In this paper, we propose VisualMLTCGA, an easy-
to-use web tool for download, pre-processing,
visualization, processing and analysis of TCGA data.
Along with TCGA data, external data can also be
uploaded and analysed. Finally, relevant features can
be extracted from clinical and genomic datasets using
decision trees for classification purposes.
After analysing different TCGA processing and
visualization applications, we did not find any
existing tool that combined downloading, pre-
processing, processing and visualization of clinical
and genomic data, such as the VisualMLTCGA does.
Additionally, VisualMLTCGA includes the creation
of decision trees as a usable feature. Due to all these
reasons, this tool is suitable for researchers and
clinicians without bioinformatics background.
Nevertheless, the tool is currently being validated
and the potential modifications that arise from the
feedback captured on this phase will be the first part
of the future work. Additionally, we will include the
possibility of downloading other type of data from the
TCGA such as Copy Number Variation or DNA
Methylation data. Furthermore, we expect to include
several machine learning algorithms such as Random
Forest, K-Neighbours or SVC.
This project has received funding from the Regional
Council of Gipuzkoa through the Science,
Technology and Innovation program.
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VisualMLTCGA: An Easy-to-Use Web Tool for the Visualization, Processing and Classification of Clinical and Genomic TCGA Data