In this paper, we compared visual navigation methods
based on reinforcement learning and localization. We
performed experiments on differently sized discrete-
state environments composed of both virtual and real
images. The results suggest that, despite the avail-
ability of multi-target approaches, visual navigation
methods based on reinforcement learning have diffi-
culties to generalize to targets unseen during training.
On the contrary, a simple baseline which relies on in-
accurate localization achieves similar results on tar-
gets seen during training and generalizes better to un-
seen targets. These observations suggest that methods
based on reinforcement learning could benefit even
from inaccurate localization. Future works can inves-
tigate approaches to fuse visual navigation methods
based on reinforcement learning and localization.
This research is supported by OrangeDev s.r.l. and
Piano della Ricerca 2016-2018, Linea di Intervento 2
of DMI, University of Catania.
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A Comparison of Visual Navigation Approaches based on Localization and Reinforcement Learning in Virtual and Real Environments