This paper presents a new two-stage system for scene
text detection. It applies in the first stage the RT-LoG
operator. This operator supports the full pipeline for
scene text detection. A dedicated algorithm is applied
to group the keypoints into RoIs using the RT-LoG
features. The RoIs are then classified into text/non
text regions by a CNN. Before the verification, the
RoIs are normalized with the RT-LoG features. This
normalization relaxes the verification from invariant
problems. The proposed system is in the top 5 for the
F-measure score and achieves the strongest recall of
the literature. It performs as one of the highest FPS
rate while processing with a difference of two orders
of magnitude in term of processing resources.
As a main perspective, the precision rate of the
system can be consolidated. This can be obtained
by making the RT-LoG operator contrast-invariant, to
deal with the missed detection cases. Deeper CNN
models could be applied to make more robust at the
text verification stage. At last, acceleration of the RT-
LoG operator could be obtained by taking advantage
of the Gaussian kernel distribution and decomposition
with box filtering.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications