system needs be thoroughly tested in the field, as the
purpose of this software is to become a tool that
professionals are willing to use and comfortable with.
The system usability also has to target a set of quality
criteria (Syrowatka et al., 2016; Elwyn et al., 2006)
Specifically, user testing needs to figure out if the tool
we have developed
• provides information in sufficient detail,
• presents data in an unbiased manner,
• includes methods to clarify values and
• provides structured guidance for deliberation and
• presents information in a balanced manner,
• presents up-to-date research-based medical
• discloses conflicts of interest,
• uses an appropriate plain language, and
• ensures that the decision is informed and value-
The API that we implemented allows for future
integrations of the software into the systems that the
healthcare professionals are already using on a daily
basis. The integration can be done based on both a
push or pull model.
As the next development step, we plan to integrate
the system with Merriam-Webster’s Medical
Dictionary (Merriam-Webster, 2019) and Google
Custom Search (Google, 2019). This integration will
allow the users to be able to access additional
resources in creating decision aid tools and the
patients will be able to find definitions of any terms
in a tool, if in doubt about the meaning.
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HEALTHINF 2020 - 13th International Conference on Health Informatics