Hz. The main board of
the proposed PWMP system is in size of 20 *15mm
which is a miniaturized embedded system smaller in
sized than previous work (Zhou et al.,2016). This
kind of system has widely usage in physiological
parameter monitoring area, and it is well established
in other works (Zhang,2007).
Figure 2: Block diagram of the Embedded system.
We propose a simulation method to verify the model
mentioned above. Light transport in optically dense
random media is characterized by multiple scattering,
but recent studies have demonstrated that the
diffusion approximation fails to fully describe back-
scattering/reflection and transmission characteristics.
While Monte-Carlo simulation is an effective
approach for modeling light transport in scattering
and absorbing media such as tissue (Guo et al.,2002).
3.1 Monte-Carlo Approach
Monte Carlo approach (Monte-Carlo, MC) is a
probabilistic statistical method widely used in the
physical field to deal with particle transport problems.
The basic idea is to first establish a probability model
or a stochastic process corresponding to the physical
process, and simulate the process through a series of
random numbers, and then calculate the statistical
characteristics of the parameters obtained by
observing or sampling the model or
process(Wang,Steven & Jacques,1992). In the
simulation of light transport, the process can be
described as: Firstly, describe the characteristics of
tissue by the following parameters: the thickness d,
the absorption coefficient ua the scattering coefficient
us, the anisotropy factor g, and the refractive index n.
ua is defined as the probability of photon absorption
per unit infinitesimal path length, and us is defined as
the probability of photon scattering per unit
infinitesimal path length. Then the light beam is
equivalent to a photon flow, in which each photon
randomly interacts with the tissue during random
walk, absorption and scattering, etc. The MC
simulation is to generate a random number to sample
these interactions (the walking step/the angle of
scattering). Finally, by sequentially emitting photons
and tracking the number of photons reflected,
transmitted, and absorbed, the results of photon
propagation in the tissue (reflectance, transmittance,
etc.) are statistically represented.
There are many approaches for MC simulation,
including analogue Monte-Carlo (AMC) and
variance reduction Monte-Carlo (VRMC). AMC is
the most direct description of real physical processes.
The weight of the photon is always maintained at 1
until it is completely absorbed or leaves the area of
interest and never returns. In order to get reliable
results, it is necessary to simulate a large number of
photons, which takes a long time to calculate.
Therefore, VRMC is generally used to improve the
AMC. In this method, the photon is given a certain
BIODEVICES 2020 - 13th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
initial weight. After each interaction with tissue, the
weight of the photon is attenuated. When the weight
of the photon is less than the given thresholds, we can
believe that the transport of this photon has little
contribution to the statistical results, and then use
Russian roulette interrupt technology to give photons
a certain chance of survival. If the photon survives, it
continues to walk in tissue and if the photon dies, the
next photon will be emitted.
In this paper, the MC simulation program is
written based on the above process by MATLAB to
simulate the basic frame of the proposed PPG module
with the photon number set as 10
3.2 Dynamic Optical Model of Human
Skin Tissue
For a static optical model of skin tissue, the MC
simulation can successfully track the interaction
between photons and biological tissue at that moment.
Since photon emission time is at a scale of ps, the
photon emission process can be regarded as transient.
Therefore, as long as we build a dynamic optical
model of the skin tissue, that is, a model of the optical
properties of the skin tissue changes with time, and
use MC to simulate at an interval to model PPG signal
in time domain. In actual physical process, the
processor drives the LEDs to emit light at a certain
frequency, and the PD receives the optical signal,
which accords with the MC simulation process.
As the largest organ of human body, skin is a
complex multi-layered structure. In short, skin can be
divided into the epidermis layer, the dermis layer and
the subcutaneous tissue (Cheong et al.,1990; Faber et
al.,2004). The reflection type PPG detection is to
detect the volume change of the blood in the blood-
containing dermis layer. In this paper, the model of
human skin is divided into six layers: the epidermis
layer, the mastoid dermis layer, the upper layer of
blood vessels, the reticular dermis layer, the deep
blood vessels and the dermis layer. The upper layer
of blood vessels and the deep blood vessels are made
up of dermal tissue and blood in different proportions,
and blood is evenly distributed. Most studies have
shown that the upper blood vessels are composed of
90% dermal tissue and 10% blood, and the deep blood
vessels are composed of 10% dermal tissue and 90%
blood. The sixth layer of dermis is attached to the
subcutaneous fat. The pumping action of the heart
causes blood pressure to change periodically, and the
optical properties of skin vary with the blood content
of dermis. By establishing a relationship between
blood pressure and skin optical properties, a dynamic
optical model of human skin tissue can be established.
3.3 PPG Signal Modeling without
Motion Artifact
By combining the MC simulation with the skin tissue
dynamic model, PPG signal modeling in time domain
can be performed. First, Gaussian functions are used
to fit the waveform of a standard pressure pulse wave
with a period of 1s as the input of the model. The
pressure value is used for calculating the skin optical
model at that moment. The sampling is performed at
a frequency of 100Hz, that is, 100 MC simulations are
performed per second. Each simulation calculates the
optical parameters of the skin tissue, and emits a
photon packet of 10
photons with a wavelength of
540 nm green light. A detector is placed at a position
of 0.2 to 0.3 cm from the incident position, which
proves to be the best position for reflection detection,
and the total weight of the photons emitted at the
position is summed.
This process can be described as a simulation
without motion artifact, that is, the probe and the
measured part are closely attached without
considering the motion artifact introduced by the
movement of air layer.
3.4 PG Signal Modeling with Motion
On the basis of the MC model above, it is easy to
model the anti-motion artifacts probe proposed in
Figure 1 by adding an air layer whose thickness
changes with time for simulating the relative
displacement between the probe and the measured
part. Green light detects the mixed signal of the real
pulse PPG signal and motion artifact, and interacts
with a seven-layer MC model (one air layer, six skin
layers). Red light only interacts with the air layer and
detects only motion artifact. In the MC simulation,
when the red light photon travels to the lower surface
of the air layer, it will be reflected without using a
random number to judge its path, so that the red light
full-reflection film can be simulated. By changing the
variation of the thickness of the air layer, different
kinds of motion can be simulated.
As shown in Figure 3, the noise signal can
represent the variation of the thickness of the air layer,
and the mixed signal is strongly disturbed by noise. It
is hard to identify the typical dicrotic notch of the
pulse wave signal in Figure 3(a), and it is almost
impossible to distinguish the pulse wave in Figure 3(b)
and Figure 3(c).
Model Design and System Implementation for the Study of Anti-motion Artifacts Detection in Pulse Wave Monitoring
(a) The thickness of the air layer changes as a half sine curve that
varies at a frequency of 1 Hz, simulating periodic low frequency
motions, such as a low frequency arm swing .
(b) The thickness of the air layer changes as a half sine curve that
varies at a frequency of 3 Hz, simulating periodic high frequency
motions, such as a high frequency arm swing.
(c) The thickness of the air layer changes as a square wave with a
10% duty cycle, simulating a sudden shake, such as typing.
Figure 3: The result of PPG signal modeling with Motion
4.1 Simulation Result
Adaptive filtering is a filtering method developed on
the basis of Wiener filtering. Least Mean Square
(LMS) adaptive algorithm is a method that
continuously adjusts the parameters of the adaptive
filter to minimize the mean square value of the error
between the output signal and the expected response
(Chan & Zhang,2002).
To meet the real world interference and sensor
inputs, in this paper, the mixed signals and noise
signals in Figure 3 are stretched and compressed in
time domain by interpolation, then randomly
combined as the input of the adaptive filter(mixed
signals and noise signals are sampled at the same
time). Figure 4 shows the simulation results.
In time domain, as the adaptive algorithm
converges, the correlation with motion artifact can be
removed and the PPG signal becomes distinguishable.
From the results above, the motion artifact
cancellation detection model proposed in this paper
provides good reference signal for adaptive algorithm
by extracting the motion artifact signal separate
simutaneously, which shows that the proposed model
has the potential to recover pulse wave signal for
pulse rate monitoring for the proposed motion
Figure 4: The result of adaptive algorithm.
4.2 PWMP System Test Result
The proposed platform PWMP was estimated by
Fluke Index2 Vital Signs Simulators (produced by
Fluke Corp.USA) at Zhejiang Institute of Medical
Device Testing. The measurement accuracy of pulse
rate by PWMP was within ±2 beats per minute(bpm)
at the range of 30bpm to 240bpm compared with the
output of Fluke Index2 in stationary situation.
To verify the model proposed, a 30*30*5mm
high reflection filter was customized, the filter
showed high transmission to visible light bands and
high reflection to other bands. Pulse signals acquired
from wrist (left hand) were recorded by designed
PWMP. Two young healthy subjects joined in this
experiment for one week and performed the tests two
times per day. For this type of study formal consent is
not required. Measurements were carried out under
certain temperature (20~27) and humidity
conditions (50%~60%) compensated by air
Three kinds of typical postures were performed,
measurements began when the subject was in a seated
BIODEVICES 2020 - 13th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: Experimental testing process, (a)stationary,
(b)free arm swing, (c)typing.
position. Firstly, the subject was asked to sit in
stationary situation mode, see in Figure 5(a); Then,
free arm swing movement was applied, see in Figure
5(b); At last, typing for five characters was
applied ,see in Figure 5(c).
During the experiment, a short break for sixty
seconds was arranged between every two kinds of
motions. At the mean time, the PC-60B medical
Finger Clip Pulse Oximeter from Heal Force was
worn at the index finger of the subject's right hand to
work as criterion device. The right hand remained
stationary during the experiment, and the pulse rate
displayed on the pulse Oximeter was also recorded at
an interval of 5s as the criteria data.
Three kinds of typical signals of two channel PPG
lasted a period of 5s including green light PPG
channel(signal with motion accordingly), infrared
light PPG channel(motion accordingly) from wrist
were captured. Figure 6 demonstrated the typical
signal and signal process during free arm swing
movement. The blue dotted waveform (in the bottom
part of Figure 6, marked as noise) stood for noise was
highly consistent with the motion disturbance
waveform of infrared light(int the up part of Figure 6,
marked as ir). The red waveform, from which pulse
rate calculated and some maintain good
morphological characteristics of pulse wave, stood
for the result after signal process. In this case, the
calculated pulse rate was 91bpm compared with
89bpm form PC-60B medical Finger Clip Pulse
Figure 7 demonstrated the typical signal and
signal process of typing. As infra(ir) channel showed,
the artifact during tying was random disturbance at
high frequencies. The signal obtained by green
channel was similar to the infra channel, the high
intensity of motion artifact overwhelmed the original
pulse wave shape. After signal process, the blue
dotted waveform stood for noise was highly
consistent with the motion disturbance waveform of
infrared light, and the red waveform, from which
pulse rate calculated, stood for the result after signal
process. In this case, the calculated pulse rate was
77bpm compared with 78bpm form PC-60B .
Figure 6: The typical signal and signal process of free arm
swing movement.
Figure 7: The typical signal and signal process of typing.
During the experiment, 1800 pieces of data were
collected, LMS along with Independent Component
Algorithm (ICA) was applied for signal processing.
Using PASW Statistics 18.0(SPSS Statistics)
software to analyze the data, we found that the
average and standard deviation of the pulse rate
obtained by proposed platform were 74.24 and 9.39
while they were 74.08 and 8.63 by using PC-60B. The
Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.953(p<0.01).
Model Design and System Implementation for the Study of Anti-motion Artifacts Detection in Pulse Wave Monitoring
The average deviation and standard deviation was
smaller than previous work as described (Zhou et al.,
2014). Obviously, the proposed platform has good
correlation as compared to the PC-60B in the
measurement of pulse rate.
The Bland-Altman plot of the PWMP calculated
in different postures and PC-60B in stationary
situation obtained were given in Figure 8. The x-axis
presented the average of the two methods, while the
y-axis showed the difference between them. We
observed that a total of 95.5% of the pulse rate
measurements lay in the limits of agreement (1.96
SD), which indicated that the pulse rate calculated by
our proposed method was in close agreement with the
PC-60B in stationary accordingly.
Figure 8: Bland-Altman analysis of PWMP calculated in
different postures and PC-60B in stationary situation
In Table 1, error analysis in different postures
were presented. We could find that the mean square
error (MSE) was lowest in stationary posture, that
was mainly as in this posture, no movement was
applied. In free arm swing MSE had the largest value,
that was mainly because in this situation, pulse rate
changed during arm swing and more artifact was
applied into the platform. As typing last only a short
time, the influence was not so strong as free arm
By analyzing the waveform and comparing with
the pulse rate data collected by Pulse Oximeter, the
validity of the model was also verified from the
perspective of experiment. Zhang et al., (2019)
proposed a novel modular algorithm framework for
motion artifacts removal based on different
wavelengths for wrist-worn PPG sensors, and their
framework was most effective in removing artifacts
induced by micromotions from PPG signals using IR
PPG as a motion reference. Our proposed module was
tested under three kinds of typical postures(limited),
more motion scenes should be designed for
experimental verification in further works.
Table 1: Error analysis in different postures.
Stationary 73.00±3.16 72.33±2.50 2.00
Free arm
80.67±12.95 79.33±12.95 5.66
Typing 70.83±7.52 72.52±6.89 5.33
Unlike traditional pulse wave monitoring system
designs based on priori knowledge or through a lot of
experiments and measurements, this paper proposes a
commonly used simulation method and an embedded
system accordingly to study anti-motion artifacts
detection in pulse wave monitoring based on PPG. In
this model, a narrow-band full-reflection film plating
on a skin-friendly flexible substrate is specially
designed for extracting the motion artifact introduced
by air. Compared to the conventional MC simulation
for static skin model, a new method for PPG signal
modeling is also proposed, that is based on Monte-
Carlo approach to simulate the dynamic human skin
model, so as to achieve the PPG signal. Both PPG
signals with/without motion artifact are simulated and
the simulation results show that the motion artifact
cancellation detection model proposed in this paper
provides good reference signal for adaptive algorithm
by extracting the motion artifact signal separately.
The measurement accuracy of pulse rate by PWMP
meets the essential performance from the standard of
“YY 0784-2010”. To verify the model proposed,
three kinds of typical postures are performed and the
results show that the proposed platform has good
correlation as compared to the PC-60B in the
measurement of pulse rate and the proposed model
has the potential to recover pulse wave signal for
pulse rate monitoring.
The modeling method for PPG signal proposed in
this paper also can be used for further study. The
model and embedded system proposed here are
intended for continuous long-time, real-time pulse
wave monitoring. It has the potential application in
long-term human vital sign motoring, especially in
blood oxygen, pulse rate and PPG based blood
BIODEVICES 2020 - 13th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
pressure monitoring. But there are still some
problems that should be improved in future work, for
example, more motion scenes should be designed for
experimental verification (Hibbing,Mantis,2018),
and in order to obtain more accurate morphological
parameters from pulse wave, the signal processing
algorithm should also be improved for different
motion scenes.
This work was supported by the National Key R&D
Program of China (No.2017YFF0210803), this
research was also funded by the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities
(No.2019FZA5015) and Applied Research Project of
Science and Public Welfare Technology in Zhejiang
Province (No.2017C33136).
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