Table 1: Classification Performances [%].
Architecture Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Precision F1 Score
CNNs + Dense 67.89% 68.67% 67.11% 67.76% 68.21%
CNNs + LSTM 68.56% 67.26% 70.23% 74.34% 70.63%
GATs + LSTM 81.27% 77.27% 86.99% 89.47% 82.93%
Table 2: Classification Performances [%] with band-pass filtered signals.
Architecture Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Precision F1 Score
CNNs + Dense 69.90% 71.23% 68.63% 68.42% 69.80%
CNNs + LSTM 69.97% 72.59% 67.86% 64.47% 68.29%
GATs + LSTM 76.92% 77.85% 76.00% 76.32% 77.08%
ical processes, to provide accurate inference and mod-
eling. It turns out that the development of methods to
properly measure the brain functional connectivity at
different time steps is fundamental for classification
and, more generally, for induction.
The work presented here has focused on the for-
mulation of the recent “attentional mechanism” for
graphs (Veli
c et al., 2017). In particular, we in-
troduced a stacked GAT-LSTM architecture aimed to
classify abnormal vs normal EEG signals. The pro-
posed architecture intends to benefit on the one side,
from the potential LSTM capability to model long lag
time dependency while discharging information, and
one the other, from being able to exploit the “atten-
tional mechanism” for capturing most task-relevant
information from brain network’s complex dynamic.
Although the reported results are encouraging for
this purpose – outperforming a typical CNN applica-
tion, a larger dataset has to be investigated to further
support the impact of the newly proposed GAT-based
approach for physiological signals. This in turn re-
flects the needs to focus on specific pathologies, as
highlighted in this paper. Our research will follow
this target by specializing the analysis to clinical ori-
ented studies for a more complete modeling and in-
terpretation. Others experiments will be performed to
describe more extensively the effects of the applica-
tion of a band-pass filtering.
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BIOSIGNALS 2020 - 13th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing