In this work we presented and discussed a user study
aimed at assessing the usability, ergonomics and ef-
fectiveness (in terms of learning outcomes) of three
different VR systems used to deploy a firefighter
training application.
The major takeaways of this work are the follow-
ing. First, the VR training environment was capable
of achieving the expected learning outcomes, in terms
of both precision and timely completion of the emer-
gency procedures. Second, the introduction of the
serious game in the evaluation phase of the applica-
tion was appreciated by learners and was contributing
to support the educational path designed. Third, we
found different levels of usability (as well as different
levels of users’ appreciation) among the different VR
systems analyzed.
In particular, one of the most critical parameters
influencing the evaluations was the quality of the lo-
comotion management provided by the system. As
a matter of fact, locomotion is a relevant task in our
scenario. In order to complete the emergency proce-
dures, users have both to travel long distances and to
exert a fine control on their movements. With respect
to these requirements, when the interaction devices
(or the interaction metaphors) are not capable of sup-
porting the users, the results is a negative effect on
the trainee performances, in terms of both accuracy
and timing of the execution.
Future works will address the evaluation of alter-
native locomotion interfaces, simple to use and capa-
ble of guaranteeing a high level of immersion and an
adequate naturalness in the locomotion control. Then,
given the relevance of locomotion in other areas of ap-
plication, we are planning to extend the breadth of this
study beyond the firefighter training domain.
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Assessing the Usability of Different Virtual Reality Systems for Firefighter Training