A Study on the Role of Feedback and Interface Modalities for Natural
Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
Chiara Bassano, Manuela Chessa and Fabio Solari
Dept. of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering, Italy
Natural Human Computer Interaction, Touchful Interaction, Touchless Interaction, User Evaluation, Ecologi-
cal Interface.
This paper investigates how people interact in immersive virtual reality environments, during selection and
manipulation tasks in different conditions. We take into consideration two different task complexities, two in-
teraction modalities (i.e. HTC Vive Controller and Leap Motion) and three feedback provided to the user (i.e.
none, audio and visual) with the aim of understanding their influence on performances and preferences. Al-
though adding feedback to the touchless interface may help users to overcome instability problems, providing
information about the objects state, i.e. grabbed or released, they do not substantially improve performances.
Moreover, both touchful and touchless modalities have been shown to be effective for interaction. The analysis
presented in this paper may play a role in the design of natural and ecological interfaces, especially in the case
non-invasive devices are needed.
Virtual Reality (VR) is a widespread technology and
the release of new low cost devices in the last decade
has certainly contribute to its success. One of the
main feature of VR is the possibility of interacting
with the virtual environment and the virtual objects,
thus improving user involvement. However, interac-
tion is still an issue, especially if we consider Natural
Human Computer Interfaces (NHCI), i.e. interactive
frameworks integrating human language and behavior
into technological applications easy to use, intuitive
and non-intrusive.
In this paper, we aim to analyze how people inter-
act within VR environments, by taking into consid-
eration two different task complexities, two interac-
tion modalities (i.e. HTC Vive Controller and Leap
Motion) and three kinds of feedback provided to the
user (i.e. none, audio and visual). To this aim, we
devised three experiments in two different scenarios.
In the first scenario, used for Experiment 1 and taken
from (Gusai et al., 2017), users have to solve a simple
shape sorter game for babies with 12 shapes; while
in the second scenario, used for Experiment 2 and 3,
users have to assembly the Ironman movie character
suit starting from building blocks.
In Experiment 1, we take into consideration a
touchless interface, the Leap Motion, and we com-
pare the effect of different feedback on performances
and preferences. Similarly, in Experiment 2 we inves-
tigate if results obtained with the simple task can be
extended to a more complex task. Finally, we devise
an in-the-wild experiment, in order to understand how
people interact in the complex scenario with state of
the art technologies, HTC Vive controllers, thus ob-
taining a baseline for the analysis of performance in
Experiment 2.
1.1 State of the Art
The level of naturalism of User Interfaces (UIs) is de-
fined as the degree with which actions performed to
accomplish the task using a certain interface corre-
spond to the actions used for the same task in the
real world (McMahan, 2011) and depends on many
different factors (Bowman et al., 2012). Bare hands
and human body interactions are often considered as
a natural and ecological form of Human-Computer In-
teraction (HCI), as they are designed in order to reuse
existing skills (George and Blake, 2010) through intu-
itive gestures requiring a little cognitive effort. How-
ever, the lack of haptic or multimodal feedback and
physical constraints, the limited input information,
i.e. user’s head and, in some cases, hands pose, and
an inaccurate tracking often restrict users to a coarse
manipulation of objects (Mine et al., 1997). Vision-
Bassano, C., Chessa, M. and Solari, F.
A Study on the Role of Feedback and Interface Modalities for Natural Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0008963601540161
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2020) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-402-2; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
based methods are the most widely diffuse solutions,
including more or less expensive motion capture sys-
tems (e.g., Vicon system), tracking systems provided
with head-mounted displays (HMDs), the Kinect for
body tracking and the Leap Motion for hand track-
ing. These solutions present interaction and track-
ing challenges: they provide good tracking but in a
limited area and they are prone to occlusion, noisy
reconstruction and artifacts (Argelaguet and Andujar,
2013). (Augstein et al., 2017) classify input devices,
considering the level of touch involved and distigu-
ish three classes: touchful, e.g. mouse, controllers or
touchscreens, which require the application of a phys-
ical pressure to a surface; touchless, e.g. Leap Motion
or cameras; semi-touchless, combining characteristics
of the two previous one. In particular, touchless input
systems provide a wide range of input options, can
replicate all the necessary DOFs, retrieve information
while keeping sterility and allow interaction through
intuitive commands and gesture. Nevertheless, they
cannot provide haptic or force feedback. Research on
this field has been very active in the last decades. The
goal is investigating the optimal interaction method
to be used for task-specific scenarios, taking into ac-
count both quantitative parameters, as a measure of
performance, and subjective questionnaire, to inves-
tigate preferences: while participants perform better
with the touchful or semitouchless input techniques,
they prefer using the touchless one, in terms of im-
mersion, comfort, intuitiveness, low fatigue, ease of
learning and use (Augstein et al., 2017; Zhang et al.,
2017). While in (Gusai et al., 2017), Leap Motion
(touchless) and HTC vive controllers (touchful) were
used to complete a simple shape sorter task in immer-
sive VR. Participants performed better with the con-
troller and preferred it for interaction, for its stability,
easiness of control and predictability.
Since interfaces are task dependent, when talking
about interaction modality, it is important to consider
both the purpose of the interaction and the size of the
space where interaction takes place. (Frohlich et al.,
2006) identify four tasks categories: (i) navigation
and travel, which consist in moving the viewport or
the avatar through the environment; (ii) selection, i.e.
touching or pointing something; (iii) manipulation,
corresponding to modifying objects position, orien-
tation, scale or shape; (iv) system control, the gener-
ation of an event or command for functional interac-
tion. Our research mainly concentrates on selection
and manipulation in the peripersonal or near action
space (i.e. the space covered performing some steps).
In this case, a VR system allowing room scale setups
and a real-world metaphor for interaction would be
sufficient (Cuervo, 2017).
1.2 Research Questions
In this paper, we devised 3 different experiments in
immersive VR environments. Experiment 1 extends
(Gusai et al., 2017)’s work by the introduction of vi-
sual and audio feedback in the Leap Motion case, with
the aim of facilitating interaction. The shape sorter
task proposed voluntarily requires little cognitive ef-
fort in order to focus on the role of feedback on per-
formances. In Experiment 2, we keep the interaction
modality of Experiment 1 invariant but modulate the
complexity of the task, introducing a more cognitively
complex assignment, the assembly of an Ironman suit.
Finally, in order to distinguish between the effect of
task complexity and interface used on performances
and preferences in Experiment 2, we decided to repli-
cate the complex task with a state of the art technol-
ogy for VR interaction, i.e. the HTC Vive controllers.
We devised a series of in-the-wild experiments with
the Ironman game, using HTC Vive controllers for in-
teraction. As in (Gusai et al., 2017), no feedback are
The aim of this work is answering the following
research questions.
- Can different non-haptic feedback improve per-
formances in the touchless interface case, over-
coming the lack of touch and forces provided to
the user?
- Can simple feedback effectively substitute haptic
- Is there any correlation between performances and
preferences on the feedback modality?
- Does task complexity influence the need for feed-
back when using touchless interfaces?
All three experiments used the same hardware and
software platform and the two scenarios were both de-
veloped in Unity 3D. The experimental setup (Fig. 1a
and 2a). was composed of the HTC Vive for visual-
ization, the Leap Motion (Experiment 1 and 2) and the
HTC Vive controllers (Experiment 3). Data recorded
are used to run-time create a virtual representation
of the hands: objects can be grabbed and release by
closing and opening the hand. HTC Vive controllers,
instead, are handleable devices. In this case, items
grab and release actions were performed by pressing
and releasing the trigger button. With both devices, a
real-world metaphor paradigm was implemented and
objects could be carried around by simply moving the
free hand or the hand with the controller. As stated
A Study on the Role of Feedback and Interface Modalities for Natural Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
before, (Gusai et al., 2017) have proven that con-
trollers allow obtaining better performances, ensur-
ing stability, ease of use and predictability. Moreover,
they are preferred for interaction. On the other hand,
people appreciate the idea of interacting with objects
using their bare hands but often report tracking sta-
bility problems with Leap Motion, due to fast move-
ments, occluded hand poses or by the sensor’s limited
field of view. In general, it is even more difficult for
naive users understanding and predicting unexpected
behaviour during interaction. Thus, for Experiment
1 and 2, we decided to provide feedback showing
the state of the grabbed object. We implemented and
compare four different conditions.
None: no feedback are provided.
Visual feedback Visual 1: the algorithm, taken
from (Bassano et al., 2018), checks if the hand
is colliding with one of the interactable shapes.
When a collision is detected, the object turns gray
(Fig. 1c) or the ”smoothness” parameter of its ma-
terial is increased (Fig. 2d). The hand’s grab angle
is then checked and, if it is greater than a thresh-
old experimentally defined, the object turns violet
(Fig. 1d) or the ”smoothness” parameter is fur-
ther increased (Fig. 2e), is attached to the palm
and starts moving.
Visual feedback Visual 2: shapes change color
(Experiment 1) or ”smoothness” (Experiment 2)
once, they turn violet when grabbed (Fig. 1d).
Audio feedback: when an object is grabbed a mu-
sic is played, when the grabbing action finishes
music is paused. This feedback modality repre-
sents the audio counterpart for Visual 2 feedback.
We decided to implement both visual and audio feed-
back because in VR audio is often a minor input:
users receive lots of visual information, causing delay
and loss in their processing, while audio channel is al-
most unused. Nonetheless, in a real situation, haptic
feedback is a non-visual feedback.
As our goal is understanding the variation of per-
formances and preferences in the different experimen-
tal setups, during trials we acquired both quantitative
and qualitative measurements.
As an objective meter for performance analysis, in all
experiments we recorded total execution time, i.e. the
time required to complete the task, and partial time,
namely the time required to correctly position each
object from the first grab. While partial time mainly
depends on to the interaction between user and ob-
jects, total completion time can be considered as an
overall evaluation, taking into account both the effi-
ciency of the interaction, the strategy used and the
time necessary to understand how to correctly posi-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1: (a) Experiment 1 setup. (b) No collision is de-
tected. (c) A collision between hand and object is detected.
(d) Hand is closed in a grasping pose.
tion items. As a qualitative self-assessed evaluation,
instead, we administered the User Experience Ques-
tionnaire (UEQ), after each trial of Experiment 1 and
2, and an overview questionnaire, after each trial of
Experiment 2 and 3.
UEQ is a validated questionnaire for the comparison
of the usability of different devices (Laugwitz et al.,
2008; Schrepp et al., 2014) or, as in this case, of dif-
ferent feedback modalities. The questionnaire is com-
posed of 26 questions in the form of a semantic differ-
ential and adopts a seven-stage scale for rating. Items
are clustered in 6 groups: Attractiveness of the prod-
uct; Perspicuity, intended as how easy is to learn to
use the product; Efficiency of the interaction; Depend-
ability, i.e. the level of control user felt; Stimulation,
namely users’ excitement and motivation; Novelty, in
terms of innovation and creativity.
The overview questionnaire, instead, is composed of
5 questions rated in a 5-points Likert scale, where
rate 1 corresponds to ”Strongly disagree” and 5 to
”Strongly agree”: (i) How intuitive were the game
commands?; (ii) How difficult was understanding to
what the single suit pieces corresponded?; (iii) How
difficult was positioning the suit pieces?; (iv) How
did you feel immersed in the virtual environment?;
(v) Do you feel any simulator sickness symptom, like
vertigo, nausea, dizziness, difficulty focusing?.
2.1 Experiment 1
36 volunteer healthy subjects, aged between 15 and
45 years (average 25.4 ± 5.5 years), took part to the
experimental session, receiving no reward. They all
had normal or corrected to normal vision and had to
sign an informed consent.
According to a counterbalanced repeated measure ex-
perimental design, participants were asked to com-
HUCAPP 2020 - 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
(a) (b)
(c) (d) (e)
Figure 2: (a) Experiment 2 setup. (b) Game scene. (c) No
collision is detected. (d) A collision between hand and suit
piece is detected. (e) Hand is closed in a grasping pose.
plete the task with two of the four feedback modal-
ities. Each combination was assigned to 3 subjects
and 18 samples for each feedback modality were ac-
quired. A different initial position of shapes is associ-
ated to the 4 feedback modality scenes. During each
experimental session, first, a demo scene to familiar-
ize with the interface was shown. Then, users per-
formed the task with one of the two feedback modali-
ties. In the main scene, there is a desk with 12 shapes
and a block with holes corresponding to the different
shapes. Subjects had to grab one object per time and
put it in the correct hole. The task ended when all ob-
jects were correctly positioned. After a short break,
subjects accomplished the task with the second feed-
back modality.
2.2 Experiment 2
36 volunteer healthy subjects aged between 15 and
50 years (average 25.2 ± 8.1 years) took part to the
experimental session, receiving no reward. They all
had normal or corrected to normal vision and had to
sign an informed consent. Experiment 2 replicates the
previous experimental procedure. Each experimen-
tal session was composed of an initial scene, where
the player read the instructions of the game, and the
proper level. When the main scene starts, the player
is located between two tables. On the tables there are
the suit pieces and in front of him there is a cylinder,
where he is instructed to assembly the suit starting
from the torso and carrying one piece at a time.
2.3 Experiment 3
90 volunteer healthy subjects played our game. They
were between 7 and 53 years old and were divided
in three groups based on their age: children (up to
10 years), teenagers (from 11 to 21 years) and adults
(from 22 years on). In total 30 children (average 9
± 1.4 years), 41 teenagers (average 14.4 ± 2.8 years)
and 19 adults (average 36.2 ± 12.3 years) took part to
our experiment. All of them had normal or corrected
to normal vision and signed an informed consent.
Permissions were given by parents, when required.
Experimental procedure was simplified: all partic-
ipants accomplished the assembly task, controllers
were used for interaction and no feedback were pro-
In Experiment 1 and 2, quantitative data collected dur-
ing the experimental session have been analyzed on
three levels: first, we compared results obtained with
the different feedback modalities; then, we performed
a cross comparison between order of execution and
feedback modality; finally, we analyzed performances
over preference expressed by the users. In each anal-
ysis the statistical significance of the differences be-
tween samples was estimate through repeated paired
sample t-tests.
3.1 Experiment 1
In general, people liked playing our game with all the
different feedback modalities and could accomplish
the task easily. Preferences were rated as follow: 38%
for the Audio feedback, asserting that it required less
attention and was less distractive, 22% for the None
modality, 19 % for Visual 1, 13 % for Visual 2 and
finally 8 % had no preference. This result confirms
our idea that using a sensorial input channel different
from the visual one could be a more comfortable way
to convey information.
Total completion times referred to feedback
modalities (Fig. 3) are comparable (ranging from
100.7 ± 33.5 s to 118.1 ± 44.6 s). However, Audio
modality is slightly better than the other, while Visual
2 is the worst. Partial times confirm this results: the
one referred to Audio are in average the lowest (4.6 ±
1.4 s) and the one referred to Visual 2 are the highest
(5.3 ± 2.3 s). As no statistically significant differ-
ence between feedback modalities for total comple-
tion time and partial time was found, we can assert
A Study on the Role of Feedback and Interface Modalities for Natural Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
Figure 3: Experiment 1: comparison of the performances
with different feedback. (a) Total completion time (aver-
aged across subjects) and (b) partial positioning time (aver-
aged across subjects and objects).
that feedback do not provide any substantial improve-
ment to performances. The cross comparison analysis
highlights a decrease of total completion time, due to
learning, but no differences for partial times (see Fig.
4). Statistical analysis ran considering as the depen-
dent variable first the order of execution as the depen-
dent variable then the kind of feedback, found no sta-
tistically significant differences, except for total com-
pletion time of the first and second trial with Audio (p
< 0.05) and both total and partial time of the second
trial with Audio and Visual 2 (p < 0.05). Moreover,
from Fig. 5, it can be stated that there is no corre-
lation between preferences and performances. T-test
run on these data, considering the preference as the
dependent variable, highlights no statistically signif-
icant difference. However, when designing an inter-
face, it is strongly recommended not ignoring testers
preferences. Finally, we analysed the UEQ’s 6 scales
of evaluation: values between -0.8 and +0.8 represent
a neutral evaluation; rates above +0.8 correspond to a
positive evaluation, while rates inferior to -0.8 a neg-
ative evaluation. In our case, as shown in Fig. 6,
all rates have positive values, widely above 0.8, ex-
ception made for the Efficiency in Visual 2, which is
0.842 ± 0.499. In General, Efficiency received the
lowest ratings, probably because of the problems cer-
tain subjects had with hand and gesture recognition,
while Perspicuity was well rated. People had a mod-
erate to good control over the interface and felt stim-
ulated. However, there is not a clear difference for
answers given to the different feedback modalities.
Figure 4: Experiment 1: cross-comparison of the perfor-
mances by considering trial order and different feedback.
(a) Total completion time based on feedback and order of
execution. (b) Partial completion time based on feedback
and order of execution. N = None, A = Audio, V1 = Vi-
sual1, V2 = Visual2, while I = first trial and II = second
Figure 5: Experiment 1: total completion times over pref-
erences. In each pair, the first is referred to total execution
time of people who preferred a certain feedback in the trial
with that feedback; the second box is the total time of peo-
ple who preferred that feedback in the non preferred feed-
back modality trial.
3.2 Experiment 2
Everybody completed the task successfully and only
9% of participants said they did not appreciate the
experience. Half of the volunteers preferred the vi-
sual feedback (31% Visual 1 and 19% Visual 2), 14%
said the No feedback modality was the best one, 11%
chose the Audio one and 25% had no preference. Al-
though, this result may contradict the one obtained
in the previous experiment, in this case, in the scene
there were multiple audio sources, when suit pieces
collide with the floor or when they are correctly posi-
tioned, so multiple sounds conveying different infor-
mation could be confusing.
Answers to the overview questionnaire (on a Lik-
HUCAPP 2020 - 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Experiment 1: UEQ results referred to the 4 feed-
back modalities.
ert scale from 1 to 5) suggest that people found the
interaction intuitive (4.2 ± 0.7 points) and the ex-
perience immersive (4.3 ± 0.6 points). Nobody felt
symptoms of simulator sickness (1.1 ± 0.4 points)
and in general participants had more problems on po-
sitioning suit pieces (2.9 ± 0.9 points) than on un-
derstanding what they corresponded to (1.9 ± 1.1
points). Total execution times referred to different
feedback modalities are comparable (see Fig. 7a), and
varies in a small range from 246.5 s, in the case of
None, to 283.7 s, in the case of Audio. As shown
in Fig. 7b, partial times confirm this trend. Co-
herently with overview questionnaire answers, people
had some difficulties in using the Leap Motion for in-
teraction. One of the major problem is the movement
people had to perform in order to carry objects from
the table to the cylinder. Due to the limited field of
view of the Leap Motion, during head rotations, hands
stopped being tracked, thus disappearing from the vir-
tual world, and suit pieces fell on the floor. The t-
test never rejected the null hypothesis, i.e. differences
among completion times with different feedback are
not statistically significant. Considering both the or-
der of execution and the feedback modality, we can
notice a learning process more evident in the case of
the total completion time in Fig. 8a, as participants
have learnt how to build the suit but still have prob-
lems with the interaction. Partial times slightly im-
prove in the second trial (see Fig. 8b), except for Vi-
sual feedback modality. This effect can be due to the
fact that, while task is the same, feedback provided
varies and participants have to adapt. T-test found
that all these differences are not statistically signif-
icant. Furthermore, performance are not dependent
from preferences (Fig. 9) and differences are not sta-
tistically significant. Finally, considering the UEQ
(Fig. 10), all the values referred to the different scales
are above +0.8. Rates on Efficiency and Dependabil-
ity, are the lowest, while Attractiveness and Perspicu-
ity are the highest. Visual 1, in contrast with pref-
erences, received the worst rates, while Visual 2 the
best. Audio and None are in general comparable.
Figure 7: Experiment 2: comparison of the performance
organized on feedback. (a) Total completion time with the
various feedback. (b) Partial positioning time with the vari-
ous feedback.
Figure 8: Experiment 2: comparison of the performances
organized on feedback and order of execution. (a) Total
completion time with the various feedback. (b) Partial po-
sitioning time with the various feedback.
3.3 Experiment 3
Quantitative data collected during the experimental
acquisition have been divided in three groups based
on player’s age (Children, Teenagers and Adults).
Performances, in fact, differs between groups. Con-
sidering the total execution time, shown in Fig. 11a,
A Study on the Role of Feedback and Interface Modalities for Natural Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
Figure 9: Experiment 2: total completion times over pref-
erences. In each pair, the first is referred to total execution
time of people who preferred a certain feedback in the trial
with that feedback; the second box is the total time of peo-
ple who preferred that feedback in the non preferred feed-
back modality trial.
Figure 10: Experiment 2: UEQ results referred to the 4
feedback modalities.
we can notice that children had more difficulty in
completing the task (390.9 ± 180.9 s) with respect
to teenagers (225.1 ± 129.8 s) and adults (250.4 ±
135.3 s), whose performances are almost comparable.
T-test analysis highlights a statistically significant dif-
ference between Children and Teenagers (p < 0.001)
and between Children and Adults (p < 0.01), while
Teenagers and Adults are not statistically significant
Partial times, instead, are very similar, ranging from
3.1 s for Children and 3.3 s for Adults, and differences
are not statistically significant (see Fig. 11b). This
means that performances are more influenced by the
players’ cognitive skills and strategy adopted than by
the intuitiveness or efficiency of the interaction: chil-
dren tended to have more difficulties in recognizing
the single pieces or in understanding instructions, as
confirmed by the overview questionnaire. For partici-
pants it was more difficult understanding what pieces
corresponded to (3.9 ± 1.1 points) than actually posi-
tioning them (2.9 ± 1.2 points). Moreover, in general,
everyone liked the game and had no simulator sick-
ness (1.3 ± 0.9 points), commands have been con-
sidered intuitive (4.2 ± 1.1 points) and environment
immersive (4.7 ± 0.8 points). Finally, comparing the
two complex task with the Leap Motion and the con-
troller, we can see that total times are comparable in
the two cases, while partial times are slightly better in
Figure 11: Experiment 3: (a) total completion times and (b)
partial times results divided per participant age.
Experiment 3, confirming the hypothesis that worsen
results in Experiment 2 are affected more by the inter-
action device used, than by the cognitive load of the
In this paper, we have described three different exper-
iments aiming to investigate the interaction in immer-
sive virtual environments, considering different input
devices, feedback provided and task complexity. In
particular, as the absence of haptic feedback has been
proven to be an impairment when interacting with vir-
tual objects (Mine et al., 1997), we wondered whether
other sensory feedback, e.g. visual and audio, could
substitute it and contribute to improve performances.
Thus, in Experiment 1, once ascertained Leap Mo-
tion usability for VR applications (Gusai et al., 2017),
we decided to add feedback and compared an audio
feedback, two visual feedback and a control condi-
tion. Total completion and partial times in the four
cases were similar. However, participants expressed a
preference for Audio feedback, maybe due to the fact
that it involves a sensory channel which is not directly
addressed in VR.
In Experiment 2, we decided to introduce a more
complex task in a more structured environment. In
fact, even if Leap Motion has been proven to be an
adequate solution for simple interactions, its usability
for complex tasks is still under debate. Even in this
case, feedback seems not to affect performances and
there is not a clear preference among users. Probably
HUCAPP 2020 - 4th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
because of the soundtrack and the collision sounds,
already present in the scene, Audio did not play a fun-
damental role.
Finally, we replicated the complex task using con-
trollers for interaction, in order to understand if re-
sults in Experiment 2 were related to the task cogni-
tive load or to difficulties in managing the interaction.
Results confirms an influence of the selected interface
over performances .
In conclusion, if we consider the research ques-
tions (see Section 1.2), we can conclude as follows.
- Considering that performances with or without
feedback in Experiment 1 and 2 were similar and
not significantly different, we can state that in 3D
immersive virtual environment feedback can not
significantly improve performances, contrary to
results obtained for non immersive virtual envi-
ronment (Chessa et al., 2016).
- Although results show no significant improve-
ment in performances, they do not exclude the
beneficial effect of haptic feedback.
- Notwithstanding, there is no correlation between
performances and preferences, as found in litera-
ture previous studies.
- While task complexity seems playing a funda-
mental role on total execution time, there is no
effect on partial times, thus it has a role on partic-
ipants cognitive load, but not on the interaction to
be used.
In future, it would be interesting to design an in-
terface based on the combined use of haptic feedback
and Leap Motion and test it in both cases, in order to
assess its usability and understand till what extent per-
formances with touchless interfaces can be improved
in order to be as effective as controllers based one.
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