passive imaging in the dark due to the night-glow of
the sky.
The twin, double or dual SPC (DSPC) presented
in this paper combines a Digital Micromirror Device
(DMD), two nearly identical InGaAs photodiodes, an
analog amplifier with a band-pass filter and an Ana-
log to Digital Converter (ADC). The second detector
measures the complementary patterns which are the
”dark” mirrors of the patterns not visible from the first
detector. Because the two detectors measures all the
light reflected off the DMD, they can produce higher
quality images, or the same quality at a lower SR,
thus increasing the frame rate. Using an extra detec-
tor also reduces sensitivity to scene and light varia-
tions, weather, turbulence and movement in the SPC
unit. The amplifier unit improves low light perfor-
mance and the band-pass filter blocks the DC-level
and high frequency noise. The two outputs are sam-
pled by the ADC and can in the software be combined
to a single signal, to be restored to one high quality
image or two lower quality images (one for each de-
tector). In this paper the main goal is to investigate the
difference between using one and two detectors. The
system is evaluated and the increase in image qual-
ity and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is measured with
one and two detectors. Results from static and mov-
ing outdoor natural scenes with different lighting con-
dition and SR are presented, as well as a measurement
with small movements in the SPC-system (the system
is shaken by hand).
In 2014 (Yu et al., 2014) presented a similar setup
with two photomultiplier tubes and investigated the
potential for increase in performance for the first time.
A system with two detectors using a balanced ampli-
fier was presented for the first time in 2016 (Soldevila
et al., 2016). This increases the frame rate and SNR,
as well as improving performance in the presence of
ambient light. The balanced detection also reduces
electrical and quantization errors. Other examples of
systems with two detectors have been described in pa-
pers such as (Czajkowski et al., 2018), which uses
measurement matrices based on Morlet wavelets con-
volved with white noise to reduce the signal acquisi-
tion time, and (Lochocki et al., 2016), which evaluates
the performance and demonstrates increased frame
rate. A system with two different spectral band de-
tectors (visual + SWIR) has also been demonstrated
by (Welsh, 2017). A SPC with multiple detectors
(RGB and SWIR) in the same DMD reflection direc-
tion was presented by (Edgar et al., 2015). SPCs in
the SWIR band have been presented earlier and an
example of a high resolution SPC with one detector
is presented by (McMackin et al., 2012). The same
measurements and DSPC design used in this paper
are also described in a thesis (Oja and Olsson, 2019).
A paper by (Br
annlund and Gustafsson, 2017), shows
the initial results and proof of concept of the SWIR
SPC architecture with one detector. The same design
is improved in a thesis by Brorsson (Brorsson, 2018),
which is also described in the paper (Brorsson et al.,
2.1 Sparse Reconstruction
CS is a sampling strategy for acquiring and recon-
structing a sparse signal, such as an image, by finding
solutions to underdetermined linear systems where
the number of measurements can be far fewer than
required by the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem.
Two constraints needs to be fulfilled to apply CS sam-
pling: the sampled image needs to be sparse in some
basis, and the measurement matrix must be incoherent
with the sparse transform. In CS the sampling model
is defined as
y =Φx +ε, (1)
where x
is the scene considered as an image
rearranged as an array with N pixels, y
is the sam-
pled signal with M measurements, Φ
is the mea-
surements matrix and ε is the noise. The subsampling
ratio is defined as SR = M/N, and this number can
be relatively small compared to how compressible the
image is. This is because the image x can be repre-
sented as
Ψθ = x, (2)
where Ψ
is some basis matrix and θ
the coefficients where θ is K-sparse. K-sparse means
that the image x has K non-zero elements in basis Ψ,
= K. Given (2), (1) can be expanded to
y = Φx + ε =ΦΨθ + ε = Aθ + ε, (3)
where, A
= ΦΨ is called the reconstruction
matrix. The revelation in (3) is what makes CS pow-
erful. By sampling the scene using the measurement
matrix Φ (as in (1)), but then in the reconstruction
process transforming the measurement matrix Φ to
the reconstruction matrix A using some basis Ψ, the
optimization algorithm can solve the system for the
sparse coefficients θ instead of the dense spatial im-
age coefficients in x (Rish and Grabarnik, 2014).
Dual Single Pixel Imaging in SWIR using Compressed Sensing