applied to HEp-2 images. In particular, the fine-
tuning strategy proved to be more effective of the
CNN layers features extraction strategy, both in
accuracy and in AUC, of about 1%.
Table 4: Performance comparison between intensity
classification methods on HEp-2 images.
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of fluorescence intensity in HEp-2 images was
presented. This classification is very important for a
correct diagnosis of autoimmune diseases. A method
that uses the well-known GoogLeNet pre-trained
network has been presented. The potential of the
network has been analysed, with a view to optimizing
the classification process, with two strategies: as
feature extractors, in combination with the traditional
SVM classifier, and as classifiers after an appropriate
fine-tuning process. Different levels of freezing were
analysed and the improvement in performance of the
data augmentation was evaluated. The method, which
was developed and tested using a public database,
showed high classification performance: AUC of
98.4%. A comparison with other works of the state of
the art reveals the goodness of the proposed method
and the capabilities of GoogLeNet in the
classification of HEp-2 type images.
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ad-hoc CNN architectures instead of pre-trained
CNN. In addition, a study is in progress using several
pre-trained networks in order to identify the best
configuration for the HEp-2 image intensity analysis.
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BIOIMAGING 2020 - 7th International Conference on Bioimaging