as outliers by a lower order approximation (Mallick
et al., 2005).
Polynomial approximations were previously used
on texture maps (PTMs) (Malzbender et al., 2001)
in order to achieve increased photo-realism of re-
constructed surface textures. These are second-order
models defined on the xy-domain. We build on
that idea and advance this approach to a second-
order polynomial defined on the full xyz-domain,
which naturally expands upon the standard Lamber-
tian model. We label this approach as higher-order
polynomial (HO-Poly). This formulation is a natural
higher-order extension of the Lambertian model for-
Spherical harmonics follow the same idea with
different second-order basis functions and were pre-
viously studied in the context of photometric stereo.
The projection onto a spherical basis to derive har-
monics was used in (Basri et al., 2007). Later,
face shapes were analyzed using spherical har-
monics (Kemelmacher-Shlizerman and Basri, 2011),
where the light coefficients and albedo were estimated
from one reference face shape. We utilize and regular-
ize the higher-order spherical harmonics (HO-SH) to
reach a more accurate non-Lambertian model. This is
a more established formulation compared to our HO-
Poly and benefits from the orthogonal behavior of the
basis functions. In contrast, HO-Poly does not have
full orthogonality but in contrast offers one more de-
gree of freedom for the second-order case.
We demonstrate two L2 regularized polynomial
representations (HO-Poly and HO-SH) of the light
source vectors, formulated to achieve a more precise
photometric stereo representation. Their benefit in re-
gards to the surface normal calculation is illustrated in
Fig. 1 in comparison to a full Lambertian model. The
shown bandage-pin was acquired with a light dome
using 32 illumination sources. The surface normals
show a strong bias on the highly reflective metal pin
element in the image center. This effect is strongly
suppressed using a regularized higher-order model.
In this paper, differences and properties of the two
proposed polynomial representations are discussed.
We outline the importance of regularization using
higher-order photometric stereo models. For both
methods, we propose and investigate polynomial rep-
resentations consisting of up to second-order compo-
nents. The zero-order elements represent the ambient
component which can help dealing with illumination
behaviours such as stray light. The first-order compo-
nents of the light polynomials are utilized to extract
the varying albedo and surface normals of the object.
Second-order elements comprise higher-order infor-
mation, such as specular lobes. We use a Tikhonov
regularization to restrict the behaviour of the second-
order components as well as the ambient zero-order
component simultaneously.
For Lambertian surfaces, low order spherical har-
monics can be utilized to represent the illumination
conditions accurately. A simple extension for non-
Lambertian surfaces can be approximated by filter-
ing specular regions (Shashua, 1997). Another ap-
proach of formulating the irradiance in terms of spher-
ical harmonic coefficients of the incident illumination
was explored in (Ramamoorthi and Hanrahan, 2001),
building on that work, low order spherical harmonics
were utilized by (Basri et al., 2007). Non-Lambertian
surfaces require higher-order models to allow for an
accurate representation.
In this paper we formulate polynomial functions
which were frequently used in the fields of optics,
modelling surface reflectance and textures in order to
synthesize geometric details from images.
Zernike polynomials (Zernike, 1934) are an or-
thogonal polynomial sequence which are used in op-
tics for modelling optical aberrations. Since they are
represented on a unit disk they are not directly ap-
plicable to our task. Instead, we formulate spher-
ical harmonic polynomials which can be used to
represent smooth surface reflectance functions on a
sphere (MacRobert, 1948; Haindl and Filip, 2013).
For polynomial methods, the representation of
specular peaks can not be estimated fully, if solely
the lower-order polynomial function is considered.
Higher-order functions are required for more accurate
representations. In the field of photometric stereo,
such higher-order representations are used to reach
a compact formulation and stable analysis of the ob-
served reflectance.
Having sufficient data, another characterization
can be tailored by learning the reflectance behavior
using convolutional neural networks. This allows
weights to capture even complex reflectance distribu-
tion functions (Haindl and Filip, 2013; Antensteiner
Stolc, 2017).
In our work we propose regularized higher-order
formulations. Using regularization for higher-order
models is essential to control the higher-order com-
ponents. In our presented methods we propose the
use of a Tikhonov regularizer. This traditional regu-
larization allows for a high performance implementa-
tion while remaining within a least-squares approach.
A local per-pixel computation does not require any it-