constructions of the signal received from sensors that
measure the particles resonance when cut off from an
excitation pulse of radio waves. Although this tech-
nology alone is not capable of detecting fibres and
micro structures, the anatomical features extracted
from the resulting images provide the most advan-
tageous baseline to achieve in silico patient-specific
heart models. (Auricchio, Angelo, Singh, Jagmeet,
Rademakers, 2012). For this reason, this was the
imaging modality chosen as outset of our project.
Technical details of the method that has proven
to be able to generate three-dimensional models from
these images are described in the next chapter. Image
processing was done in MATLAB and the fibre ori-
entation estimation code was written in Python. The
diagram in figure 1 despicts the overall workflow.
Myocardium segmentation
Other formats
Figure 1: Workflow of the three-dimensional model assem-
bling process.
This section reports the methods used for develop-
ing the 3D computational model of the LV, built from
magnetic resonance images of a specific patient. The
methods described were designed in MATLAB 2015
and trusted to be broad enough to be used with most
patients, aside from subjects with severe cardiac de-
formities, as these cases are not standardized and
would require specially designed tools. The result is a
Stereolithography (STL) file representing the cardiac
muscle, which may later be opened and modified by
several applications.
2.1 Dataset
onio Ferreira provided anonymized images in DI-
COM format from a contrast-enhanced 3D cardiac
MRI exam that was considered to be entirely normal.
Any areas of myocardial fibrosis would be visible in
the images as brighter areas amidst the darker cardiac
muscle. Therefore our process started from an ideal
case with homogeneous myocardial tissue.
The encoded images are made of voxels, the basic
element of a 3D image, in the same manner the pixel
is in 2D images. A voxel has three dimensions there-
fore it is referenced in space by three coordinates, its
intensity value can be in several different ranges as
the scales are not standardized.
In this acquisition, the whole slab is encoded re-
sulting in 3D image with high spatial resolution - size
of an individual voxel - and high signal-to-noise ratio.
The voxels are nearly isotropic, allowing reconstruc-
tion in any direction.
2.2 Segmentation of MR Data Set
From now on, the first dimension elements of any 3D
matrix will be referred to as rows (along yy), the sec-
ond columns (along xx) and the third slices (along zz).
Information as voxel size, number of rows and
columns of each image, was obtained from the DI-
COM file info section and stored with the purpose
of being accessed along the process. The images,
which represent axial slices of the torso, were read to
a three-dimensional matrix with the dimensions rows
x columns x number of images, meaning they were
turned into two dimensional matrices stacked along
the z axis. The intensity values of every image are di-
vided by the maximum value of intensity, to obtain a
range from 0(lightest) to 1 (darkest), therefore the rest
of the transformations can be applied in any set inde-
pendently of the scale used in the exam, as of today
there is still not a standard range.
Our aim was not to develop an algorithm capable
of automatically segment the myocardium but to de-
velop semi-automatic tools to do so, as in this context
it was required that a physician guided and supervised
the entire process.
The first required transformation is the rotation
of the matrix in order to attain the short-axis (SAX)
view. In this view, slices are perpendicular to the
long-axis (LAX) of the LV which allows us to exam-
ine cross-sections of both ventricles, where the cham-
bers walls are clearly distinguishable and the left ven-
tricle sections are usually annular.
Heart orientation and consequently the left ventri-
cle alignment, differs between individuals. On this
account and following the traditional cardiologist ap-
proach, we chose to navigate trough the different per-
spectives using cutting planes, illustrated by lines the
user defines.
As the licensed version of Matlab we had avail-
able did not support the imrotate3d function - which
allows the rotation of three dimensional objects in any
Left Ventricle Computational Model based on Patients Three-dimensional MRI