In our comparative study, we notice that the Tem-
pCNN method (Pelletier et al., 2019) is applied at
the pixel level while our approach is applied at the
polygon level. This means that for TempCNN there
are more training samples compared to our method
where the pixels of a polygon are all summed up in
a spatio-temporal image. Despite the low number of
data available, the accuracy increase made possible by
our process is up to 8% based on the original data and
5% on the interpolated data.
In future works, the ordering of the pixels will
be more precisely studied, till now we have ordered
the pixels of a square region where the polygon is in-
cluded but we have to define an order adapted to the
geometry of the polygon itself. We will also increase
the number of instances of orchards and also apply the
same approach to problems involving a larger number
of classes in order to generate land-cover maps.
The French ANR supported this work under Grant
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