we present an evolution of the tool that enables
stochastic simulations and biological noise analysis
in the context of those simulations. Stochastic simula-
tions are significantly more complex in computational
terms and require longer CPU times to conclude than
analogous deterministic simulations. Nevertheless,
this type of simulations accurately describes the dy-
namic behavior of systems with a small number of
molecules, something that deterministic simulations
can not always do.
This new prototype of EasyModel 1.1 is now be-
ing tested before it is rolled out to replace the cur-
rent 1.0 production version. Once this task is done
we will implement additional functionality to enable
user-friendly ways to merge individual models, to
scan parameter values and independent variables, and
to perform bifurcation analysis.
This work was partially supported by Minis-
terio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad
[TIN2017-84553-C2-2-R]; Ministerio de Educacion
[PRX18/00142]; and by Bridge Grants from Univer-
sitat de Lleida and INSPIRES.
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EasyModel 1.1: User-friendly Stochastic and Deterministic Simulations for Systems Biology Models