number of retweets to decrease the amount of the
calculation. The amount of the calculation in Section 4
is O(𝑛
) for 𝑛 tweets. Relations between numbers of
tweets and execution times in the environment of our
experiments (Intel Core i7-8565U with 16 GB of RAM
running Windows 10) are shown in Table 5. Our
method puts a higher priority on the execution time
than the accuracy of the calculation, because our
system assumes that a user repeats operation to change
conditions in order to find topics or periods of interest.
Table 5: Execution time under each number of tweets.
# tweets to analyze Execution time (sec)
1,034 9.71
2,120 41.00
3,026 91.03
4,057 157.82
5,123 334.29
We did not perform any formal, numeral
evaluation partly because it is difficult to compare our
method with existing methods. It might be possible to
replace ThemeRiver with another visualizing method
or to remove legends from our method and then to
compare how long users need to finish analysis.
However, in this case, we would also need to measure
how well they perform analysis, which would be more
This paper presented a system for analyzing tweets
related to Twitter trends by combining retweet
clustering and time-series visualization to allow users
to understand a topic flow of a Twitter trend in a short
time. It analyzes tweets that have little textual
information, visualizes a topic flow of tweets related to
a Twitter trend as a chart, and finds new flows of topics
by changing conditions with a GUI. It also supports
understanding topics of clusters by using legends and
displaying individual tweets.
This system assumes that its user finds interested flows
of topics by changing conditions. It is important to
reduce the execution time in order to operate smoothly
when the user modifies conditions. Therefore, it is
necessary to perform more efficient execution when
tweets to analyze increase. Also, it is necessary to
implement the function of recommending ideal
conditions because a user takes time and effort to find
topics of interest by modifying conditions manually.
Using the modularity of the clustering result might help
to solve this problem.
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