ment of structural properties of pathways. Such an
assessment is performed by the DNN model. It is dif-
ficult to imagine how the same assessment could be
done through an algorithm on graphs since the struc-
tural properties to be assessed are not known in ad-
vance, but inferred.
In order to consolidate the results we obtained, as
future work we plan to extend the investigation of ro-
bustness to a dataset in which also very large graphs
(> 40 nodes) are included. On one hand, this will be
challenging from a computational point of view, be-
cause some biological networks included in the orig-
inal dataset comprise a number of nodes in the order
of hundreds and thousands. On the other, having a
large dataset will probably be beneficial to our model,
since the effectiveness of Deep Neural Networks is
generally proportional to the number of training ex-
amples. Another line of research to pursue concerns
model explainability. Indeed, our DNN has thousands
of parameters, which make explaining the “why” be-
hind their predictions (i.e. which parts of the pathway
contributed to the prediction, and to what extent) a
hard task. Motivated by this challenge, we plan to de-
velop generative models of pathway networks to work
towards the goal of making these models explainable.
Furthermore, we will consider enriching the
dataset with information we have omitted in the
present study. In particular, we may include arc la-
bels (multiplicities of reactants/products) in order to
evaluate their significance. Moreover, we may in-
clude something about kinetic formulas, such as their
parameters (properly normalized). The latter addition
could, in principle, improve the accuracy of the model
on small subgraphs, but its effect on the accuracy of
big ones has to be carefully evaluated.
Lastly, we plan to apply the approach to the as-
sessment of other dynamical properties such as other
notions of robustness as well as, for example, mono-
tonicity, oscillatory and bistability properties.
This work has been supported by the project
“Metodologie informatiche avanzate per l’analisi di
dati biomedici” funded by the University of Pisa
(PRA 2017 44).
The four authors contributed equally to this work.
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BIOINFORMATICS 2020 - 11th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms