Table 3: Evaluation of the proposed method comparatively to the other methods (unit: %).
Methods Accuracy
Ozyilmaz et al(2002) Conic Section Function Neural
Keles et al(2008) neuro fuzzy Classification 95.33
Iakovidis et al(2010) fuzzy local binary pattern 97.5
Acharya et Al(2011) Discrete Wavelet Transform
(DWT) and texture parameters
Acharya et Al(2017) Two-Threshold Binary Decom-
position algorithm
Chi et al(2017) deep learning features extrac-
Proposed methods Shearlet Transform and
Generic Fourier Descriptor
quired from the laboratory CIM @ LAB. The classifi-
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optimized by the RASER dimensionality reduction
method. A comparative study shows that the metrics
performance is better with the application of feature
selection step. In addition, GFD was used to extract
the boundary information. Finally, the combination of
texture feature obtained with shearlet decomposition
and boundary information acquired using GFD give
the highest classification performance.
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automated CAD system for detection and classifica-
tion of thyroid nodules.We aim also to study and pro-
pose other feature selection methods.
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VISAPP 2020 - 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications