Figure 11: Example of normal cluster and rare cluster using
Convolutional descriptor. This cluster contains 10 elements,
it presents anomaly trajectories.
tories may be related to one person. However, the
idea is to warn the existence of strange events and
one trajectory is enough to identify the person. Thus,
in our study we propose a straightforward heuristic
for multi-person tracking, the idea of this approach
is to obtain a smooth trajectory for people. Other
tracking models could be used as long as the result
is faithful to the movement of the person and that
considers a fixed point of reference. Following the
experiment results, the Recurrent descriptor suits bet-
ter for anomaly trajectory recognition, while convolu-
tional descriptor works fine for rare trajectory analy-
sis, this is due to characteristics of convolutional de-
scriptor, that groups the trajectories by morphology,
which is a interesting property to cluster. As future
work, we plan to evaluate other person/object track-
ing algorithms. We can also explore new representa-
tion of trajectories based on a mixture of Recurrent
autoencoder and adversarial autoencoders (Makhzani
et al., 2016) that better discriminates the abnormal tra-
jectories so we have an improved detection of outliers.
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Anomaly Event Detection based on People Trajectories for Surveillance Videos